Use Inflectional in a sentence

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See also: Inflectional Influence Inflation Inflame Inflict Influential Inflexible Inflammation Inflamed Inflated Inflection Infliction Infl Inflexibly Inflater Influencia Influenced Influencer Inflicted Inflammable Inflammatory Influx

1. Inflectional definition is - of, relating to, or characterized by inflection

Inflectional, Is, Inflection

2. How to use Inflectional in a sentence.

Inflectional, In

3. Adjective of, relating to, or used in inflection: an Inflectional ending

In, Inflection, Inflectional

4. Inflectional synonyms, Inflectional pronunciation, Inflectional translation, English dictionary definition of Inflectional


5. Inflectional (adj) of or pertaining to inflection; having, or characterized by, inflection How to pronounce Inflectional?

Inflectional, Inflection

6. The second type of bound morphemes consists of Inflectional morphemes that are used to show some aspects of the grammatical function of a word


7. We use Inflectional morphemes to indicate if a word is singular or plural, whether it is past tense or not, and whether it is a comparative or possessive form.

Inflectional, Indicate, If, Is, It

8. On the other hand, an Inflectional affix is an affix that expresses a grammatical contrast that is obligatory for its stem’s word class in some given grammatical context

Inflectional, Is, Its, In

9. Examples of Inflectional Morphemes


10. Inflectional morphemes are suffixes that get added to a word, thus, adding a grammatical value to it

Inflectional, It

11. Here are some examples of Inflectional morphemes


12. Inflectional is an adjective that refers to the formation of a new form of the same word through Inflectional affixes

Inflectional, Is

13. In English, only suffixes are Inflectional.

In, Inflectional

14. Derivational Morphemes Handout Ling 201 ⋅ If it is followed by one of the Inflectional morphemes listed above, it must be derivational

If, It, Is, Inflectional

15. ⋅ If there is an Inflectional morpheme, then every other morpheme must be derivational (since only one Inflectional morpheme is allowed per word)

If, Is, Inflectional

16. Inflectional endings can modify verbs to indicate tense, or when the action the verb is describing happened

Inflectional, Indicate, Is

17. Regular verbs, which are most of them, use the Inflectional endings ' …


18. ə l / related to inflection (= a change in or addition to the form of a word that shows a change in the way it is used): "Drives", " driving ", " drove ", and " driven " are all Inflectional forms of " drive ". Inflectional

Inflection, In, It, Is, Inflectional

19. Inflectional morphology conveys grammatical information, such as number, tense, agreement or case

Inflectional, Information

20. English has relatively few Inflectional morphemes, but many other languages have much richer systems of Inflectional morphology


21. Inflectional morphology is the study of processes, including affixation and vowel change, that distinguish word forms in certain grammatical categories

Inflectional, Is, Including, In

22. Inflectional morphology differs from derivational morphology or word-formation in that inflection deals with changes made to existing words and derivation deals with the creation of new words.

Inflectional, In, Inflection

23. Inflectional adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (relating to inflection) de l'inflexion loc adj locution adjectivale: groupe de mots qui servent d'adjectif

Inflectional, Interesting, Inflection, Inflexion

24. What does Inflectional mean? Of, having, or expressing grammatical inflection

Inflectional, Inflection

25. (adjective) An Inflectional suffix.


26. Inflectional endings are a group of letters that change the meaning of the word


27. Inflectional endings can help us determine if the event occurred in the past (The dolphin flipped) or present (The dolphin is flipping)

Inflectional, If, In, Is

28. In terms of nouns, Inflectional endings can help us determine if there were one (as in cat) or many (as in cats).

In, Inflectional, If

29. In most languages, Inflectional morphology marks relations such as person, number, case, gender, possession, tense, aspect, and mood, serving as an essential grammatical glue holding the relationships in constructions together

In, Inflectional

30. Yet in some languages, Inflectional morphology is …

In, Inflectional, Is

31. What is the definition of Inflectional? What is the meaning of Inflectional? How do you use Inflectional in a sentence? What are synonyms for Inflectional?

Is, Inflectional, In

32. Inflectional - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums


33. What is the definition of Inflectional? What is the meaning of Inflectional? How do you use Inflectional in a sentence? What are synonyms for Inflectional?

Is, Inflectional, In

34. Inflectional definition: of, having, or expressing grammatical inflection Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

Inflectional, Inflection

35. Definition of Inflectional phrase in the dictionary

Inflectional, In

36. What does Inflectional phrase mean? Information and translations of Inflectional phrase in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

Inflectional, Information, In

37. An Inflectional ending is a group of letters added onto the end of the word that changes the meaning of the word

Inflectional, Is

38. Signifying Plurality Potentially the simplest Inflectional ending your students could use is to indicate plurality by adding -s to the word

Inflectional, Is, Indicate

39. Chapter 1 (‘What are Inflectional paradigms?’) introduces the notion of an Inflectional paradigm and its relevance to morphology, syntax and semantics

Inflectional, Introduces, Its

40. Current theories of grammar are in stark disagreement over the significance of Inflectional paradigms; some hold that paradigms are merely an epiphenomenon of principles of morpheme combination and therefore have no role in the definition

In, Inflectional

41. An Inflectional ending is a group of letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning

Inflectional, Is, Its

42. An Inflectional ending changes the meaning of the base word and creates a new word with a different meaning


43. When you are ready, follow the link below to Practice words with Inflectional endings.


44. An Inflectional morpheme changes the form of a word


45. An Inflectional affix carries certain grammatical restrictions with it; for example, with the plural inflection -s, a change from singular to plural in the noun tree/trees requires a concommitant change in the verb form from singular to plural: "the tree is green," "the trees are green." Other examples of English Inflectional suffixes are the

Inflectional, It, Inflection, In, Is

46. Inflectional ý nghĩa, định nghĩa, Inflectional là gì: 1


47. Inflectional morphemes: vary (or "inflect") the form of words in order to express grammatical features, such as singular/plural or past/present tense

Inflectional, Inflect, In

48. Plural, is a matter of grammar and thus the business of Inflectional morphology.

Is, Inflectional

49. An Inflectional ending is a group of letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning

Inflectional, Is, Its

50. In addition, causatives were judged Inflectional in some languages, where these categories are regular responses to specific contexts (e.g

In, Inflectional

51. Inflectional Endings (s, ed, and ing) Choose the correct Inflectional ending of the words to best fit the sentence

Inflectional, Ing

52. Inflectional ending words are often tricky for struggling readers


53. Be sure to incorporate an Inflectional ending wordlist into your daily spelling activities once your student is ready

Incorporate, Inflectional, Into, Is

54. A sample short vowel Inflectional ending spelling list


55. This list is appropriate for students who are new to Inflectional

Is, Inflectional

56. Hudson I Lingua 107 (1999) 163-187 173 In other words, there is a relationship between a bundle of Inflectional categories and a morpheme (i.e

In, Is, Inflectional

57. However, it is generally the case that each bunch of Inflectional categories is signalled distinctively, i.e

It, Is, Inflectional

58. The tense on a verb is also Inflectional morphology.For many English verbs, the past tense is spelled with an –ed, (walked, cooked, climbed) but there are also many English verbs where the tense inflection is indicated with a change in the vowel of the verb (sang, wrote, ate).English does not have a bound morpheme that indicates future tense, but many languages do.

Is, Inflectional, Inflection, Indicated, In, Indicates

59. Another common distinction is the one between derivational and Inflectional affixes

Is, Inflectional

60. Inflectional Endings Word Endings ER EST ED INGPhonics Center Word Work Past Present FuturePREVIEW TO LEARN MORECCSS.ELA.RF.1.3.f 138 word cards Read words with Inflectional endings ER EST ED ING Write words with Inflectional endings ER EST ED INGUse the cards in pocket chartsUse the cards for wo

Inflectional, Ingphonics, Ing, Inguse, In

61. Inflectional morphemes are affixes which carry grammatical meaning (for example, the plural -s in cats or progressive -ing in sailing).They do not change the part of speech or meaning of the word; they function to ensure that the word is in the appropriate form so the sentence is grammatically correct.

Inflectional, In, Ing, Is


INFLECTIONAL [inˈflekSH(ə)n(ə)l]


Frequently Asked Questions

What does inflectional mean?

Definition of inflectional. : of, relating to, or characterized by inflection an inflectional suffix.

What does inflection mean?

Definition of inflection. 1 : the act or result of curving or bending : bend. 2 : change in pitch or loudness of the voice. 3a : the change of form that words undergo to mark such distinctions as those of case, gender, number, tense, person, mood, or voice. b : a form, suffix, or element involved in such variation. c : accidence.

What does inflectional ending stand for?

• INFLECTIONAL ENDING (noun) The noun INFLECTIONAL ENDING has 1 sense: 1. an inflection that is added at the end of a root word. Familiarity information: INFLECTIONAL ENDING used as a noun is very rare.

What does inflectional suffix mean?

An inflectional suffix is sometimes called a desinence or a grammatical suffix or ending. Inflection changes the grammatical properties of a word within its syntactic category.

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