Use Invalidate in a sentence

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See also: Invalidate Invalidated Invaluable Invade Invasive Invader Invariable Invariability Invasion Invariably Inva Invaded Invasin Invalido Invalids Invane Invariant

1. Invalidate definition is - to make invalid; especially : to weaken or destroy the cogency of

Invalidate, Is, Invalid

2. How to use Invalidate in a sentence

Invalidate, In

3. Synonym Discussion of Invalidate.


4. [ in- val-i-deyt ] See synonyms for: Invalidate / Invalidated / Invalidates / invalidation on verb (used with object), in·val·i·dat·ed, in·val·i·dat·ing

In, Invalidate, Invalidated, Invalidates, Invalidation, Ing

5. While all these words mean "to deprive of effective or continued existence," Invalidate implies making something powerless or unacceptable by declaration of its logical or moral or legal unsoundness. the court Invalidated the statute How are the words abrogate and …

Invalidate, Implies, Its, Invalidated

6. Find 45 ways to say Invalidate, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.


7. The Crossword Solver found 72 answers to the Invalidate crossword clue


8. Invalidate 'Invalidate' is a 10 letter word starting with I and ending with E Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for Invalidate We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word Invalidate will help you to finish your crossword today

Invalidate, Is

9. The definition of invalidation or the definition of Invalidate means to dismiss or make not valid. It is the act to knowingly Invalidate something or someone

Invalidation, Invalidate, It, Is

10. The Invalidate() method will redraw the control


11. For example if you use a panel 'panel1', which contains a label and a text box, the following code will redraw both the label and text box (by calling the Paint event) panel1.Invalidate();

If, Invalidate

12. Origin of Invalidate From in- +‎ Latin valere (“to be strong”); literally, “to make not strong”.

Invalidate, In

13. Invalidate(Region, Boolean) Invalidates the specified region of the control (adds it to the control's update region, which is the area that will be repainted at the next paint operation), and causes a paint message to be sent to the control.

Invalidate, Invalidates, It, Is

14. to make something not true, or to make something unacceptable: A few minor factual errors should not Invalidate the theory


15. (Definition of Invalidate from the Cambridge Academic Content …


16. How others Invalidate your feelings


17. Invalidate: 1 v make invalid for use Synonyms: cancel Type of: mark , score make underscoring marks v declare invalid Synonyms: annul , avoid , nullify , quash , void Antonyms: formalise , formalize , validate declare or make legally valid Types: break Invalidate by judicial action stet printing: cancel, as of a correction or deletion Type of:

Invalidate, Invalid

18. The lack of employees at any point in time does not terminate, nullify or Invalidate a collective agreement

In, Invalidate

19. This evidence does not nullify the alternative name, but it does Invalidate the absolute reasoning behind the proposal

It, Invalidate

20. The idea that women could do these things to women seems at first blush to potentially Invalidate these theories.

Idea, Invalidate

21. ‘His second is that finding unpleasant - even horrible - application of a scientific theory or philosophical argument Invalidates the theory.’

Is, Invalidates

22. Invalidate something to prove that an idea, a story, an argument, etc

Invalidate, Idea

23. This new piece of evidence Invalidates his version of events


24. Flawed research methods may Invalidate


25. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English in‧val‧i‧date /ɪnˈvælədeɪt/ ●○○ AWL verb [ transitive] 1 to make a document, ticket, claim etc no longer legally or officially acceptable Failure to disclose all relevant changes may Invalidate your policy

In, Invalidate

26. To Invalidate something such as an argument, conclusion, or result means to prove that it is wrong or cause it to be wrong

Invalidate, It, Is

27. Any form of physical activity will Invalidate the results.


28. Many factors will Invalidate a will, and a lawyer can help clarify the process of writing one


29. Colne Valley MP Jason McCartney asKed councillors to Invalidate the application, saying it would give the Slaithwaite community confidence that the council was following the correct procedure and allow the process to re-start.

Invalidate, It

30. To Invalidate it you need to do session.removeAttribute("name"); session.Invalidate(); But you need to keep one thing in mind that the object may became invalid but this doesnot mean that it will cleaned immediately, even after invalidating it after all its attributes gone it is possible that sesssion object will get reused, I got the same user

Invalidate, It, In, Invalid, Immediately, Invalidating, Its, Is

31. Any form of physical activity will Invalidate the results


32. Failure to disclose all relevant changes may Invalidate your policy


33. Such exceptions do not Invalidate the rule


34. This does not Invalidate Freud's approach,


35. “When we Invalidate people or deny their perceptions and personal experiences, we make mental invalids of them

Invalidate, Invalids

36. Invalidate Sentence Examples Use Invalidate in a sentence 1

Invalidate, In

37. If the cache is clustered the "evicts cache" call will Invalidate all replicates, which is often referred to as a "pull" update policy

If, Is, Invalidate

38. Inflections of 'Invalidate' (v): (⇒ conjugate) Invalidates v 3rd person singular invalidating v pres p verb, present participle: -ing verb used descriptively or to form progressive verb--for example, "a singing bird," "It is singing." Invalidated v past verb, past simple: Past tense--for example, "He saw the man." "She laughed." Invalidated v past p verb, past participle: Verb form used

Inflections, Invalidate, Invalidates, Invalidating, Ing, It, Is, Invalidated

39. Inflections of 'Invalidate' (v): (⇒ conjugate) Invalidates v 3rd person singular invalidating v pres p verb, present participle: -ing verb used descriptively or to form progressive verb--for example, "a singing bird," "It is singing." Invalidated v past verb, past simple: Past tense--for example, "He saw the man." "She laughed." Invalidated v past p verb, past participle: Verb form used

Inflections, Invalidate, Invalidates, Invalidating, Ing, It, Is, Invalidated

40. A New Jersey judge Invalidated a city council election and ordered a new one after allegations of voter fraud, according to a ruling issued Wednesday.

Invalidated, Issued

41. Synonyms for Invalidate include nullify, annul, cancel, quash, negate, rescind, undo, void, abolish and overrule

Invalidate, Include

42. Examples of Invalidate in a sentence

Invalidate, In

43. If your tickets are stolen, the distributor can Invalidate them so they can’t be used

If, Invalidate

44. 🔊 The higher court’s ruling will Invalidate the jury’s decision and free a wrongly imprisoned man

Invalidate, Imprisoned

45. 🔊 When the probate court decided to Invalidate my father’s will, it …

Invalidate, It

46. This does not Invalidate the concept of momentum divergence, but it does highlight the importance of having a trading plan that respects the reality of market action

Invalidate, It, Importance

47. It is conceivable that a general stabilization of industrial conditions in the United States may Invalidate the conclusions derived from the extreme variations of the past ten years.

It, Is, Industrial, In, Invalidate

48. Locating prior art is the most common strategy to Invalidate an existing patent by suggesting the patent is obvious or anticipated

Is, Invalidate

49. Invalidate METADATA and REFRESH are counterparts:


50. Invalidate METADATA is an asynchronous operations that simply discards the loaded metadata from the catalog and coordinator caches

Invalidate, Is

51. There are a number of ways to Invalidate a patent but the most common is an attempt to locate prior art, which has more relevance to the patentability of a claim than the one cited by the USPTO examiner

Invalidate, Is

52. Invalidate the data held in DataTables for the selected rows

Invalidate, In

53. Invalidate METADATA and REFRESH are counterparts: Invalidate METADATA waits to reload the metadata when needed for a subsequent query, but reloads all the metadata for the table, which can be an expensive operation, especially for large tables with many partitions.REFRESH reloads the metadata immediately, but only loads the block location data for newly added data files, making it a …

Invalidate, Immediately, It

54. Investment fees can Invalidate the 4% Rule

Investment, Invalidate

55. If you are considering petitioning the court to Invalidate a Trust in California, you should consider a few crucial points regarding the trust litigation process

If, Invalidate, In


INVALIDATE [inˈvaləˌdāt]

invalidate (verb) · invalidates (third person present) · invalidated (past tense) · invalidated (past participle) · invalidating (present participle)

  • make (an argument, statement, or theory) unsound or erroneous.
Synonyms: disprove . refute . explode . contradict . rebut . negate . gainsay . belie . discredit . expose . debunk . weaken . undermine . compromise . confute . negative . validate . support .
  • deprive (an official document or procedure) of legal efficacy because of contravention of a regulation or law.
Synonyms: void . nullify . annul . negate . cancel . quash . veto . overturn . overrule . override . undo . reverse . revoke . rescind . abolish . repeal . repudiate . terminate . validate .
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