Use Infraction in a sentence

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See also: Infraction Infraction'. Infringe Infringement Infringing Infrangible Infrequent Infrequently Infrastructural Infrastructure Infringer Infracted Infractor Infrequency Infracture Infrared Infringed

1. An Infraction is usually the breaking of a law, rule, or agreement

Infraction, Is

2. So a nation charged with an Infraction of an international treaty will usually have to pay a penalty

Infraction, International

3. In Federal law, an Infraction is even …

In, Infraction, Is

4. Infraction synonyms, Infraction pronunciation, Infraction translation, English dictionary definition of Infraction


5. Breach; violation; infringement: Infraction of the rules; in medicine, an incomplete fracture of a bone Not to be confused with: infarction – a localized

Infringement, Infraction, In, Incomplete, Infarction

6. First recorded in 1615–25, Infraction is from the Latin word infrāctiōn- (stem of infrāctiō).

In, Infraction, Is, Infr

7. / ɪnˈfræk.ʃ ə n / an occasion when someone breaks a rule or law: Any attempt to influence the judges will be seen as an Infraction of the rules.

Influence, Infraction

8. The definition of an Infraction is a violation of the law that is less serious than a misdemeanor, or is a violation of rules you are supposed to follow

Infraction, Is

9. An example of an Infraction is when you are speeding …

Infraction, Is

10. Find 17 ways to say Infraction, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.


11. Infractions (sometimes called violations) are petty offenses that are typically punishable by fines, but not jail time


12. Because Infractions cannot result in a jail sentence or even probation, defendants charged with Infractions do not have a right to a jury trial.

Infractions, In

13. A: If you received a copy of a traffic Infraction (a ticket) from a police officer, it is a non-criminal offense for which jail cannot be imposed

If, Infraction, It, Is, Imposed

14. You must respond to the Infraction within fifteen (15) days from the date it is issued to you.

Infraction, It, Is, Issued


Infraction, Instruction



17. An Infraction, sometimes called a petty offense, is the violation of an administrative regulation, an ordinance, a municipal code, and, in some jurisdictions, a state or local traffic rule

Infraction, Is, In

18. In most states an Infraction isn't considered a criminal offense and is rarely punishable by incarceration.

In, Infraction, Isn, Is, Incarceration

19. The term Infraction is frequently used in reference to the violation of a particular statute for which the penalty is minor, such as a parking Infraction.

Infraction, Is, In

20. 6 synonyms of Infraction from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 18 related words, definitions, and antonyms


21. Find another word for Infraction


22. An Infraction is governed primarily by state laws, which vary by state, but is typically not considered to be a criminal offense

Infraction, Is

23. Rather than being subject to a jail term upon conviction, a fine is typically imposed on those found guilty of an Infraction. An Infraction is …

Is, Imposed, Infraction

24. Infractions are petty offenses that carry the possibility of a fine but no jail time.


25. Infractions are minor crimes, sometimes called petty crimes or summary offenses, punishable usually by a fine, rather than jail time


26. Typically, Infractions are local crimes related to traffic, parking or noise violations, building code violations, and littering


27. Infractions are the least serious crime that is committed in the United States.

Infractions, Is, In

28. The first thing to know about a civil Infraction: there is no jail time associated with it

Infraction, Is, It

29. Infractions are violations of state or municipal civil law


30. People who commit civil Infractions, the lowest form of crime in the United States, will receive fines as punishment.

Infractions, In

31. An Infraction is the least serious offense

Infraction, Is

32. As such, Infractions do not lead to jail time, probation, or create a criminal record


33. Most Infractions are for violations of traffic laws, municipal codes, or administrative regulations.


34. An Infraction is a petty crime or a minor breaking of rules

Infraction, Is

35. When you think of the word Infraction, think that your offence has just crossed the line into wrong

Infraction, Into

36. Something like a parking ticket is an Infraction

Is, Infraction

37. When you commit an Infraction, you're not knee deep in wrong, you've just dipped your toe into wrong to …

Infraction, In, Into

38. Under Washington law, a traffic Infraction detected through a traffic safety camera is presumed to have been committed by the registered owner of the vehicle

Infraction, Is

39. ARRMA 1/7 Infraction 6S BLX V2 All-Road RC Truck RTR (Transmitter and Receiver Included, Batteries and Charger Required), Silver, ARA7615V2T2 4.3 out of 5 stars 20 $649.99 $ 649

Infraction, Included

40. The Infraction is termed a "strict liability offense." Thus, law enforcement officers don't have to prove intent to write a person a ticket for breaking the law

Infraction, Is, Intent

41. A traffic Infraction doesn't warrant a trial or hearing in traffic court unless a driver challenges the violation

Infraction, In

42. An Infraction is a minor offense

Infraction, Is

43. Most Infractions are written on a "ticket" form but Infractions can also be filed by the prosecutor on a "complaint" document


44. An Infraction is usually punishable by a fine and if the fine is paid, there is no jail time.

Infraction, Is, If

45. A response to an Infraction must be within fifteen (15) days from the date issued

Infraction, Issued

46. Disturbing the peace is typically considered a misdemeanor or an Infraction depending on the jurisdiction and is often punishable by either a fine or a brief term in jail

Is, Infraction, In

47. Examples from Classical Literature It is to these epiphyseal separations that the term fracture or Infraction usually refers.

It, Is, Infraction

48. Deferring a traffic Infraction in Washington State — What does a Deferral mean? A deferred finding is a way for you to Potentially keep a traffic Infraction from becoming part of your driving record

Infraction, In, Is

49. A violation of the rules Examples of Infraction in a sentence One more Infraction and Jason will be suspended from school

Infraction, In

50. 🔊 My mother became angry when my sister refused to apologize for her Infraction


51. The Infraction 6S BLX offers classic truck looks for street bashing


52. An Infraction Can Expand Into a Crime

Infraction, Into

53. As indicated above, if a police officer observes evidence of a crime during a stop for an Infraction, the person stopped may be charged with the crime in addition to the Infraction.

Indicated, If, Infraction, In

54. Infraction Meaning: "the breaking of an agreement," from Old French Infraction (13c.) and directly from Latin Infractionem… See definitions of Infraction.

Infraction, Infractionem

55. (law) A minor offence, petty crime· a violation; breach· (ice hockey) A major violation of rules which leads to a penalty, if detected by the referee.·offense (US), departure infringement, Infraction

Ice, If, Infringement, Infraction

56. The Infraction will be deemed committed and you will owe the fine amount plus a $52 administrative fee


57. Signature Faire une fausse déclaration constitue une Infraction grave.: Signature It is a serious offence to make a false return.: Faire une fausse déclaration constitue une Infraction grave.: It is a serious offence to make a false return.: L' Infraction de terrorisme est toujours délibérée

Infraction, It, Is

58. The crime of terrorism is always of an intentional nature.: C'est une Infraction massive trahir

Is, Intentional, Infraction

59. Any attempt to influence the judges will be seen as an Infraction of the rules.

Influence, Infraction

60. An Infraction is a category of offense in the California justice system

Infraction, Is, In

61. Infractions are violations of the law


62. Courts cannot impose jail time for an Infraction

Impose, Infraction

63. Under Colorado law, a violation of driving 1 to 24 mph over the posted speed limit is a Class A traffic Infraction

Is, Infraction

64. (a) The maximum penalty and the default amount for a class 1 civil Infraction shall be two hundred fifty dollars, not including statutory assessments, except for an Infraction of state law involving (i) potentially dangerous litter as specified in *RCW 70.93.060(4) or violent video or computer games under RCW 9.91.180, in which case the maximum

Infraction, Including, Involving, In

65. ‘The House bill would make it a federal misdemeanor crime, rather than merely a civil Infraction, to violate immigration laws.’ ‘I am of the view that there was no reasonable basis for detention of Mr

It, Infraction, Immigration

66. Stephen on an alleged Infraction of the seatbelt legislation.’


67. The Infraction is only punishable by a fine or jail of six months or less

Infraction, Is

68. The local, state or federal law explicitly states that a plea to the Infraction imposes no

Infraction, Imposes

69. Une Infraction formelle est une Infraction où la simple mise en oeuvre d'un comportement réprimé par la loi suffit pour que s'applique la sanction pénale, et ce même en l'absence de dommage


70. ‘The House bill would make it a federal misdemeanor crime, rather than merely a civil Infraction, to violate immigration laws.’ ‘I am of the view that there was no reasonable basis for detention of Mr

It, Infraction, Immigration

71. Stephen on an alleged Infraction of the seatbelt legislation.’


72. See 3 authoritative translations of Infraction in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.

Infraction, In

73. An Infraction is not a crime, but failure to respond will result in an additional $52 penalty, loss of your right to contest the Infraction, and, if the Infraction is a …

Infraction, Is, In, If


INFRACTION [inˈfrakSH(ə)n]


  • › What is an infraction
  • › What does infraction mean
  • › Heart infractions meaning
  • › List of infractions
  • › Description of infraction
  • › Define infraction in medicine
  • › Infraction definition law
  • › Types of infractions

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