See also: Invaluable Invaluableness Invade Invalidate Invader Invasive Invariably Invariability Invasion Inva Invaded Invalido Invalids Invasin Invane Invanz Invalidated Invariable Invariant
INVALUABLELET [inˈvaly(o͞o)əb(ə)l]
invaluable (adjective)
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"invaluable" in Business English. › extremely useful: an invaluable asset/contribution/resource He has proved to be an invaluable asset to the company. invaluable to/for sb The data will be invaluable to researchers in determining costs.
If valuable means costly or precious, it seems intuitive that invaluable would be its opposite, namely, not costly or precious. The prefix in- is often used as a negation, like in the words inattentive and indefensible. Invaluable requires some mental gymnastics.