See also: Increment Incrementar Incremented Incrementum Incrementing Incrementalist Incrementality Incrementally Incrementation Incrementalism Incremental Increase Incredible Increasingly Incredulity Incredulous Incredulously Increta Increased Increaseth Incredibly Incrust Incretin Incretion Increation Increasable Increasement Incredibleness Incredulousness Increments Incriminate
1. Increment is used in many technical fields, but also nontechnically. Incremental increases in drug dosages are used for experimental purposes. Incremental tax increases are easier to swallow than sudden large increases
Increment, Is, In, Incremental, Increases
2. Incremental changes of any kind may be hard to notice, but can be very significant in the long run.
Incremental, In
3. Increment definition, something added or gained; addition; increase
Increment, Increase
4. Something added or gained: a force swelled by Increments from allied armies.
5. 17 synonyms of Increment from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 14 related words, definitions, and antonyms
6. Find another word for Increment
7. Increment: something added (as by growth).
8. Increment is a print and digital magazine about how teams build and operate software systems at scale
Increment, Is
9. Interested in joining the team at Increment …
Interested, In, Increment
10. Something added or gained: a force swelled by Increments from allied armies.
11. Every bit of new fossil fuel exploration and development, every new mine or well, is an Increment of carbon lock-in
Is, Increment, In
12. The Increment operator (++) Increments (adds one to) its operand and returns a value.
Increment, Increments, Its
13. IncrementOne implements and guides organization in changing the way they look at work, leadership and team success
Incrementone, Implements, In
14. One of a series of amounts that increase a total: She was in the habit of saving in small Increments each week.
Increase, In, Increments
15. Increment and decrement operators are unary operators that add or subtract one, to or from their operand, respectively
16. Increment P CORPORATION, a leading provider of Japan map contents and location services, supports all the business of location information - Car Navigation software, GIS, map APIs, map apps for smart phones and tablets.
Increment, Information
17. Relating to a system in which employees receive a regular increase in the amount they are paid: Staff receive Incremental pay increases as they improve their knowledge and expertise
In, Increase, Incremental, Increases, Improve
18. Increment (n.) mid-15c., "act or process of increasing," from Latin Incrementum "growth, increase; an addition," from stem of increscere "to grow in or upon" (see increase (v.))
Increment, Increasing, Incrementum, Increase, Increscere, In
19. ‘Increment a pixel's stencil value every time the pixel is written.’ ‘According to Macrovision, it "wakes up" every so often and Increments counters in some of the product files.’ ‘If the last character of the file name being saved is numeric, then the new file name Increments the numeric suffix.’
Increment, Is, It, Increments, In, If
20. 1695, John Woodward, An Essay toward a Natural History of the Earth and Terrestrial Bodies, especially Minerals, &c the seminary that furnisheth matter for the formation and Increment of animal and vegetable bodies; June 9, 1832 Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Table Talk A nation, to be great, ought to be
21. Salary Increments are often expressed as a percentage of an employee's overall base pay
22. An Increment usually represents a portion of what the employee earns per year
23. Employers use Increments to increase or decrease base salaries or to award bonuses
Increments, Increase
24. Increment: 1 n the amount by which something increases Synonyms: increase Antonyms: decrease , decrement the amount by which something decreases Types: show 9 types hide 9 types amplification , gain the amount of increase in signal power or voltage or current expressed as the ratio of output to input fare increase increase in the sum
Increment, Increases, Increase, In, Input
25. Increment something by something to increase a sum by a supplement [of a certain figure]
Increment, Increase
26. Increment the numbering by ten so that 1, 2, 3 becomes 10, 20, 30
27. The base number was Incremented by 4.
28. Increment is a print and digital magazine about how teams build and operate software systems at scale
Increment, Is
29. The 'Attribute' tab is used to Increment an attribute value at each block insertion
Is, Increment, Insertion
30. The user selects the block to insert and the attribute to Increment, he also can set some block properties (global scale and rotation)
Insert, Increment
31. The 'Text' tab is used to create a text object which value is Incremented at each insertion.
Is, Incremented, Insertion
32. An Increment is an amount by which your salary automatically increases after a fixed period of time.
Increment, Is, Increases
33. Auto Increment attribute when specified on a column with a numeric data types, generates numbers sequentially whenever a new row is added into the database
Increment, Is, Into
34. The Auto Increment is commonly used to generate primary keys
Increment, Is
35. The defined data type on the Auto Increment should be large enough to accommodate many records.
36. Grant of adhoc Increment/stagnation Increment to employees drawing fixed pay in the pre-revised set up prior to 1.1.86 : Download (269.7 KB) 15/03/1989: 9 : 7(20)-E.III/87 : Grant of adhoc Increment to employees stagnating at the maximum of their pay scale - Clarifications : …
Increment, In, Iii
37. Increment - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions
38. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: Increment n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc
Ingl, Increment
39. Synonyms for Increment in Free Thesaurus
Increment, In
40. 21 synonyms for Increment: increase, gain, addition, supplement, step up, advancement, enlargement
Increment, Increase
41. Incrementum AG, the contact point for all those who don't follow the mainstream
42. Increment n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc
43. The Increment operator increases a value by one and it's just simply two plus operators together
Increment, Increases, It
44. If the Incremental operators is used before the operand it returns the value after the increase
If, Incremental, Is, It, Increase
45. Auto-Increment allows a unique number to be generated automatically when a new record is inserted into a table
Increment, Is, Inserted, Into
46. Increment operator increases integer value by one i.e
Increment, Increases, Integer
47. Int a = 20; a--; --a; The following is an example demonstrating Increment operator −
Int, Is, Increment
48. The Match_id is an integer column with auto_Increment property, so MariaDB will automatically Increment a sequential number when we insert a new row into the specified table
Is, Integer, Increment, Insert, Into
49. If the AUTO_Increment column is part of multiple indexes, MySQL generates sequence values using the index that begins with the AUTO_Increment column, if there is one
If, Increment, Is, Indexes, Index
50. Increment is a print and digital magazine about how teams build and operate software at scale
Increment, Is
51. Increment¶ Select world Around 1
52. Tax Increment financing is a tool authorized by Chapter 311 of the Texas Tax Code by which local governments can publicly finance needed structural improvements and enhanced infrastructure within a defined area called a reinvestment zone
Increment, Is, Improvements, Infrastructure
53. Programming languages like C/C++/Java have Increment and decrement operators.These are very useful and common operators
54. Increment Operators: The Increment operator is used to Increment the value of a variable in an expression
Increment, Is, In
55. In the Pre-Increment, value is first Incremented and then used inside the expression.
In, Increment, Is, Incremented, Inside
56. Increment counts between the otolith edge and the check formed on day 7 provided additional confirmation of daily periodicity of Increment deposition
57. Daily deposition of growth Increments in sagittae and lapilli of laboratory-reared larval northern pike (Esox lucius)
Increments, In
58. The Increment operator, in C#, is a unary operator represented by the symbols "++"
Increment, In, Is
59. This operator is used in C# to Increment the value of its operand by one
Is, In, Increment, Its
60. The operand in an Increment operation can be a variable, a property access or an indexer access.
In, Increment, Indexer
61. The Increment, published in 2009, dramatizes the hysteria in the Bush Administration about Iran's program to build nuclear weapons
Increment, In, Iran
62. Increment To add a number to another number
63. Incrementing a counter means adding 1 to its current value.
Incrementing, Its
INCREMENT [ˈiNGkrəmənt]
increment (noun) · increments (plural noun)
The definition of increment is the process of increasing by a specific amount, or the amount by which something increases. An example of an increment is an annual salary increase of 5%.
Increment in a sentence
Increment(noun) the increase of a variable quantity or fraction from its present value to its next ascending value; the finite quantity, generally variable, by which a variable quantity is increased. Increment(noun) an amplification without strict climax,
increment (plural increments) The action of increasing or becoming greater. Woodward the seminary that furnisheth matter for the formation and increment of animal and vegetable bodies.