See also: Incontrovertible Incontrovertibly Incorporate Incongruous Incompetent Inconceivable Inconvenience Incoherent Incorporated Incorporeal Incongruent Inconsiderate Inconsistency Incomprehensible Incompatible Inconsequential Income Incongruity Incomplete Inconstant Inconclusive Incorrigible Inconsistent Inconsequence Inconvenient
INCONTROVERTABLE [ˌinkäntrəˈvərdəb(ə)l]
incontrovertible (adjective)
incontrovertible - impossible to deny or disprove; "incontrovertible proof of the defendant's innocence"; "proof positive"; "an irrefutable argument". irrefutable, positive.
Sentence Examples In the absence of incontrovertible evidence, game wardens seem inclined to regard the cougar issue as something of a nuisance. In this regard, the evidence of objects is incontrovertible and often fundamentally subversive. And even a cursory knowledge of American history provides incontrovertible evidence of its falsehood.
Noun. 1. incontrovertibleness - the quality of being undeniable and not worth arguing about. incontrovertibility, positiveness, positivity. indisputability, indubitability, unquestionability, unquestionableness - the quality of being beyond question or dispute or doubt.