Use Intoxicants in a sentence

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See also: Intoxicants Intoxication Intoxicating Intoxicatingly Intonation Intolerable Intone Intolerant Intolerance Intoxicated Into Intonate Intoned Intoner Intoil Intook Intort Intoto Intown Intonaco Intolerantly

1. The use of Intoxicants and stimulants is prohibited. He was driving under the influence of Intoxicants

Intoxicants, Is, Influence

2. A small whiff can make you travel back in time, conjuring memories in vivid detail. Intoxicants, which had included the brands of Lux Aeterna and Manifest Destiny is reinventing itself. SILENCE: A SCENT MEMOIR – In the process

In, Intoxicants, Included, Is, Itself

3. Taking Intoxicants is a way of purposely making yourself heedless. The fifth precept gives a guideline for observing causes and effects in one’s consumption …

Intoxicants, Is, In

4. We’re a research team investigating the importance of Intoxicants and intoxication to the economic, social, political, material, and cultural life of England between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries

Investigating, Importance, Intoxicants, Intoxication

5. 2925.31 Abusing harmful Intoxicants


6. 22 synonyms of Intoxicants from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 43 related words, definitions, and antonyms


7. Find another word for Intoxicants


8. Intoxicants: a distilled beverage that can make a …


9. What does Intoxicants mean? Plural form of intoxicant

Intoxicants, Intoxicant

10. The penalties for operating a vehicle with open Intoxicants are as follows: For a first offense, the penalty is a misdemeanor conviction punishable by: A fine up to $500.00; Jail sentence up to 93 days

Intoxicants, Is

11. ‘The Glorious Qur'an commands humans to abstain from Intoxicants, alcohol, drugs, gambling, from dedication of stones and divination of arrows.’ ‘An attached restaurant does not serve Intoxicants like tea or coffee, but you can have a delicious vegetarian buffet for less than £3.’


12. There are many types of Intoxicants out there—drugs, alcohol, food, sugar, caffeine, nicotine


13. Intoxicants are intoxicating drugs which are not prohibited by the United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs and which people who are seeking intoxication use

Intoxicants, Intoxicating, Intoxication

14. Floyd being restrained by police, his underlying health conditions and any potential Intoxicants in his system likely contributed to his death

Intoxicants, In

15. The best example to give in this regard is the gradual prohibition of Intoxicants

In, Is, Intoxicants

16. Synonyms for Intoxicants include booze, alcohol, liquor, spirits, grog, drink, tipple, intoxicant, moonshine and inebriant

Intoxicants, Include, Intoxicant, Inebriant

17. Bhikkhu Bodhi explains in "Going for Refuge" that the Fifth Precept can be translated from the Pali to prohibit "fermented and distilled liquors which are Intoxicants" or "fermented and distilled liquors and other Intoxicants." Either way, clearly the guiding purpose of the precept is "to prevent heedlessness caused by the taking of

In, Intoxicants, Is

18. Tastes of Paradise: A Social History of Spices, Stimulants and Intoxicants by Wolfgang Schivelbusch is a fascinating socio-historical study that offers revealing insights into the role various spices, “drugs” and particularly beverages have played in (mostly) Western culture

Intoxicants, Is, Insights, Into, In

19. Introduction This policy addresses alcohol, drugs, and other Intoxicants

Introduction, Intoxicants

20. The purpose of this policy is to clarify the rules regarding possession, consumption, and distribution of Intoxicants within university owned or operated buildings, property and grounds including administrative, instructional and research facilities.

Is, Intoxicants, Including, Instructional

21. Abstain from use of Intoxicants as evidenced by negative urinalysis tests, except as allowed in ORS 813.200, while outside of a controlled environment for no less than 90 days prior to …

Intoxicants, In

22. See authoritative translations of Intoxicants in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.

Intoxicants, In

23. Instead, the report said that it was the "combined effect of Floyd being restrained by the police, his underlying health conditions, and any potential Intoxicants in his system likely contributed

Instead, It, Intoxicants, In

24. Plant Intoxicants is a pioneering study of psychoactive plants and their role in society

Intoxicants, Is, In

25. In the former case the whole phrase means fermented and distilled liquors which are Intoxicants, in the latter it means fermented and distilled liquors and other Intoxicants.

In, Intoxicants, It

26. Intoxicants are strictly prohibited


27. Intoxicants can include “scheduled controlled substances” (which are certain drugs), or alcohol, or a combination of both

Intoxicants, Include

28. Being tired or taking medications that may make Intoxicants affect you more than you usual is not a defense

Intoxicants, Is

29. Synonyms for Intoxicants in Free Thesaurus

Intoxicants, In

30. What are synonyms for Intoxicants?


31. Intoxicants are completely incompatible with Buddhist practice

Intoxicants, Incompatible

32. I am taken aback each time I hear people make the argument that the use of Intoxicants can be incorporated into Buddhist practice, or that their use is all right as long as one does so in moderation

Intoxicants, Incorporated, Into, Is, In

33. Household Intoxicants Part one of a two-part series on easily accessed substances frequently abused by teens and young adults


34. (1) A person commits the offense of refusal to take a test for Intoxicants if the person refuses to: (a) Take a breath test when requested to do so in accordance with the provisions of ORS 813.100 (Implied consent to breath or blood test); or (b) Take a urine test when requested to do so in accordance with the provisions of ORS 813.131 (Implied consent to urine test) and 813.132 (Consequences

Intoxicants, If, In, Implied

35. The verse that clearly informs us that Intoxicants are prohibited according to the Quran is the following: [5:90] O you who believe, Intoxicants, and gambling, and the altars of idols, and the games of chance are abominations of the devil; you shall avoid them, that you may succeed.

Informs, Intoxicants, Is, Idols

36. Intoxicants are actually the work of Satan, according to the Quran, and Muslims are prohibited from drinking it

Intoxicants, It

37. This means that either Allah is Satan, since one place says that Allah gave mankind Intoxicants whereas another text says it was Satan, or we have a clear-cut contradiction.

Is, Intoxicants, It

38. Intoxicants The Quran prohibits fermented drinks because of their intoxicating effect

Intoxicants, Intoxicating

39. Use of Intoxicants other than alcohol during lunch or break periods would be misconduct, unless the use of intoxicant is due to an irresistible compulsion

Intoxicants, Intoxicant, Is, Irresistible

40. Furthermore, it is not necessary that there is an employer rule prohibiting the use of Intoxicants other than alcohol during the break periods, or that the claimant is given a prior warning

It, Is, Intoxicants

41. Intoxicants and drugs may even lead to the birth of children who are deformed or mentally handicapped


42. 1 day ago · The Opposition on Monday hit out at the AAP government for lowering the legal drinking age in Delhi from 25 to 21 years, claiming the new excise policy will make the city the "capital of Intoxicants".

In, Intoxicants

43. Lowering legal drinking age in Delhi will turn it into ”capital of Intoxicants”, says opposition Desk 2021-03-22 New Delhi, Mar 22 (PTI) The Opposition on Monday hit out at the AAP government for lowering the legal drinking age in Delhi from 25 to 21 years, claiming the new excise policy will make the city the “capital of Intoxicants”.

In, It, Into, Intoxicants

44. 1 day ago · Lowering legal drinking age in Delhi will turn it into 'capital of Intoxicants', says opposition Currently, 40 per cent of around 850 establishments in the national capital are privately run.According to the government, state-run vends were indulging in brand pushing and there were also instances of revenue leakage.At a press conference, Sisodia said the new measure will put an end to the

In, It, Into, Intoxicants, Indulging, Instances


INTOXICANTS [inˈtäksəkənt]


  • an intoxicating substance.
Synonyms: strong drink . drink . liquor . beverage . liquid refreshment . drop . dram . draft . swallow . sip . gulp . nip . tot . bracer . chaser .
  • › List of intoxicants
  • › You are intoxicating meaning
  • › What does it mean to be intoxicated
  • › Intoxicants meaning in hindi
  • › Intoxicating love meaning

Frequently Asked Questions

What does intoxicants mean?

Definition of intoxicant : something that intoxicates especially : an alcoholic drink formal : something (such as an acoholic drink) that causes people to become excited or confused and less able to control what they say or do : an intoxicating substance : something that intoxicates

What is the legal definition of intoxication?

Intoxication Law and Legal Definition. Intoxication is defined by state law, which varies by state, for purposes of defining drunk driving, driving while intoxicated, or driving under the influence laws. It is the condition of being drunk as the result of drinking alcoholic beverages and/or use of narcotics.

What does intoxification mean?

in·tox·i·ca·tion. n. 1. The impaired condition caused by use of alcohol or a drug or other chemical substance: slurred speech and other signs of alcohol intoxication. 2. Poisoning by a toxic substance: spoiled silage that caused intoxication of cattle. 3. Exhilaration, excitement, or euphoria: the intoxication of winning a race.

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