See also: Accidentalism Incidentals Accidentals Incidentally Incidental Incident Incisive Incite Incision Incitement Incise Incinerate Inciting Incidence Incipient Inci Incink Incinerar Incinerated Inciso Incisively Incitor Incited Inciteful Incivility
1. Early 17th century originally from medieval Latin Incidentalis, from Latin incident- ‘falling upon, happening to’ (from the verb incidere).
Incidentalis, Incident, Incidere
2. Early 17th century originally from medieval Latin Incidentalis, from Latin incident- ‘falling upon, happening to’ (from the verb incidere).
Incidentalis, Incident, Incidere
3. Incidental (adj.) "casual, occurring casually in connection with something else; of minor importance," 1640s, from Medieval Latin Incidentalis, from incidens (see incident (n.))
Incidental, In, Importance, Incidentalis, Incidens, Incident
4. Early 17th century originally from medieval Latin Incidentalis, from Latin incident- 'falling upon, happening to' (from the verb incidere).
Incidentalis, Incident, Incidere
5. Incidentalis incidentaliter incidenter incidentia incidentiae incidentiam incidentiarum incidentias incidentiis incidentium incidentur incideram incideramus incidentia in English Latin-English dictionary
Incidentalis, Incidentaliter, Incidenter, Incidentia, Incidentiae, Incidentiam, Incidentiarum, Incidentias, Incidentiis, Incidentium, Incidentur, Incideram, Incideramus, In
6. It finds its origins in Early 17th century: originally from medieval Latin Incidentalis, from Latin incident- ‘falling upon, happening to’ (from the verb incidere).
It, Its, In, Incidentalis, Incident, Incidere
7. Duns Scotus, Ordinatio IV d.1 pars 4 Incidentalis q.2 n.389 (XI 138): I also doubt that the scholastics would make such a use of dependence and substance; I've read plenty of discussions about substance being being per se yet even Scotus doesn't hasten to add that only God is substance in the true sense (which sounds more like a Thomistic
Iv, Incidentalis, Is, In
8. Early 17th century originally from medieval Latin Incidentalis, from Latin incident- ‘falling upon, happening to’ (from the verb incidere)
Incidentalis, Incident, Incidere
9. Incesztus Inch Inchoativ Inchoativum Incidens Incidentalis Incidentális (386724
Incesztus, Inch, Inchoativ, Inchoativum, Incidens, Incidentalis, Incident
10. Incidentalis e jelentése, fordítása magyarul » DictZone Latin-Magyar szótár.
11. Patent because it claimed an invention that “Incidentalis to” or “complementary to” financial activity
It, Invention, Incidentalis
12. On Wednesday at the helm of Incidentalis Arte we find the voice of Janet De Nardis who talks about exhibitions, new trends in traditional art and the realities of the web with influencers and creatives most loved by the Millennials; always on Wednesday Très Chic sees the conduct of La Duchessa Maria Consiglio Visco Marigliano that tells us
Incidentalis, In, Influencers
13. Incidentalis major: penumbra i, monoprint on paper, 28” x 47”, 2012
14. Incidentalis minor: penumbra vii
15. 9° Microfono d'Oro: Incidentalis Arte - Radio Incontro Donna - Duration: 2:37
Incidentalis, Incontro
16. To a quaestio Incidentalis on whether theology is a practical or speculative science4
Incidentalis, Is
17. Incidental Incidentalis not a type of hazard for insurance underwriting purposes.
Incidental, Incidentalis, Insurance
18. Incidentalis art 🎥💻 🎙 @[10150089901715424:274:Gianluca Mech] and @[100046936813980:2048:Janet De Nardis]! ′′ Art is also the art of work ′′ ️ The interview with each other, between digital and culinary art! 🗯 Ask your questions live!
Incidentalis, Is, Interview
19. Incidentalis: Recursus adversus decretum reiectionis ex parte Congressus (Rev
20. • Általában tünetszegények, Incidentalis felismerés jellemző a microadenomákra • Macroadenomák térfoglaló hatásuk okozta tünetek jellemzőek – látótérkiesés chiasma compressio (bitemporalis hemianopsia), fejfájás, visus csökkenés, látásvesztés súlyos Folyamatos panaszok fejfájás, gyengeség.Hatalmas orvosi térkép, melyet egy csomó papíron töltöttek fel
21. 20 Gondos mérlegelés ahogy e vizsgálóeljárások egyre érzékenyebbé válnak, az Incidentalis leletek következtében újabb vizsgálatok (amelyek gyakran újabb sugárterhelést jelentenek) és biopsziák következnek ahhoz, hogy a jövıben ne növekedjen tovább a rosszindulatú daganatok gyakorisága
INCIDENTALIS [ˌinsəˈden(t)l]
Incidentally is defined as a new, but related, point or something that is less important.
Definition of Incidental use Incidental use means that the property or service is used infrequently or for a minor portion of the total time it is used.
What is meant by "incidental work"? It's generally work that must be done in order for the main job to continue, and (again, generally) is not explicitly laid out in a contract.
Definition of incidental (Entry 2 of 2) 1 incidentals plural : minor items (as of expense) that are not particularized. 2 : something that is incidental. Synonyms & Antonyms Incidental vs. Accidental More Example Sentences Learn More about incidental. Keep scrolling for more.