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See also: Infarction Infarct Infarcted Infamous Infallible Infatuation Infatuated Infamy Infant Infanticide Infantry Infantile Infancy Infallibility Infantilize

1. The occurrence and extent of cerebral infarction is determined by three basic factors: i) site of arterial occlusion, ii) the rapidity of arterial occlusion, and iii) the presence or absence of collateral circulation. Grossly, Infarcts are usually divided into pale (non-hemorrhagic) and hemorrhagic types.

Infarction, Is, Ii, Iii, Infarcts, Into

2. CEREBRAL Infarcts Cerebral infarction is focal brain necrosis due to complete and prolonged ischemia that affects all tissue elements, neurons, glia, and vessels.

Infarcts, Infarction, Is, Ischemia

3. Pale Infarcts (meaning paler than the normal tissue) reflect ischemia that has evolved owing to the obstruction of a nutrient artery or hypoperfusion of tissue in hypotension

Infarcts, Ischemia, In

4. Such Infarcts develop in solid organs supplied by anatomically or functionally terminal arteries, as typically found in …

Infarcts, In

5. Cerebellar Infarcts in the posterior inferior cerebellar artery and superior cerebellar artery distribution have distinct differences in clinical presentation, course, and prognosis

Infarcts, In, Inferior

6. Abstract Border zone or watershed Infarcts are ischemic lesions that occur in characteristic locations at the junction between two main arterial territories

Infarcts, Ischemic, In

7. These lesions constitute approximately 10% of all brain Infarcts and are well described in the literature.

Infarcts, In

8. Cognitive functions in patients with bilateral paramedian infarction did not change significantly during the follow-up, in contrast to those with Infarcts in varied arterial territories.

In, Infarction, Infarcts

9. WS Infarcts: Anatomy, Structural Imaging, and Angiography

Infarcts, Imaging

10. 27 CWS Infarcts represent the most familiar WS strokes


11. Anterior WS Infarcts develop between the ACA and MCA territories, either or both as a thin fronto-parasagittal wedge


12. Thromboembolism is another common cause of splenic Infarcts

Is, Infarcts

13. Formation of placental Infarcts is

Infarcts, Is

14. Many small Infarcts improve over weeks to months

Infarcts, Improve

15. Old, small Infarcts may be discovered on CT or MRI scans, apparently having occurred in the past without symptoms

Infarcts, In

16. Large Infarcts may cause patients considerable symptoms, which may still be improving at least two years after the stroke

Infarcts, Improving

17. CADASIL (Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Sub-cortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy) is an inherited disease of the blood vessels that occurs when the thickening of blood vessel walls blocks the flow of blood to the brain

Infarcts, Is, Inherited

18. Lacunar Infarcts are small (<15 mm) Infarcts in the distal distribution of deep penetrating vessels (lenticulostriate, thalamoperforating, and pontine perforating arteries, recurrent artery of Heubner).They result from occlusion of one of the small penetrating end arteries at the base of the brain and are due to fibrinoid degeneration.

Infarcts, In

19. INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITION Lacunar Infarcts are small (2 to 15 mm in diameter) noncortical Infarcts caused by occlusion of a single penetrating branch of a large cerebral artery [ 1,2 ]

Introduction, Infarcts, In

20. The medical term for silent brain Infarcts is lacunar Infarcts, and they’re common, especially after the age of 60

Infarcts, Is

21. However, silent Infarcts occur without obvious symptoms.


22. Infarcts cause profound changes in the organs affected

Infarcts, In

23. Cerebral autosomal recessive arteriopathy with subcortical Infarcts and leukoencephalopathy, commonly known as CARASIL, is an inherited condition that causes stroke and other impairments.Abnormalities affecting the brain and other parts of the nervous system become apparent in an affected person's twenties or thirties

Infarcts, Is, Inherited, Impairments, In

24. • Watershed or border zone Infarcts are much more common than initially thought • In addition to hemodynamic compromise, micro emboli likely play a role, especially in external or cortical border zone Infarcts • Internal border zone Infarcts may be difficult to …

Infarcts, Initially, In, Internal

25. Lacunar Infarcts may produce one of the classic lacunar syndromes (eg, pure motor hemiparesis, pure sensory hemianesthesia, ataxic hemiparesis, dysarthria–clumsy hand syndrome); signs of cortical dysfunction (eg, aphasia) are absent


26. Multiple lacunar Infarcts may result in multi-infarct dementia.

Infarcts, In, Infarct

27. CADASIL (cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical Infarcts and leukoencephalopathy) is characterized by mid-adult onset of recurrent ischemic stroke, cognitive decline progressing to dementia, a history of migraine with aura, mood disturbance, apathy, and diffuse white matter lesions and subcortical Infarcts on neuroimaging.

Infarcts, Is, Ischemic

28. Bone Infarcts in children with sickle-cell anemia may produce a striking radiographic picture of extreme bone destruction and rapid rebuilding

Infarcts, In

29. In this retrospective study, we investigated the main pathogenesis of the two types of isolated pontine infarction: paramedian pontine Infarcts (PPIs) and small deep pontine Infarcts (SDPIs)

In, Investigated, Isolated, Infarction, Infarcts

30. Synonyms for Infarcts in Free Thesaurus

Infarcts, In

31. What are synonyms for Infarcts?


32. 12 Lead EKG for Nurses: Simple Steps to Interpret Rhythms, Arrhythmias, Blocks, Hypertrophy, Infarcts, & Cardiac Drugs [Reed MSN, Aaron] on

Interpret, Infarcts

33. 12 Lead EKG for Nurses: Simple Steps to Interpret Rhythms, Arrhythmias, Blocks, Hypertrophy, Infarcts, &

Interpret, Infarcts


INFARCTS [ˈinˌfärkt]


  • a small localized area of dead tissue resulting from failure of blood supply.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the definition of infarction in medical terms?

Infarction: The formation of an infarct, an area of tissue death, due to a local lack of oxygen.

What does infarctions mean?

Infarction is tissue death (necrosis) due to inadequate blood supply to the affected area.

What does infarct mean?

Definition of infarct.: an area of necrosis in a tissue or organ resulting from obstruction of the local circulation by a thrombus or embolus.

What are the different types of myocardial infarction?

Myocardial infarction has been classified into types 1 to 5 of which type 4 has subtypes a and b. Type 1 is spontaneous myocardial infarction due to a primary coronary event like plaque rupture. Type 2 is secondary to a supply demand mismatch as in coronary vasospasm, anemia or hypotension.

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