See also: Indulging Indulgent Indulgence Indulgently Indulged Indulges Indulgers Indulgencia Indulgement Indulge Indubitable Induce Industrious Indurate Inducement Indurated Industriously Industrial Industriousness Induction Inductive Induced Indu Indue Inducing Industrialization Industry Indubitably
1. 18 synonyms of Indulging from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 36 related words, definitions, and antonyms
2. Find another word for Indulging
3. Indulging: to give in to (a desire)
Indulging, In
4. Find 66 ways to say Indulging, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
5. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'Indulging' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch
Indulging, In
6. Indulging Patrician’s last ability looks at how much life you’ve gained in the turn, even if it wasn’t on the battlefield when you gained life
Indulging, In, If, It
7. Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word Indulging. Princeton's WordNet (3.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: indulgence, Indulging, pampering, humoring (noun) the act of Indulging or gratifying a desire
Indulging, Indulgence
8. Synonyms for Indulging in include delighting in, admiring, adoring, appreciating, cherishing, relishing, reveling in, savouring, savoring and taking pleasure in
Indulging, In, Include
9. Practically every form of investment in which a man is capable of Indulging involves the lending and borrowing of money, the interest exacted being the profit which the lender receives for the use of.
Investment, In, Is, Indulging, Involves, Interest
10. Word forms: 3rd person singular present tense indulges, present participle Indulging, past tense, past participle indulged 1
Indulges, Indulging, Indulged
11. ‘Simply Indulging in whatever pleasures are close at hand will ultimately bring one unhappiness.’ ‘This was the first time he saw it outside of a magazine, and sitting on it was a simple pleasure he indulged in.’
Indulging, In, It, Indulged
12. Indulging no passions which trespass on the rights or the repose of other nations, it has been the true glory of the United States to cultivate peace by observing justice; and to entitle themselves to the respect of the nations at war, by fulfilling their neutral obligations with the most scrupulous impartiality.
Indulging, It, Impartiality
13. The act of Indulging or gratifying a desire Familiarity information: Indulging used as a noun is very rare.
Indulging, Information, Is
14. Indulging: 1 n the act of Indulging or gratifying a desire Synonyms: humoring , indulgence , pampering Types: show 6 types hide 6 types intemperance , intemperateness , self-indulgence excess in action and immoderate indulgence of bodily appetites, especially in passion or indulgence excess , overindulgence excessive indulgence binge ,
Indulging, Indulgence, Intemperance, Intemperateness, In, Immoderate
15. Indulge somebody (with something) She did not believe in Indulging the children with presents
Indulge, In, Indulging
16. Synonyms for Indulging in Free Thesaurus
Indulging, In
17. 3 synonyms for Indulging: humoring, pampering, indulgence
Indulging, Indulgence
18. What are synonyms for Indulging?
19. See 4 authoritative translations of Indulging in Spanish with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations.
Indulging, In
20. Indulging his insanity, that’s what.” ― A.D
Indulging, Insanity
21. Stop Indulging ‘The Son King’ The embarrassing celebrations of the crown prince in the U.S
Indulging, In
22. Spreading hatred and religious discord, Indulging in state-sponsored violence and fake encounter killings, and …
Indulging, In
23. Indulging, Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
24. Pakistan had consistently opposed such resolutions, and would therefore vote in favour of the no-action motion, and strongly urged all other delegations to do likewise so as to save the Third Committee from Indulging in the undesirable practice of naming and shaming developing countries.
In, Indulging
25. Indulging, Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
26. Indulging Her (A One in a Billion Lesbian Romance Book 1) - Kindle edition by Ellen, Lea
Indulging, In
27. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Indulging Her (A One in a Billion Lesbian Romance Book 1).
Indulging, In
28. 24 reviews of Indulging Hands Therapeutic Spa "Najah is a very nice and professional masseuse
Indulging, Is
29. I would definitely recommend Indulging Hands Therapy
30. Indulging in Irelyn: A Suspenseful Romance (Indulging series Book 1) - Kindle edition by Raver, Dawna, Hot Tree Editing
Indulging, In, Irelyn
31. This is the second part of a 3-part series on “Indulging” in food
Is, Indulging, In
32. In my part 1, I talked about the fact that there is no consensus on what it means to indulge.I gave you two tips for how to think about Indulging: First, remember that Indulging is not the same as binge eating, and second, avoid overly restrictive definitions of Indulging (because a lot of perfectionism and guilt can arise
In, Is, It, Indulge, Indulging
33. Recall: The incredible expense of Indulging whims of a political minority
Incredible, Indulging
34. Ex Fox editor accuses network of 'Indulging consumers' worst cravings' Rachel Sharp For 1/28/2021 Montana pileup accident: Two …
35. Read all Indulging in Carnal Desire chapters on Full Novels
Indulging, In
36. 15 responses to “Indulging your inner mad scientist” Hogbody Spradlin
Indulging, Inner
INDULGING [inˈdəlj]
English Language Learners Definition of indulge : to allow (yourself) to have or do something as a special pleasure : to allow (someone) to have or do something even though it may not be proper, healthy, appropriate, etc. : to patiently allow (someone) to do or say something
indulge (oneself or someone) with (something) To be kind enough to allow oneself or someone something. If I'm indulging myself with one birthday present this year, it's going to be that gorgeous bracelet! to grant someone the favor or privilege of something. Please indulge me with this one favor.
What does "indulge you" mean? 1. Definition ( v.) listen to what you have to say or do what you want to do even though I think it's a bad idea Examples I'm telling you, there's nothing good on that side of town, but if you want to go there, I'll indulge you.
(ɪndʌldʒəns ) Word forms: plural indulgences. variable noun. Indulgence means treating someone with special kindness, often when it is not a good thing. The king's indulgence towards his sons angered the business community. [+ towards] For a moment he allowed himself the indulgence of examining his feelings for her.