Use Indigentem in a sentence

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See also: Indigente Indigent Indigence Indigene Indigeneity Indigenous Indigena Indigency Indifferent Indicate Individual Indispensable Indifference Indicative Indication Indisputable Indistinguishable Indignation Indisposed Individualism Indictable Indiscretion Indisposition Indiscriminate Indistinct Indignity Indigo Individuate Individually

1. 1400, from Old French indigent "poor, needy," from Latin Indigentem "in want of, needing" (see indigence)

Indigent, Indigentem, In, Indigence

2. Middle English, late 14th century, from Old French indigence (13th century), from Latin indigentia, from Indigentem, form of indigere (“to need”), from indu (“in, within”) + egere (“be in need, want”).

Indigence, Indigentia, Indigentem, Indigere, Indu, In

3. Indigent (English)Origin & history Circa 1400, Middle French, from Latin Indigentem, from indigere ("to need"), from indu ("in, within") + egere ("be in need, want")

Indigent, Indigentem, Indigere, Indu, In

4. Indigent(adj.) c.1400, from O.Fr.indigent, from L.Indigentem(see INDIGENCE(Cf.indigence))

Indigent, Indigentem, Indigence

5. “Nondum amabam, et amare amabam, et secretiore indigentia oderam me minus Indigentem.” St

Indigentia, Indigentem

6. Circa 1400, Middle French, from Latin Indigentem, form of indigere ("to need"), from indu ("in, within") + egere ("be in need, want").

Indigentem, Indigere, Indu, In

7. Nondum amabam, et amare amabam, et secretiore indigentia oderam me minus Indigentem

Indigentia, Indigentem

8. Late 14c., from Old French indigence "indigence, need, privation" (13c.), from Latin indigentia "need, want; insatiable desire," from Indigentem (nominative indigens) "in want of, needing," present participle of indigere "to need, stand in need of," from indu "in, within" (from PIE *endo-, extended form of root *en "in") + egere "be in need, want," from PIE *eg- "to lack" (source also of Old Norse ekla "want, lack," …

Indigence, Indigentia, Insatiable, Indigentem, Indigens, In, Indigere, Indu

9. Nondum amabam et amare amabam et secretiore indigentia oderam me minus Indigentem

Indigentia, Indigentem

10. Restoring the full quotation only adds to the mystery, as what Shelley ripped out was the phrase “…et secretiore indigentia oderam me minus Indigentem…” [and out of a deep seated want, I hated myself for wanting not.]

Indigentia, Indigentem

11. Middle English, late 14th century, from Old French indigence (13th century), from Latin indigentia, from Indigentem, form of indigere ("to need"), from indu ("in, within") + egere ("be in need, want").

Indigence, Indigentia, Indigentem, Indigere, Indu, In

12. Middle English, late 14th century, from Old French indigence (13th century), from Latin indigentia, from Indigentem, form of indigere (“to need”) from indu (“in, within”) + egere (“be in need, want”).“” in the Online Etymology Dictionary, Douglas Harper, 2001 Only relation to antonym affluence is common Latinate suffix +‎ -ence.

Indigence, Indigentia, Indigentem, Indigere, Indu, In, Is

13. Which had Taphath the daughter of Solomon to wife.] He was, therefore, a man of worth: for Solomon, likely, was of Cato’s mind; who, being to bestow a daughter, said, Malo virum pecunia, quam pecuniam viro Indigentem, I had rather have to my


14. 4-8: « (…) intellectus huiusmodi non solum tamquam amatum (…), motivus est hominis, verum etiam secundum rationem agentis voluntarii, tamquam amantis hominem Indigentem sui, volentis quidem illi bonum, non indigentis autem aliqua profecto subventione quae ab …

Intellectus, Indigentem, Illi, Indigentis

15. Ieiuniis me ob inpugnationem carnis districtioribus Indigentem stomachi prohibet lassitudo seu uentris ariditas constrictioque deterret : ut effectus meo desiderio tribuatur uel certe ut aestus carnalis concupiscentiae absque temperamento districtioris ieiunii conquiescant, orandum mihi est : Deus in adiutorium meum intende : domine ad

Ieiuniis, Inpugnationem, Indigentem, Ieiunii, In, Intende

16. Nondum amabam, et amare 1 amabam, et secretiore indigentia oderam me minus Indigentem

Indigentia, Indigentem

17. Which had Taphath the daughter of Solomon to wife.] He was, therefore, a man of worth: for Solomon, likely, was of Cato’s mind; who, being to bestow a daughter, said, Malo virum pecunia, quam pecuniam viro Indigentem, I had rather have to my son-in-law a man

Indigentem, In

18. Interroget se unusquisque vestrum quails est erga pauperem sanctum, erga Indigentem fratrem, quails est erga Indigentem mendicum

Interroget, Indigentem

19. Quid enim potest esse sanctum iis, qui ætatem imbecillam et præsidio Indigentem, libidini suæ depopulandam fœdandamque substraverint? Non potest hæc res pro magnitudine sceleris enarrari

Iis, Imbecillam, Indigentem

20. Itaque in caritate exercenda, tot catholicae institutiones intra fines subsidiorum colligendorum partiendorumque contineri non debent, sed continenter Indigentem personam respicere et paedagogicam quoque magni momenti actionem in christiana communitate explicare debent, dum institutioni favetur de participatione, observantia et amore secundum

Itaque, In, Institutiones, Intra, Indigentem, Institutioni

21. Menti] libido dominatur, 87 expoliatamque virtutis opulentia per diversa inopem atque Indigentem trahit, nunc falsa pro veris approbantem, 88 nunc etiam defensitantem, nunc improbantem quae antea probavisset et nihilominus in alia falsa inruentem; nunc adsensionem suspendentem suam 89 et

Inopem, Indigentem, Improbantem, In, Inruentem

22. Menti] libido dominatur, expoliatamque virtutis opulentia per diversa inopem atque Indigentem trahit, nunc falsa pro veris approbantem, nunc etiam defensitantem, nunc improbantem quae antea probavisset et nihilominus in alia falsa inruentem; nunc adsensionem suspendentem suam et plerumque

Inopem, Indigentem, Improbantem, In, Inruentem

23. Nondum amabam, et amare amabam, et secretiore indigentia oderam me minus Indigentem

Indigentia, Indigentem

24. Respondeo dicendum quod homo in statu innocentiae habuit vitam animalem cibis Indigentem; post resurrectionem vero habebit vitam spiritualem cibis non Indigentem

In, Innocentiae, Indigentem

25. Nondum amabam, et amare amabam, et secretiore indigentia oderam me minus Indigentem

Indigentia, Indigentem

26. Quid enim potest esse sanctum iis, qui ætatem imbecillam et præsidio Indigentem, libidini suæ depopulandam foedandamque substraverint? Non potest hæc res pro magnitudine sceleris enarrari

Iis, Imbecillam, Indigentem

27. Minus Indigentem: Take the clause thus: `In the midst of the regio egestatis I suffered an indigentia that affected me deep within (thus secretiore), and so I hated the very thought of what I might be like if I did not suffer that indigentia (`me minus Indigentem'), hence I was entirely averse to anything that might have had a good effect on me

Indigentem, In, Indigentia, If

28. Quemadmodum enim in arte dicendi varietas secundum Tullii sententiam, auditorem maxime delectat, ita et in musica concentuum diversitas animam auditorum vehementer in oblectamentum provocat, hinc et philosophus, in Ethicis, varietatem jocundissimam rem esse naturamque humanam ejus Indigentem asserere non dubitavit.

In, Ita, Indigentem

29. A1216 in Madox Firma Burgi (1726) 27: De Saulesoth [?read: Sauleshoth] vero & de divisis & aliis beneficiis vestris Ecclesiam Sancti Martini, in multis Indigentem sicut apparet & vos videtis, rememorare, si vobis placuerit, vos precamur

In, Indigentem


INDIGENTEM [ˈindəjənt]

indigent (adjective)

  • poor; needy.
Synonyms: poor . impecunious . destitute . penniless . impoverished . poverty-stricken . pauperized . insolvent . ruined . needy . hard up . hard-pressed . deprived . disadvantaged . distressed . badly off . beggarly . beggared . penurious . rich .

indigent (noun) · indigents (plural noun)

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  • › What is considered indigent
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  • › Indigent population definition considered indigent
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Frequently Asked Questions

What does indigent stand for?

Indigent(adj) wanting; void; free; destitute; -- used with of. Indigent(adj) destitute of property or means of comfortable subsistence; needy; poor; in want; necessitous.

What does indigent means?

What Does Indigent Mean. Indigent means to be a poor or needy person. Our laws look at how much money a person has, how much debt they have and how many assets they have to determine whether or not they can afford to hire their own representation or if they need a court-appointed attorney to represent them.

What does indigency mean?

The definition of indigency is the state of being poor or needy. An example of indigency is when you are homeless and have no money. YourDictionary definition and usage example. "Indigency.".

What is another word for indigent?

indigent(a.) Synonyms: poor, destitute, needy, necessitous, pinched, reduced, penniless, moneyless, insolvent, distressed, short of money, out of money, out of cash, out of pocket, in need, in want.

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