See also: Intrepid Intrepidity Intrepidly Intrepidus Intrepidness Intrepidation Intense Interest Integrity Intelligence Interlude Integrate Interminable Interesting Intensify Interpret Intelligent Integer Intercede Intervene Intermittent Interim Intensity Integration Interpretation Intellectual Integral Interval Internal
INTERPID [inˈtrepəd]
intrepid (adjective)
audacious, brave, dauntless, fearless, hardy, intrepid, unfearing(adj) invulnerable to fear or intimidation. "audacious explorers"; "fearless reporters and photographers"; "intrepid pioneers".
Intrepid (adj) not trembling or shaking with fear; fearless; bold; brave; undaunted; courageous; as, an intrepid soldier; intrepid spirit
"audacious explorers"; "fearless reporters and photographers"; "intrepid pioneers". Synonyms: unfearing, venturous, courageous, brave, bald-faced, bodacious, braw, unafraid(p), barefaced, brassy, stout, brazen-faced, gay, daring, sturdy, venturesome, insolent, stalwart, fearless, hardy, dauntless, audacious, brazen.