Use Individual in a sentence

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See also: Individual Individualism Individually Individuality Individualist Individualize Individualized Individualistic Individualisation Indifferent Indicate Indispensable Indifference Indigenous Indicative Indication Indisputable Indistinguishable Indignation Indisposed Indigent Indictable Indiscretion Indisposition Indiscriminate Indistinct Indignity Indigo Individuate

1. Individual definition is - of, relating to, or distinctively associated with an Individual

Individual, Is

2. How to use Individual in a sentence

Individual, In

3. Synonym Discussion of Individual.


4. Of or relating to an Individual, especially a single human: Individual consciousness.


5. Synonyms & Antonyms of Individual (Entry 2 of 2) 1 of, relating to, or belonging to a single person everyone has his or her own Individual opinion about the subject, but you will have to work together


6. Individual noun [C] (SINGLE) B2 a single person or thing, especially when compared to the group or set to which they belong: Every Individual has rights which must never be taken away.


7. Find 82 ways to say Individual, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.


8. Definition of Individual in the dictionary

Individual, In

9. What does Individual mean? Information and translations of Individual in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

Individual, Information, In

10. Synonyms for Individual in Free Thesaurus

Individual, In

11. 91 synonyms for Individual: separate, single, independent, isolated, lone, solitary, discrete, unique, different, special, original, fresh, novel, exclusive.

Individual, Independent, Isolated

12. The Crossword Solver found 134 answers to the Individual crossword clue


13. Individual is defined as single, separate or belonging to one person

Individual, Is

14. An example of Individual used as an adjective is Individual slices which means a whole …

Individual, Is

15. The word Individual is all about being a single entity that cannot be divided

Individual, Is

16. A team is made up of Individuals, and each Individual has Individual strengths and weaknesses

Is, Individuals, Individual

17. Sometimes Individual is a way of referring to a person, quasi-formally.

Individual, Is

18. Explore Individual health insurance plans from UnitedHealthcare

Individual, Insurance

19. Our selection of Individual and family health insurance plans offers you the perfect coverage.

Individual, Insurance

20. 10 ways to abbreviate Individual


21. How to abbreviate Individual? Get the most popular abbreviation for Individual updated in 2021

Individual, In

22. Individual means relating to one person or thing, rather than to a large group


23. They wait for the group to decide rather than making Individual decisions


24. Aid to Individual countries would be linked to progress towards democracy


25. Divide the vegetables among four Individual dishes.


26. As corny as it sounds, being an Individual means being unabashedly yourself

It, Individual

27. Quick links to help you find the right Individual forms fast


28. Welcome, Individual Investors! This part of the website addresses U.S

Individual, Investors

29. The Department collects or processes Individual income tax, fiduciary tax, estate tax returns, and property tax credit claims.

Individual, Income

30. When it has to do with one Individual, you write "an Individual's rights"

It, Individual

31. When it has to do with more than one Individual, you write "Individuals' right[s]"

It, Individual, Individuals

32. Or for EyeMed Individual sales and service only call 844-225-3107


33. AlanRominger 610630 An Individual is the smallest unit of the society

Individual, Is

34. Mamduhi 1787055 Individual freedom is the foundation of democracy

Individual, Is

35. Dejo 2959405 I consider Tom a thoroughly responsible Individual


36. Sharptoothed 51411 Measurements are different from Individual to Individual .


37. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English in‧di‧vid‧u‧al1 /ˌɪndəˈvɪdʒuəl◂/ ●●○ S3 W3 AWL adjective 1 [ only before noun] considered separately from other people or things in the same group Each Individual leaf on the tree is different

In, Individual, Is

38. The needs of the Individual customer 2 [ only before noun]


39. Late Middle English (in the sense ‘indivisible’): from medieval Latin Individualis, from Latin individuus, from in- ‘not’ + dividuus ‘divisible’ (from dividere ‘to divide’).

In, Indivisible, Individualis, Individuus

40. Individual: (1) A person requiring health and social care services


41. Individual means that you can choose your own goals, make your own dumb decisions and your own mistakes


42. LAZRUS Premium Golf Irons Individual or Golf Irons Set for Men (4,5,6,7,8,9) Driving Irons (2&3) Right Hand Steel Shaft Regular Flex Golf Clubs - Best Golf Iron Set - Great Golf Gift

Irons, Individual, Iron

43. Second, as career aspirations are expressed, family, friends, and others in an Individual 's social network may share their opinions about the Individual 's likelihood of success in the chosen occupation.

In, Individual

44. Individual These resources are for Individual taxpayers looking to obtain information on filing and paying Ohio income taxes, completing the ID confirmation quiz, …

Individual, Information, Income, Id

45. An Individual retirement account (IRA) is a tax-advantaged account that Individuals use to save and invest for retirement.

Individual, Ira, Is, Individuals, Invest

46. Individual health insurance plans are available for purchase through your state’s health insurance marketplace or directly from the insurance company.

Individual, Insurance

47. An Individual being is defined by St

Individual, Is

48. The Individual stands, as it were, between the universal and the particular, at the same time including them both “within itself.” The category of the Individual is a very important aspect of the cognitive movement into the depth of an object, of the ascent from the abstract to the concrete.

Individual, It, Including, Itself, Is, Important, Into

49. An Individual letter was sent to each student that made the 2016 cheerleading squad


50. 🔊 The receptionist asked the patient to sign each Individual page, making sure that they initialed each corner

Individual, Initialed

51. 🔊 Individual dates were set for the children’s birthday parties even though they are so close together


52. Individualism once exhibited interesting national variations, but its various meanings have since largely merged

Individualism, Interesting, Its

53. Following the upheaval of the French Revolution, Individualisme was used pejoratively in France to signify the sources of social dissolution and anarchy and the elevation of Individual interests above those of the collective.The term’s negative connotation was employed by French

Individualisme, In, Individual, Interests

54. She maintained that only an Individual can possess rights, and therefore the expression "Individual rights" is a redundancy, while the expression "collective rights" is a contradiction in terms

Individual, Is, In

55. BEYELIAN Individual Cluster Lashes Wispy False Eyelashes Fluffy Black 0.05mm Thickness 30 Roots At Home DIY Easy Wearing 8-14mm Mix Tray 12-Row … 4.3 out of 5 stars 227 $7.99 $ 7


56. Definition and synonyms of Individual from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.


57. This is the British English definition of Individual.View American English definition of Individual.

Is, Individual

58. This Individual was charged with criminal trespass


59. The word Individual comes from a Latin word meaning “indivisible.” Synonyms for its use as an adjective include single, separate, discrete, independent, sole, lone, solitary, and isolated

Individual, Indivisible, Its, Include, Independent, Isolated

60. The colloquial sense of Individual to mean “person” was in use as early as 1742.

Individual, In

61. It was all part of her very Individual personality

It, Individual

62. This will take you to the “Individual Estimated (IT-40ES) Payment” screen

Individual, It

63. For Individuals and families, there are 3 types of health insurance

Individuals, Insurance

64. As always, our licensed agents are here to help you find the right health insurance plan to suit your Individual needs.

Insurance, Individual

65. Individual differences in activity level, reactivity to stimuli, rhythmicity of biological cycles such as sleep and hunger, perceptual acuity, etc., all subsumed under the construct of temperament, in part, define Individual differences within the typical range

Individual, In

66. This page serves as an online headquarters for taxpayers looking for more information about the Ohio Individual and school district income tax

Information, Individual, Income


INDIVIDUAL [ˌindəˈvij(o͞o)əl]

individual (adjective)

  • single; separate.
Synonyms: single . separate . discrete . independent . sole . lone . solitary . isolated .

individual (noun) · individuals (plural noun)

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