Use Impinge in a sentence

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See also: Impinge Impinger Impinged Impingement Impious Impish Impi Impiously Impiety Impinging Impishly Impidimy Impitice Impiousness Impishness Impignorate

1. Impinge definition is - encroach, infringe

Impinge, Is, Infringe

2. How to use Impinge in a sentence.

Impinge, In

3. Impinge definition, to make an impression; have an effect or impact (usually followed by on or upon): to Impinge upon the imagination; social pressures that Impinge upon one's daily life

Impinge, Impression, Impact, Imagination

4. Impinge, infringe - To Impinge is to come into contact or encroach or have an impact; to infringe is to encroach on a right or privilege or to violate

Impinge, Infringe, Is, Into, Impact

5. It is strange at such times how trivial things Impinge on the consciousness with a shock as of something important and immense

It, Is, Impinge, Important, Immense

6. 1 (OF 4) VARIOUS The imagination of the line is meant to be impressed by the spectacle of the heavy mass about to Impinge on it

Imagination, Is, Impressed, Impinge, It

7. Impinge on/upon sb/sth meaning: 1


8. Usage Note: The use of Impinge meaning "to encroach; trespass," as in Americans dislike any policy that Impinges on their liberty, is well established as standard

Impinge, In, Impinges, Is

9. However, when Impinge is used more loosely to mean "to have an effect" the Usage Panel is split.

Impinge, Is

10. A Impingem, popularmente conhecida como Impinge ou simplesmente Tinha ou Tinea, é uma infecção por fungos que acometem a pele e levam a formação de lesões avermelhadas na pele que podem descamar e coçar ao longo do tempo.

Impingem, Impinge, Infec

11. Shock, horror, disgust Impinge on our sense of ourselves, creating a sense of crisis as our sense of completeness and comfort is threatened

Impinge, Is

12. All these moralistic pathologies are likely to Impinge on individual liberty and economic efficiency.

Impinge, Individual

13. Impinge on/upon sb/sth definition: 1


14. Any legislation that Impinges upon human rights must be stopped.


15. When you Impinge, you intrude on something, whether it’s someone else’s space, time, or rights

Impinge, Intrude, It

16. Impinge, meaning (1) to collide or strike, or (2) to encroach, is usually followed by on or upon.In the second sense, in which the word is most common today, Impinge is an intransitive verb, so it can’t have a direct object (that is, it can’t act directly on something and must have the on or upon to intervene)

Impinge, Is, In, Intransitive, It, Intervene

17. For example, you might Impinge on something’s privacy, but you don’t


18. Impinge - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions


19. Inflections of 'Impinge' (v): (⇒ conjugate) Impinges v 3rd person singular impinging v pres p verb, present participle: -ing verb used descriptively or to form progressive verb--for example, "a singing bird," "It is singing." Impinged v past verb, past simple: Past tense--for example, "He saw the man."

Inflections, Impinge, Impinges, Impinging, Ing, It, Is, Impinged

20. What does Impinge mean? (intransitive, figuratively) To interfere with; to encroach (on, upon)

Impinge, Intransitive, Interfere

21. Mid 16th century from Latin Impingere ‘drive something in or at’, from in- ‘into’ + pangere ‘fix, drive’

Impingere, In, Into

22. 20 synonyms for Impinge: invade, violate, encroach on, trespass on, infringe on, make inroads on, obtrude on, affect, influence, relate to, impact on, touch

Impinge, Invade, Infringe, Inroads, Influence, Impact

23. Synonyms for Impinge include affect, touch, influence, disturb, encroach, impose, interrupt, intrude, meddle and obtrude

Impinge, Include, Influence, Impose, Interrupt, Intrude

24. Something that Impinges on you affects you to some extent.


25. Any legislation that Impinges upon human rights must be stopped.


26. Impinge (on/upon something/somebody) to have a clear and definite effect on something/somebody, especially a bad one synonym encroach He never allowed his work to Impinge on his private life


27. The preparations for war were beginning to Impinge.


28. Im‧pinge /ɪmˈpɪndʒ/ verb → Impinge on/upon somebody/something → See Verb table Examples from the Corpus Impinge • The proposed fencing would Impinge on a public bridleway which traverses the field

Im, Impinge

29. • Except, of course, where they directly Impinge on me, that is.

Impinge, Is

30. Examples of Impinge in a sentence

Impinge, In

31. Hopefully the bad weather will move in a different direction and not Impinge upon our plans for an outdoor reception.

In, Impinge

32. See 6 authoritative translations of Impinge in Spanish with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations.

Impinge, In

33. Inflections of 'Impinge' (v): (⇒ conjugate) Impinges v 3rd person singular impinging v pres p verb, present participle: -ing verb used descriptively or to form progressive verb--for example, "a singing bird," "It is singing." Impinged v past verb, past simple: Past tense--for example, "He saw the man." "She laughed." Impinged v past p verb, past participle: Verb form used descriptively or to

Inflections, Impinge, Impinges, Impinging, Ing, It, Is, Impinged

34. Dictionary entry overview: What does Impinge mean? • Impinge (verb) The verb Impinge has 2 senses:


35. Advance beyond the usual limit Familiarity information: Impinge used as a verb is rare.

Information, Impinge, Is

36. Get a Impinge mug for your sister-in-law Riley.

Impinge, In

37. ‘Waves of any sort set up sympathetic vibrations in the materials they Impinge upon, which is the principle behind many many things, including telephones and radar.’ ‘Electrons from the source Impinge upon an x-ray anode, causing the emission of x-ray radiation toward the window.’

In, Impinge, Is, Including

38. Impinge Solutions is committed to delivering high quality products to clients helping them in this constantly changing and challenging biz world

Impinge, Is, In

39. Impinge Meaning: "fasten or fix forcibly," from Latin Impingere "drive into, strike against," from assimilated form of… See definitions of Impinge.

Impinge, Impingere, Into

40. Impinge in a sentence - Use "Impinge" in a sentence 1

Impinge, In

41. Impinge Solutions is an offshore website design company that receives work assignments from across the world and repeat work from more than 2000+ clients

Impinge, Is

42. Find 155 ways to say Impinge UPON, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.


43. Definition of Impinge verb in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary

Impinge, In

44. He heard the rain Impinge on the windows


45. She didn't allow her personal problems to Impinge on her work


46. Wit Wolzek claimed the legislation could Impinge on privacy, self determination and respect for religious libert


47. Impinge on/upon (something) formal : to affect (something) in a way that is unwanted : to have a bad effect on (something) His lawyers argued that the publicity will Impinge on the defendant's right to …

Impinge, In, Is

48. Those winds "Impinge" on J


49. Manohar and secretary N Srinivasan asking for a copy of all decisions taken at the board's special general body on Saturday as they "Impinge" on his rights.Cricinfo news from Cricinfo


50. Synonyms for Impinge upon in Free Thesaurus

Impinge, In

51. 20 synonyms for Impinge: invade, violate, encroach on, trespass on, infringe on, make inroads on, obtrude on, affect, influence, relate to, impact on, touch

Impinge, Invade, Infringe, Inroads, Influence, Impact

52. What are synonyms for Impinge upon?


53. Definition of Impinge in the dictionary

Impinge, In

54. What does Impinge mean? Information and translations of Impinge in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on …

Impinge, Information, In

55. Definition and synonyms of Impinge from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.


56. This is the British English definition of Impinge.View American English definition of Impinge.

Is, Impinge

57. There was widespread fear that the economic and social collapse of Argentina might lead to national authorities proposing unfriendly market activities which could Impinge on the positions of creditors and speculators, as indeed finally occurred-and it should be added-was an inevitability.

Impinge, Indeed, It, Inevitability

58. Impinge definition: Impinge or infringe upon synonyms: take advantage, trespass, entrench, encroach, trench antonyms: dematerialise, discontinue, refrain, stop

Impinge, Infringe

59. • Except, of course, where they directly Impinge on me, that is

Impinge, Is

60. • We can, however, have a much greater influence than at present over how such developments Impinge upon professional practices

Influence, Impinge

61. • We are probably also acquainted with examples where local and national government, large and big business Impinge on the local community.



IMPINGE [imˈpinj]

impinge (verb) · impinges (third person present) · impinged (past tense) · impinged (past participle) · impinging (present participle)

  • › Impinge in a sentence
  • › Impinge or infringe upon
  • › Impinge vs infringe

Frequently Asked Questions

What is another word for impinge?

impinge, encroach, entrench, trench(verb) impinge or infringe upon. "This impinges on my rights as an individual"; "This matter entrenches on other domains". Synonyms: dig in, ditch, trench, encroach, intrench, infringe, entrench. encroach, infringe, impinge(verb) advance beyond the usual limit.

What does impinge on mean?

Definition of impinge on/upon. : to affect (something) in a way that is unwanted : to have a bad effect on (something) Her work is impinging on her social life. The government wants to avoid impinging upon the affairs of private citizens.

What does impingement mean?

impingement - a sharp collision produced by striking or dashing against something. impaction. crash, smash - the act of colliding with something; "his crash through the window"; "the fullback's smash into the defensive line".

What is the opposite of impinge?

Antonyms for impinge include avoid, dodge, leave alone, miss, escape, evade, elude, circumvent, shake and skirt. Find more opposite words at!

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