See also: Initiatory Initiate Initial Initiation Initiative Initiated Initially Init Initio Initiators Initium Initialed Initiatively Initialled Initialing Initiality Initiating
1. 2 : tending or serving to initiate Initiatory rites Examples of Initiatory in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web Virgins should also be required to recite Burning Man’s 10 Principles during this Initiatory …
Initiate, Initiatory, In
2. Initiatory - serving to set in motion; "the magazine's inaugural issue"; "the initiative phase in the negotiations"; "an Initiatory step toward a treaty"; "his first (or …
Initiatory, In, Inaugural, Issue, Initiative
3. Introductory; initial: an Initiatory step toward a treaty. serving to initiate or admit into a society, club, etc.
Introductory, Initial, Initiatory, Initiate, Into
4. A Texet'ij (" Initiatory ceremony ") of women by a woman also took place at Eleusis, characterized by obscene jests and the use of phallic emblems
Ij, Initiatory
5. Definition of Initiatory in the dictionary
Initiatory, In
6. What does Initiatory mean? Information and translations of Initiatory in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
Initiatory, Information, In
7. [The Initiatory is, as the name suggests, a preliminary ritual preceding the endowment proper
Initiatory, Is
8. Throughout the Initiatory, women officiate for women, and men for men.]
9. The final stage of initiation is another series of "exams" that "represent the definitive completion of the man, who lets himself be fashioned by the Initiatory practices and who thereby becomes worthy and savory nourishment for the 'mouth' of the divinity." The divinity "'consumes' the postulants" and "grind[s] their spirit[s], giving [them] special qualities, such as receptivity, vivacity
Initiation, Is, Initiatory
10. Initiatory Theurgy is centered completely around the goal of making continual and effective progress into deeper levels of personal illumination through conscious connection with aspects of the Higher Genius and completing the Great Work.
Initiatory, Is, Into, Illumination
11. See authoritative translations of Initiatory in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.
Initiatory, In
12. ‘In that great Initiatory arc of my life, I stood, in a wedding reception line facing the great archetypal losses: death of a loved one, end of an affair, and passage from youth to - what?’ ‘While these two terms declare themselves throughout, their strife is a contentious collusion, less apocalyptic than Initiatory.’
In, Initiatory, Is
13. John Weber ENG 101 The Initiatory consequence The Initiatory consequence was the epithet of the transition province that was supposed to subsist until a plebiscite could constitute held the stick with class .The monarchist wanted the figure `` realm of Republic of Yemen '' but were uncoerced to nail down for a indifferent deed like `` State of Yemen '' .The Republican insisted on having the
Initiatory, Indifferent, Insisted
14. An Initiatory step toward a treaty 2. serving to initiate or admit into a society, club, etc
Initiatory, Initiate, Into
15. The City Council, apprehending that legislation in the Slave States against free negroes would have the effect of increasing the number of that class in Washington, took Initiatory measures to
In, Increasing, Initiatory
16. The duties assigned to young medical officers were unimportant—Initiatory rather than definite in kind. RECOLLECTIONS OF THIRTY-NINE YEARS IN THE ARMY CHARLES ALEXANDER GORDON Mr
Initiatory, In
17. Howitt has viewed the Initiatory ceremonies of more than one tribe, and is familiar with their inmost secrets
Initiatory, Is, Inmost
18. Initiatory: Introductory; initial
Initiatory, Introductory, Initial
19. But the really true virtue is a purification from all such things, and temperance, justice, fortitude and wisdom itself, are a kind of Initiatory purification 38.
Is, Itself, Initiatory
20. Entries related to Initiatory-ory; initiate; Others are reading
Initiatory, Initiate
21. Definitions of Initiatory from WordNet (); / / / Dictionary entries near Initiatory
22. Initiated, initiating agent, initiation, initiation factor, initiative, initiator, Initiatory, initis, in itself, inject, injectable Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins …
Initiated, Initiating, Initiation, Initiative, Initiator, Initiatory, Initis, In, Itself, Inject, Injectable
23. Of or pertaining to initiation· inceptive, initial, inaugural or introductory 1652, George Herbert, A Priest to the Temple some Initiatory treatises in the law (Can we date this quote by J
Initiation, Inceptive, Initial, Inaugural, Introductory, Initiatory, In
24. Mason and provide title, author’s full name, and other details?) Two Initiatory rites of the same general import cannot exist together.··An introductory act
Initiatory, Import, Introductory
25. Initiatory Of, pertaining to, or suitable for a beginning or introduction; introductory: as, an Initiatory step
Initiatory, Introduction, Introductory
26. Initiatory Initiating or serving to initiate; introducing by instruction, or by prescribed formalities
Initiatory, Initiating, Initiate, Introducing, Instruction
27. N Initiatory An introductory process or form
Initiatory, Introductory
28. Initiatory - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums
29. Initiatory pronunciation with meanings, synonyms, antonyms, translations, sentences and more Which is the right way to pronounce the season Frühling in German? fru-liing
Initiatory, Is, In
30. Initiatory: 1 adj serving to set in motion “an Initiatory step toward a treaty” Synonyms: first , inaugural , initiative , maiden opening first or beginning
Initiatory, In, Inaugural, Initiative
31. Initiatory Golden Dawn Tarot Deck (Lo Scarabeo Decks) Cards – September 8, 2008 by Lo Scarabeo (Author) 4.5 out of 5 stars 75 ratings
32. Dictionary entry overview: What does Initiatory mean? • Initiatory (adjective) The adjective Initiatory has 1 sense:
33. Serving to set in motion Familiarity information: Initiatory used as an adjective is very rare.
In, Information, Initiatory, Is
34. Initiatory: The first phase of the Quest is the simple awakening to it.As soon as that awakening begins, a host of questions and issues arise within the mind and heart (and circumstances) of the would-be aspirant.
Initiatory, Is, It, Issues
35. The Initiatory Process in Ancient Egypt (Rosicrucian Order AMORC Kindle Editions) - Kindle edition by Guilmot, Max, Lewis, Ralph M.
Initiatory, In
36. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Initiatory Process in Ancient Egypt (Rosicrucian Order AMORC Kindle Editions).
Initiatory, In
37. The order in which believers participate in the three Initiatory sacraments also denotes their hierarchical participation in not only the significant events of the mystery of the divine economy that is in Christ, but also in the life of the church.
In, Initiatory, Is
38. Initiatory textbooks are important vehicles of traditional culture
Initiatory, Important
39. Conclusion Chemokine MCP - 1 might play an Initiatory role in the course of EAN
Initiatory, In
40. Initiatory designing: Focus on the real condition of the customer, des
41. Synonyms for Initiatory include initial, introductory, first, opening, inaugural, earliest, early, original, foremost and inceptive
Initiatory, Include, Initial, Introductory, Inaugural, Inceptive
42. Initiatory degree this Wednesday even ing
Initiatory, Ing
43. The Initiatory Journey to Legendary Play in Halo
Initiatory, In
44. Some Initiatory testing results show that the investigation and related results obtained are of significance to improve the performance of the mass flowmeter: 4
Initiatory, Investigation, Improve
45. Initiatory designing: Focus on the real condition of the customer design the project initially: 5
Initiatory, Initially
46. Program exchanging : communicate with customer for the Initiatory design and optimize
47. Find 5 ways to say Initiatory RITE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
48. The Initiatory Tarot of the Golden Dawn by Lo Scarabeo is a 78 card tarot deck based upon the semi mythical Golden Dawn deck designed in the late 19th century by S L Mathers for the use of initiates of the order
Initiatory, Is, In, Initiates
49. Translation for 'Initiatory' in the free English-Polish dictionary and many other Polish translations.
Initiatory, In
50. On December 12 th, 2012, we enter into the Twelfth Initiatory Gateway of Light through the Overlighting of all the Illumined Beings of Light from On High, our Beloved I Am Presence, Mother/Father God and the twelfth ray of One Unity Consciousness.
Into, Initiatory, Illumined
51. 11-11-12 ~The Eleventh Initiatory Gateway of Light
52. Initiatory Urdu Meaning - Find the correct meaning of Initiatory in Urdu, it is important to understand the word properly when we translate it from English to Urdu
Initiatory, In, It, Is, Important
53. There are always several meanings of each word in Urdu, the correct meaning of Initiatory in Urdu is پہلی رسم, and in roman we write it Pehli Rasam.
In, Initiatory, Is, It
54. Antonyms for Initiatory include adult, full-blown, full-fledged, mature, ripe, ripened, recent, contemporary, current and latest
Initiatory, Include
55. The Initiatory meaning of this type of descent to the Underworld is clear-he who has been successful in such an exploit no longer fears death; he has conquered a kind of … immortality, the goal of all heroic initiations from the time of Gilgamesh
Initiatory, Is, In, Immortality, Initiations
56. Initiatory FORCE -- THE PRIME EVIL
57. This post contains excerpts from Chapter X, True Initiatory Levels in Alchemy & Magic, from Practical Alchemy: Path to High Alchemical Arts
Initiatory, In
58. Initiatory quibbling sociologji akordeon ufanje lus-body Schuhcreme 可透射 可透射 destroyer NCR-Papier romberg output element merge(a pleca) Wawl reiner einfacher Satz magistrat slib besondere Bearbeitung des Saumes od.
59. These invaluable data provide important sources for accessing traditional Amis social life during the period when villagers still lived on subsistence agriculture and hunting, practiced headhunting and Initiatory discipline, tended to marry endogamously within the same village, resided matri-uxorilocally, and engaged in many other 'traditional' practices which are nowadays in decline.
Invaluable, Important, Initiatory, In
INITIATORY [iˈniSH(ē)əˌtôrē]
initiate (verb) · initiates (third person present) · initiated (past tense) · initiated (past participle) · initiating (present participle)
initiate (noun) · initiates (plural noun)
Initiatory(adj) suitable for an introduction or beginning; introductory; prefatory; as, an initiatory step. Initiatory(adj) tending or serving to initiate; introducing by instruction, or by the use and application of symbols or ceremonies; elementary; rudimentary. Initiatory(noun) an introductory act or rite.
Initiative is the ability to be resourceful and work without always being told what to do. It requires resilience and determination. People who show initiative demonstrate they can think for themselves and take action when necessary. It means using your head, and having the drive to achieve.
Choose the Right Synonym for initiate. begin, commence, start, initiate, inaugurate, usher in mean to take the first step in a course, process, or operation. begin, start, and commence are often interchangeable. begin, opposed to end, is the most general.
The initiation ritual is seen as a rite of passage in the life of a male, symbolically defining the moment when he leaves boyhood behind and becomes a man. In many cultures it also tests bravery, strength and a man’s ability to make a useful contribution to society.