See also: Incarnadine Incandescent Incarcerate Incapable Incalculable Incandescence Incapacity Incapability Incautious Incantation Incapacitate Incapacitation Incapacitated Inca Incarceral Incalculably Incants Incaution Incast Incandesto Incase Incarnate Incarceration Incarcerated Incarnation
1. English speakers picked up the "pinkish" sense of "Incarnadine" back in the late 1500s
Incarnadine, In
2. The verb Incarnadine literally means "to make the color of flesh," although it's more commonly used to mean "to redden." The first use of Incarnadine as a verb is in Shakespeare's Macbeth, when …
Incarnadine, It, Is, In
3. “ Incarnadine is a formally playful and carefully crafted book with a sense of wonder. Through a grace and a little humor, Szybist explores spirituality and …
Incarnadine, Is
4. Similar to the deep glossy red used by David Hicks at Barons Court in the 1970s, Incarnadine is unashamedly classic and glamorous.
In, Incarnadine, Is
5. Mary Szybist’s second poetry collection, Incarnadine: Poems, was released by Graywolf this month, and since Szybist is a local poet (and Tin House Summer Writer’s Workshop faculty member and a personal friend), I had the pleasure of attending her book launch at Powell’s.
Incarnadine, Is
6. Shakespeare makes a verb out of "Incarnadine," a sixteenth century adjective meaning "pink." (The Latin root carn-refers to flesh, and thus, in its derivatives, to flesh color.) "To Incarnadine" is
Incarnadine, In, Its, Is
7. Incarnadine Armor is an armor set usable by only Warriors and Shadow Knights, which drops in Chardok.Does this drop only from royals? This is either added late or removed at some point? A full set gives 138 ac, 28 Str, 29 Dex, 20 Agi, 10 Sta, 12 Int, and 25 hp if you have the Incarnadine …
Incarnadine, Is, In, Int, If
8. Part of the Incarnadine Armor set
9. In·car·na·dined, in·car·na·din·ing, in·car·na·dines To make Incarnadine, especially to redden
In, Ing, Incarnadine
10. Incarnadine definition: to tinge or stain with red Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
11. Everquest Item Information for Incarnadine Breastplate
Item, Information, Incarnadine
12. Incarnadine To dye red or carnation; tinge with the color of flesh
13. N Incarnadine A color ranging from flesh-color to blood-red.
14. When the Incarnadine embers of sunrise glowed in the east, the Missourians stood on the battlements and surveyed their domain
Incarnadine, In
15. (EUGENE PERCY) LYLE I'm afraid I can't get off, so you'll have to take someone else, or Incarnadine the seas by yourself
16. In·car·na·dined, in·car·na·din·ing, in·car·na·dines To make Incarnadine, especially to redden
In, Ing, Incarnadine
17. When something is Incarnadine, it has turned blood-red
Is, Incarnadine, It
18. Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood / Clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather / The multitudinous seas Incarnadine, / Making the green one red.
19. The Incarnadine lipstick matched my naturally peachy appearance
20. 🔊 Even though he was born blue, the newborn baby had a fresh Incarnadine color shortly after birth
21. 🔊 When asked to describe the suspect, people said his skin was Incarnadine
22. 🔊 The lipstick manufacturer created an Incarnadine color that was a pinky nude hue
23. Definition of Incarnadine in the dictionary
Incarnadine, In
24. What does Incarnadine mean? Information and translations of Incarnadine in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
Incarnadine, Information, In
25. Skaladrak Incarnadine was a legendary Emperor Dragon that ravaged in ancient times the mountains near Karak Kadrin.[1a][3a][4a][5a] It would later spawn many powerful Dragons, including Graug the Terrible[1a] and the fierce Fyrskar.[4b] In -720 IC it was first recorded as destroying several mines near Karak Kadrin.[1a][4a] The constant mining and manufacturing of the Dwarfs had stirred it …
Incarnadine, In, It, Including, Ic
26. The poetry featured in Incarnadine is no exception
In, Incarnadine, Is
27. Incarnadine: Of a fleshy pink color
28. But then I get long explanations about how Shx uses "Incarnadine" instead of "red" because he's a really, really good writer.Ferule & Fescue
Incarnadine, Instead
29. Synonyms for Incarnadine include cherry, blooming, cerise, claret, crimson, blushing, bright red, dark red, erubescent and reddish
Incarnadine, Include
30. Beautiful and inventive, Incarnadine is the new collection by one of America's most ambitious poets
Inventive, Incarnadine, Is
31. Praise For Incarnadine: Poems … “In her gorgeous second collection, Mary Szybist blends traditional and experimental aesthetics to recast the myth of the Biblical Mary for this era.
Incarnadine, In
32. Mary Szybist is the author of Incarnadine and a previous poetry collection, Granted, which was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award
Is, Incarnadine
33. Incarnadine is a fanfiction author that has written 20 stories for Harry Potter.
Incarnadine, Is
34. Chapman ML3 Modern V2 Electric Guitar Incarnadine Gear returned in mint condition
Incarnadine, In
35. The Angels Incarnadine are a non-Codex compliant successor of the Blood Angels
36. Dictionary entry overview: What does Incarnadine mean? • Incarnadine (verb) The verb Incarnadine has 1 sense:
37. Make flesh-colored Familiarity information: Incarnadine used as …
Information, Incarnadine
38. The talk introduced some of the key ideas and concepts that influenced the development of the online, multimedia project ‘Liber Incarnadine’, culminating with a short performance of a selection of anonymous text submissions that have been sent up to the L.I
Introduced, Ideas, Influenced, Incarnadine
39. What does Incarnadine mean? Of a fleshy pink color
Id, Img, Image, Incarnadine
41. Incarnadine definition: to tinge or stain with red Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Id, Img, Image, Incarnadine, Is
43. The well-known conversation between Wamba and the swineherd in Walter Scott's Ivanhoe, and that famous Shakespearean phrase, "the multitudinous seas Incarnadine " (Macbeth 2: 2), or even William Faulkner's modem novels cause no problem when they are translated into Japanese
In, Ivanhoe, Incarnadine, Into
44. Farrow and Ball paint in Incarnadine 248 Eclectic home design photo in Sussex
In, Incarnadine
45. Incarnadine Scale is an item available in Dragon's Dogma
Incarnadine, Is, Item, In
46. In a world where we are so often asked to choose sides, to believe or not believe, to embrace or reject, Incarnadine offers lyrical and brilliantly inventive alternatives
In, Incarnadine, Inventive
47. Incarnadine means, literally, a bright crimson color, like that of the heart
48. Incarnadine An interview with alumna poet Mary Szybist
Incarnadine, Interview
49. Mary Szybist's (Col '92) new book of poetry, Incarnadine, looks at modern life though the lens of the Annunciation.The book was just nominated for the National Book Award in Poetry
Incarnadine, In
50. In Incarnadine, Mary Szybist restlessly seeks out places where meaning might take on new color
In, Incarnadine
INCARNADINE [inˈkärnədīn]
incarnadine (noun)
incarnadine (verb) · incarnadines (third person present) · incarnadined (past tense) · incarnadined (past participle) · incarnadining (present participle)
Shakespeare makes a verb out of "incarnadine," a sixteenth century adjective meaning "pink." (The Latin root carn -refers to flesh, and thus, in its derivatives, to flesh color.) "To incarnadine" is thus to turn something pink or light red—what Macbeth imagines his bloody hands will do to Neptune's green ocean [ see A SORRY SIGHT].
1. Of a fleshy pink color. 2. Blood-red. To make incarnadine, especially to redden. [French incarnadin, from Italian incarnadino, variant of incarnatino, diminutive of incarnato : in-, in (from Latin; see in-2) + carne, flesh (from Latin carō, carn-; see incarnate ).] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.
English speakers picked up the "pinkish" sense of "incarnadine" back in the late 1500s. Since then, the adjective has come to refer to the dark red color of freshly cut, fleshy meat as well as to the pinkish color of the outer skin of some humans.
Example Sentences Learn More about incarnadine Did You Know? Carn- is the Latin root for "flesh," and "incarnates" is Latin for flesh-colored. English speakers picked up the "pinkish" sense of "incarnadine" back in the late 1500s.