See also: Intelligibility Speech Mutual Intense Interest Integrity Intelligence Interlude Integrate Interminable Interesting Intensify Interpret Intelligent Integer Intercede Intervene Intermittent Interim Intensity Integration Interpretation Intellectual Integral Interval Internal
1. See synonyms for Intelligibility on noun, plural in·tel·li·gi·bil·i·ties for 2
Intelligibility, In
2. Intelligibility is paramount for non-native speakers
Intelligibility, Is
3. Her difficulty producing sounds resulted in a reduction of the Intelligibility of her speech
In, Intelligibility
4. Afrikaans is derived primarily from 17th century Dutch dialects, and a great deal of mutual Intelligibility …
Is, Intelligibility
5. Intelligibility is paramount for non-native speakers
Intelligibility, Is
6. Her difficulty producing sounds resulted in a reduction of the Intelligibility of her speech
In, Intelligibility
7. Afrikaans is derived primarily from 17th century Dutch dialects, and a great deal of mutual Intelligibility …
Is, Intelligibility
8. Definition of Intelligibility the quality of language that is comprehensible Thanks for visiting The Crossword Solver
Intelligibility, Is
9. Intelligibility in Worship - Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy
Intelligibility, In
10. Intelligibility meaning That which is intelligible; the degree to which something is intelligible.
Intelligibility, Is, Intelligible
11. Intelligibility is the technical term for understandability of speech sounds and words
Intelligibility, Is
12. Whole word and speech sound Intelligibility tell how easy it …
Intelligibility, It
13. Updated October 23, 2019 Mutual Intelligibility is a situation in which two or more speakers of a language (or of closely related languages) can understand each other
Intelligibility, Is, In
14. Mutual Intelligibility is a continuum (that is, a gradient concept), marked by degrees of Intelligibility, not by sharp divisions.
Intelligibility, Is
15. Intelligibility, PRINCIPLE OF An immediate and necessary judgment or law, commonly enumerated among the first principles, asserting that everything that is, in so far as it is, is intelligible; or that every being is capable of justifying itself, of explaining itself to the intellect, of answering the question "Why?"
Intelligibility, Immediate, Is, In, It, Intelligible, Itself, Intellect
16. ‘Intelligibility’ is therefore a relevant concept for English language teachers to the extent that they aim to prepare students to communicate successfully with users of various Englishes and in lingua franca contexts.
Intelligibility, Is, In
17. ‘The result is reduced clarity and Intelligibility.’ ‘The idea that accent determines intellect is totally bogus, and mistakes Intelligibility for intelligence.’ ‘So, I do insist on maintaining Intelligibility.’ ‘The main complaint about each was the lack of clarity - affecting not just the visual but Intelligibility.’
Is, Intelligibility, Idea, Intellect, Intelligence, Insist
18. The speech Intelligibility index (SII) was developed to predict the Intelligibility of the speech signal by weighting the importance of different frequency regions of audibility for a …
Intelligibility, Index, Importance
19. Intelligibility The overall Intelligibility of speech is rated on a five-point scale to specify how well the speaker can make his or herself understood when reading the Rainbow Passage aloud.
Intelligibility, Is
20. Definition of Intelligibility in the dictionary
Intelligibility, In
21. What does Intelligibility mean? Information and translations of Intelligibility in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
Intelligibility, Information, In
22. Conversational speech is the most socially-valid context for evaluating speech Intelligibility, but it is not routinely examined
Is, Intelligibility, It
23. Definition of Intelligibility noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
Intelligibility, In
24. Intelligibility definition: the quality or condition of being intelligible ; capability of being understood Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Intelligibility, Intelligible
25. The Speech Intelligibility Index, or SII, is a measure, ranging between 0.0 and 1.0 “that is highly correlated with the Intelligibility of speech.” (ANSI, S3.5, 1997, p
Intelligibility, Index, Is
26. Intelligibility level in percent form
Intelligibility, In
27. Compare your calculated Intelligibility level to the general expectations (shown below in Table 1) to determine if further evaluation is necessary
Intelligibility, In, If, Is
28. To determine whether or not a child’s level of speech Intelligibility is age-appropriate, clinicians will often refer to the general guidelines that
Intelligibility, Is
29. In linguistics, mutual Intelligibility is a relationship between languages or dialects in which speakers of different but related varieties can readily understand each other without prior familiarity or special effort
In, Intelligibility, Is
30. Measuring the Intelligibility of conversational speech in children PETER FLIPSEN JR Department of Audiology and Speech Pathology, University of Tennessee, TN, USA (Received 7 November 2003; accepted 9 November 2004) Abstract Conversational speech is the most socially-valid context for evaluating speech Intelligibility, but it is not routinely
Intelligibility, In, Is, It
31. Chermak, in Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 2015 Pediatric Speech Intelligibility test
In, Intelligibility
32. The Pediatric Speech Intelligibility (PSI) test, an adaptation of the SSI, is a picture pointing (identification) task appropriate for children aged 3–6 years (Jerger and Jerger, 1984).Like the SSI, the PSI allows for the construction of performance versus intensity functions and
Intelligibility, Is, Identification, Intensity
33. 'Intelligibility' (focusing on words) and 'comprehensibility' (focusing on meaning) when communicating with people from different countries'
34. For attaining Intelligibility, one must overcome such factors as pronunciation, stress, intonation, and the vowel and consonant sounds of English
Intelligibility, Intonation
35. Intelligibility Scale (CIS) are measurement testing methods that provide highly time efficient 15 second runtime results
36. These are both highly accurate, quantitative methodologies that may be used to test speech Intelligibility
37. Speech Therapy: “Fluency, Intelligibility, and Categories Activity.” This activity was created for the purpose of working with students in a speech therapy room to target fluency, Intelligibility, and even category goals! The repetitive and rote nature of this activity is great for speech therap
Intelligibility, In, Is
38. Intelligibility/severity measurements were obtained for 48 prekindergarten children with varying levels of phonological proficiency/ deficiency
39. How to Improve Severely Low Speech Intelligibility
Improve, Intelligibility
40. In this diagram the speech Intelligibility is plotted against the signal to noise ratio (S/N)
In, Intelligibility, Is
41. Hypernyms ("Intelligibility" is a kind of): comprehensibility; understandability (the quality of comprehensible language or thought)
Intelligibility, Is
42. Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "Intelligibility"): readability (the quality of written language that makes it easy to read and understand)
Is, Intelligibility, It
43. Speech Intelligibility (the Intelligibility of speech (usually measured in the presence of noise or
Intelligibility, In
44. Aims: (1) To compare speaker and listener perception of the Intelligibility of dysarthric speech; (2) to explore the role of gender and listener experience in speech perception; and (3) to examine the relationship between speaker perceptions of Intelligibility and formal clinical Intelligibility ratings.
Intelligibility, In
45. This paper describes the development of the Maltese Intelligibility Lists (MIL) for the assessment of word and phrase Intelligibility in dysarthria
Intelligibility, In
46. See authoritative translations of Intelligibility in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.
Intelligibility, In
47. To reduced Intelligibility in speakers with Down syndrome ages 4 to 40 years
Intelligibility, In
48. Intelligibility is defined as percentage of words identified correctly by listeners
Intelligibility, Is, Identified
49. 5a 5b Figure 6 • Table 1 shows that all phonetic properties significantly contributed to reduced Intelligibility in speakers with DS, although some contributed more than others.
Intelligibility, In
50. Hegel s Theory of Intelligibility offers a brilliant and fresh account of Hegel s doctrine of normativity
51. Taking as its central text one of Hegel s most intricate works, the Science of Logic, the book revisits in a new light central concepts such as negativity, determinacy, and Intelligibility, and connects Hegel s dialectic to central issues of the contemporary philosophical debate.
Its, Intricate, In, Intelligibility, Issues
52. Under colonialism, Thailand was an independent kingdom, but Laos was under French rule: there seems to be some mutual Intelligibility between Lao and Thai, but the scripts are somewhat different
Independent, Intelligibility
53. Intelligibility ratings were obtained from orthographic transcriptions by unfamiliar adult listeners (n = 100)
54. Mutual Intelligibility refers to whether speakers of one language can understand speakers of another language
55. Mutual Intelligibility also occurs in a wide variety of degrees, ranging from none, to partial, to full mutual Intelligibility.
Intelligibility, In
56. Synonyms for Intelligibility in Free Thesaurus
Intelligibility, In
57. 9 synonyms for Intelligibility: clarity, precision, simplicity, lucidity, explicitness
58. Many children with Down syndrome have difficulty with speech Intelligibility
59. The present study used a parent survey to learn more about a specific factor that affects speech Intelligibility, i.e
60. One of the factors that affects speech Intelligibility for children with Down syndrome is difficulty with voluntarily programming, combining, organising, and sequencing the
Intelligibility, Is
61. First, let's talk Intelligibility
62. The rest of us need to consider Intelligibility first, and developmental norms second
63. Intelligibility By 18 months, a child's speech should be at least 25% intelligible to parents in connected speech.
Intelligibility, Intelligible, In
64. To understand Intelligibility, the designer must know more about the space in which the placement of the speakers will occur
Intelligibility, In
65. Is the space “hard” or “soft”? Areas with marble or granite surface, those with high ceilings, and those spaces with high ambient noise levels will prove more difficult to design for Intelligibility.
Is, Intelligibility
INTELLIGIBILITY [inˌtelijəˈbilədē]
intelligibility (noun)