See also: Immateriality Immaterialist Immaculate Immanent Immaculately Immature Immaterial Imma Immaculata Immaculee Immaculacy Immanency Immanently Immaterium Immaturely Immaterially Immaculous Immanant Immanence Immanentism Immanentist Immanentize Immaturity Immaterialism
1. Examples of Immateriality in a Sentence the cost of such a lavish affair may be a matter of some Immateriality to the wedding planner, but not to the person who has to foot the bill Recent Examples …
Immateriality, In
2. Synonyms & Antonyms of Immateriality the quality or state of being unimportant the cost of such a lavish affair may be a matter of some Immateriality to the wedding …
3. Immateriality (noun) the state or quality of being immaterial or incorporeal; as, the Immateriality of the soul Etymology: [Cf
Immateriality, Immaterial, Incorporeal
4. Immatrialit.] How to pronounce Immateriality?
Immatrialit, Immateriality
5. Materiality ? Immateriality ? Is it both the different stuff ? Yes, but however, they are in conjunction instead of opposition
Immateriality, Is, It, In, Instead
6. Materiality is the quality of being material; having a physical existence while Immateriality is the state of being immaterial; having a chemical senses existence.
Is, Immateriality, Immaterial
7. Even commentators who have explicitly argued that the Treatise has little to say on issues of religion generally accept that Hume's discussion of the Immateriality of the soul contains an obvious irreligious message
Issues, Immateriality, Irreligious
8. Modern materialists confidently deny free will and deny the Immateriality of the intellect and will without even the slightest acquaintance with this pivotal argument that has been extant for two thousand years
Immateriality, Intellect
9. The chief aims of Thomas Aquinas on the Immateriality of the Human Intellect are to provide a comprehensive interpretation of Aquinas's oft-repeated claim that the human intellect is immaterial, and to assess his arguments on behalf of this claim.
Immateriality, Intellect, Interpretation, Is, Immaterial
10. ‘‘The Immateriality of electronic texts is unsettling, a turn-off.’’ More example sentences ‘‘The paintings are constantly changing in different light conditions, effecting a fluctuation between materiality and Immateriality,’ she adds.’
Immateriality, Is, In
11. Synonyms for Immateriality include inconsequence, inconsequentiality, inconsiderableness, insignificance, insignificancy, littleness, negligibility, nullity
Immateriality, Include, Inconsequence, Inconsequentiality, Inconsiderableness, Insignificance, Insignificancy
12. Hypernyms ("Immateriality" is a kind of): irrelevance; irrelevancy (the lack of a relation of something to the matter at hand)
Immateriality, Is, Irrelevance, Irrelevancy
13. Immateriality is an noun, plural immaterialities for 2 according to parts of speech
Immateriality, Is, Immaterialities
14. There are also several similar words to Immateriality in our dictionary, which are Inconsequence, Inconsequentiality, Indifference, Meanness, Molehill, Nothingness, Paltriness, Pettiness, Smallness, Triviality, Worthlessness, Negligibility and Trifling Matter.
Immateriality, In, Inconsequence, Inconsequentiality, Indifference
15. ‘‘The Immateriality of electronic texts is unsettling, a turn-off.’’ More example sentences ‘‘The paintings are constantly changing in different light conditions, effecting a fluctuation between materiality and Immateriality,’ she adds.’
Immateriality, Is, In
16. Immateriality The state of being or acting in independence of matter
Immateriality, In, Independence
17. Aquinas on the Materiality of the Human Soul and the Immateriality of the Human Intellect
Immateriality, Intellect
18. Immateriality is but another name for nonentity—it is the negative of all things, and beings—of all existence
Immateriality, Is, It
19. ROBERTS From this Immateriality, however, he did not derive the tenet of its immortality.
Immateriality, Its, Immortality
20. Synonyms for Immateriality in Free Thesaurus
Immateriality, In
21. 1 synonym for Immateriality: incorporeality
Immateriality, Incorporeality
22. What are synonyms for Immateriality?
23. Immateriality: The state or quality of being immaterial
Immateriality, Immaterial
24. In another place he says, "We must necessarily conclude from this alone, that because I exist, and have the idea of Immateriality, that is to say, of a most perfect being, the existence is therefore most evidently …
In, Idea, Immateriality, Is
25. Materiality & Immateriality Posted by kfynm on August 31, 2017 August 31, 2017 The role and importance of materiality thus includes much more than structural properties but equally informs a person’s experience of a building through its aesthetic, visual and haptic qualities as well as its associated social, cultural and historical meaning.
Immateriality, Importance, Includes, Informs, Its
26. Material and Immateriality are the still discussing and using in architecture today
Immateriality, In
27. Still, after conceding all these caveats, I believe the biblical evidence for the Immateriality of the soul to be compelling
28. 2,397 Followers, 75 Following, 0 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Hello,hello,hello, how low? (@Immateriality)
Instagram, Immateriality
29. The Immateriality of God simply means that He is not composed of any kind of matter, material, or substance
Immateriality, Is
30. WHAT IS GOD MADE OF? God’s Immateriality, often stirs debate, especially when influenced by facts and knowledge about science and philosophy.
Is, Immateriality, Influenced
31. From Immateriality to Neomateriality The era of the post-digital and New Aesthetic marks a new stage in the relationship between digital technologies and materiality
Immateriality, In
32. The Immateriality of God simply means that God is not composed of material
Immateriality, Is
33. Immateriality (countable and uncountable, plural immaterialities) the state of being immaterial the Immateriality of the soul; Synonyms
Immateriality, Immaterialities, Immaterial
34. Antonyms for Immateriality include bigness, consequence, import, importance, magnitude, moment, significance, weight, weightiness and materiality
Immateriality, Include, Import, Importance
35. Immateriality in architecture 1
Immateriality, In
36. Immateriality is the philosophically spiritual rather than physical
Immateriality, Is
37. Immateriality is an antonym of materiality
Immateriality, Is
38. Materiality is an antonym of Immateriality
Is, Immateriality
39. As nouns the difference between materiality and Immateriality is that materiality is the quality of being material; having a physical existence while Immateriality is the state of being immaterial.
Immateriality, Is, Immaterial
40. Immateriality: onstoffelijkheid; onbelangrijkheid: Translations: 1 – 1 / 1
41. Immateriality is the philosophically spiritual rather than physical
Immateriality, Is
42. Materiality and Immateriality can be thought of as opposite ends of a spectrum
43. From spooky bodies to self-knowing boxes, this talk considers what Immateriality is, drawing on the thought of Thomas Aquinas, and examines why Aquinas thinks that thought is an immaterial reality
Immateriality, Is, Immaterial
44. Immateriality" that admittedly falls into the category of hyperbole: Immateriality is not a fiction but an important element of new media that has profound effects on artistic practice, cultural production, and reception, as well as the curatorial process
Immateriality, Into, Is, Important
45. At the same time, this Immateriality cannot be separated from the material components of the
46. The Immateriality test is not appropriate for foreign companies, since they are not required to have conduct review committees to set Immateriality criteria
Immateriality, Is
47. 5 Beyond Pop’s Image: The Immateriality of Everyday Life Christina Chang Fig
Image, Immateriality
48. The theory incorporates elements of abstraction, Immateriality, and virtuality (Mori, 2012)
Incorporates, Immateriality
49. On its part, Immateriality in architecture deals with the reduction of both the physical and immaterial worlds.
Its, Immateriality, In, Immaterial
50. Immateriality Lincoln one who provides guidance, one who gives advice rivulet to strike a happy medium
51. Immateriality definition: the quality of not being physical; not consisting of matter synonyms: quality, incorporeality, impalpability, intangibleness
Immateriality, Incorporeality, Impalpability, Intangibleness
IMMATERIALITY [ˌi(m)məˌtirēˈalədē]
immaterial (adjective)
immateriality - the quality of not being physical; not consisting of matter. incorporeality. quality - an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone; "the quality of mercy is not strained"--Shakespeare. impalpability, intangibility, intangibleness - the quality of being intangible and not perceptible by touch.
Legal Definition of immaterial : not essential, pertinent, or of consequence the jury could have discounted the medical history evidence, or while accepting its accuracy, found it immaterial — Willett v. State, 911 S.W.2d 937 (1995) — compare irrelevant Other Words from immaterial
: not important : insignificant The new evidence is immaterial. : not essential, pertinent, or of consequence the jury could have discounted the medical history evidence, or while accepting its accuracy, found it immaterial — Willett v. State, 911 S.W.2d 937 (1995) — compare irrelevant What made you want to look up immaterial?