See also: Impaneled Impanelled Empaneled Impaneling Impartial Impassive Impassioned Impact Impair Impactful Impartiality Impairment Impatient Impalpable Impasse Imparting Impala Impale Impassivity Impacted Imparts Impassions Impaled Imparted Impatience Impaired
1. 14 synonyms and near synonyms of Impaneled from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 8 antonyms and near antonyms
2. Find another word for Impaneled.
3. Everyone at Impaneled apologizes to the many of you who have been lying awake at night wondering when you might see another post here
4. In his charge to the first grand jury Impaneled for the Circuit Court for the district of Delaware, Justice Wilson urged grand jurors: " [Y]ou will be sedulous that criminals be discovered and punished, and you will be equally sedulous that the innocent be guarded and …
In, Impaneled, Innocent
5. Definition of Impaneled in the dictionary
Impaneled, In
6. What does Impaneled mean? Information and translations of Impaneled in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
Impaneled, Information, In
7. What does Impaneled mean? Simple past tense and past participle of impanel
Impaneled, Impanel
8. At the end of the day, a jury must be Impaneled to decide if the Chicago police had any lawful justification for their actions in March 2003
Impaneled, If, In
9. Beginning in early 1885, the sultan Impaneled a series of commissions and charged them with vetting the curriculum inherited from the preceding regime
In, Impaneled, Inherited
10. From Cambridge English Corpus A grand jury was Impaneled, …
11. Impaneled has been following the ongoing battle involving big firms and small ones for control of the cases that, for now at least, comprise MDL 2406, In re Blue Cross Blue Shield Antitrust Litigation.
Impaneled, Involving, In
12. Impanel (third-person singular simple present impanels, present participle (UK) impanelling or (US) impaneling, simple past and past participle (UK) impanelled or (US) Impaneled) To enrol , e.g
Impanel, Impanels, Impanelling, Impaneling, Impanelled, Impaneled
13. When impaneling additional special grand juries, a court should make a finding as to the need; and a court should always make it clear that the special grand jury is being Impaneled under 18 U.S.C
Impaneling, It, Is, Impaneled
14. When Impaneled; impaneling order
Impaneled, Impaneling
15. Jury Impaneled means that a jury has been selected
16. Last week's news was filled with reports that Special Counsel Robert Mueller had Impaneled a grand jury (The Wall Street Journal).Or did Mr
17. ‘As I sat there for five very long, quiet hours wondering whether I'd be Impaneled, I had plenty of time to decide what I was going to write about.’ Origin Late Middle English from Anglo-Norman French empaneller, from em- ‘in’ + Old French panel ‘panel’.
Impaneled, In
18. (a) Except as otherwise provided in subdivision (b), the grand jury shall be Impaneled and serve during the fiscal year of the county in the manner provided in this chapter
In, Impaneled
19. (b) The board of supervisors of a county may provide that the grand jury shall be Impaneled and serve during the calendar year.
20. Thursday’s news that Special Counsel Robert Mueller Impaneled a grand jury as part of his ongoing investigation jolted Washington and sent pundits to the airwaves, seeking to explain what this latest twist in the Russia story might tell us about President Trump’s ultimate fate.
Impaneled, Investigation, In
21. Impaneled Urdu Meaning - Find the correct meaning of Impaneled in Urdu, it is important to understand the word properly when we translate it from English to Urdu
Impaneled, In, It, Is, Important
22. There are always several meanings of each word in Urdu, the correct meaning of Impaneled in Urdu is جیوری, and in roman we write it Jeori.
In, Impaneled, Is, It
23. The first California Penal Codes contained statutes providing for a Grand Jury, to be Impaneled quarterly, at the same time as the trial jurors were drawn
24. Federal prosecutors reportedly Impaneled a grand jury several months ago as part of an investigation into whether former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe intentionally misled investigators about improperly leaking information to a reporter.
Impaneled, Investigation, Into, Intentionally, Investigators, Improperly, Information
25. A federal grand jury Impaneled by special counsel Robert Mueller is still conducting a "robust ongoing" investigation -- even after his team has concluded its work and disbanded-- a federal
Impaneled, Is, Investigation, Its
26. A federal grand jury Impaneled by special counsel Robert Mueller is still conducting a "robust ongoing" investigation -- even after his team has concluded its work and disbanded -- a federal
Impaneled, Is, Investigation, Its
27. The top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, which is also investigating Russia's election meddling, said news that Mueller has Impaneled a grand jury "suggests his work is …
Intelligence, Is, Investigating, Impaneled
28. Special counsel Robert Mueller has Impaneled a grand jury as part of the probe into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, according to two people close to the investigation.
Impaneled, Into, Interference, In, Investigation
29. L egal experts warn not to read too much into a report that special counsel Robert Mueller has Impaneled a grand jury as part of his probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election.
Into, Impaneled, Interference, In
30. Before you're Impaneled, the judge will tell you how long the case is expected to last
Impaneled, Is
31. You'll always have an opportunity to speak to the judge and explain your circumstances before being Impaneled …
32. Special counsel Robert Mueller has Impaneled a grand jury in Washington to investigate allegations of Russia’s interference in the 2016 elections, the Wall Street Journal said on Thursday
Impaneled, In, Investigate, Interference
33. As verbs the difference between empaneled and Impaneled is that empaneled is (empanel) while Impaneled is (impanel).
Impaneled, Is, Impanel
34. Fine and imprisonment by court limited unless jury Impaneled
Imprisonment, Impaneled
35. The fact that a grand jury has been Impaneled does not affect whether Mueller will be fired, as the president has threatened to do, and it does not in …
Impaneled, It, In
36. The Florida Supreme Court on Friday approved extending the term of a statewide grand jury that was Impaneled after the 2018 mass shooting at …
37. Remarks to Jurors (Civil) After Impaneled - 4 opposite of what you may have seen on TV or movies or read about in books
Impaneled, In
38. The grand jury Impaneled through this process issued a subpoena to the Tiller abortion clinic seeking 2,000 medical records
Impaneled, Issued
39. Impaneled.) CRIMINAL VOLUME JUNE 2013 ----- parties, attorneys, or witnesses involved in the case
Impaneled, Involved, In
40. The probe is apparently separate from the grand jury that was Impaneled in Alexandria, Va., in connection with the investigation of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn
Is, Impaneled, In, Investigation
41. 4) Following jury selection, the original questionnaires of all Impaneled jurors, including those questioned and excused, shall be retained in a sealed envelope by the Court Administrator, or a member of her staff, subject to the confidentiality requirements of the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure, and shall be destroyed upon completion
Impaneled, Including, In
IMPANELED [imˈpanl]
verb (used with object), im·pan·eled, im·pan·el·ing or (especially British) im·pan·elled, im·pan·el·ling. to enter on a panel or list for jury duty. to select (a jury) from the panel.
Legal Definition of impanel : to form (a jury) especially by summoning and selecting the members specifically : to enroll (a list of selected jurors) in a court — compare array Other Words from impanel
The word “empanel” is derived from the Old French empaneller which is itself derived from the diminutive form of the Latin word pannus and the prefix in. A pannellus is a little piece of cloth and the prefix in is used to denote in or on. Thus, to empanel is to put on a piece of cloth.
Second, which is correct – empanel or impanel? The word “empanel” is derived from the Old French empaneller which is itself derived from the diminutive form of the Latin word pannus and the prefix in. A pannellus is a little piece of cloth and the prefix in is used to denote in or on. Thus, to empanel is to put on a piece of cloth.