Use Hypothesis in a sentence

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See also: Hypothesis Hypothesised Hypocrisy Hypotonic Hypocritical Hypocrite Hypothetical Hypothermia Hypoxia Hypothalamus Hypothesize Hypodermic Hypo Hypotenuse Hypoglycemia Hypochondriac Hypoxemia Hypothetically Hypotension Hyponatremia Hypodermis Hypothyroidism Hypothecate

1. A Hypothesis is an assumption, an idea that is proposed for the sake of argument so that it can be tested to see if it might be true


2. In the scientific method, the Hypothesis is constructed before any applicable research has been done, apart from a basic background review.

Hypothesis, Has

3. A Hypothesis (plural hypotheses) is a proposed explanation for an observation

Hypothesis, Hypotheses

4. In science, a Hypothesis is part of the scientific method


5. The words Hypothesis, law, and theory refer to different kinds of statements, or sets of statements, that scientists make about natural phenomena


6. A Hypothesis is a proposition that attempts to explain a set of facts in a unified way


7. A Hypothesis is an explanation for a set of observations


8. Here are examples of a scientific Hypothesis. Although you could state a scientific Hypothesis in various ways, most hypotheses are either "If, then" statements or forms of the null Hypothesis. The null Hypothesis is sometimes called the "no difference" Hypothesis.

Here, Hypothesis, Hypotheses

9. Hypothesis is an assumption that is made on the basis of some evidence


10. A Hypothesis is a statement that can be tested by scientific research


11. A Hypothesis is a stepping stone to a soon-to-be proven theory


12. For a Hypothesis to be considered a scientific Hypothesis, it must be proven through the scientific method


13. Hypothesis 101 Learn More About Social Annotation 31 Mar @ 9:00am PDT


14. Use Hypothesis right now to hold discussions, read socially, organize your research, and take

Hypothesis, Hold

15. A Hypothesis is a tentative, testable answer to a scientific question


16. A Hypothesis (plural hypotheses) is a precise, testable statement of what the researcher (s) predict will be the outcome of the study

Hypothesis, Hypotheses

17. An idea or explanation for something that may be true but has not yet been completely proved: Hypothesis that Evidence supports their Hypothesis that a long-term relationship built on trust and obligation …

Has, Hypothesis

18. According to the definition, a Hypothesis is an assumption one makes based on existing knowledge


19. Hypothesis, something supposed or taken for granted, with the object of following out its consequences (Greek Hypothesis, “a putting under,” the Latin equivalent being suppositio)


20. A Hypothesis is an important part of the scientific method


21. A Hypothesis is a description of a pattern in nature or an explanation about some real-world phenomenon that can be tested through observation and experimentation


22. The most common way a Hypothesis is used in scientific research is as a tentative, testable, and falsifiable statement that explains some observed phenomenon in nature.


23. Hypothesis is a NYC based gaming company that brings together artists, educators, mathematicians, musicians, scientists, software developers, and other visionaries and doers


24. Hypothesis games are for people who aren’t afraid of a challenge.


25. In science, a Hypothesis is an idea or explanation that you then test through study and experimentation


26. Outside science, a theory or guess can also be called a Hypothesis


27. A Hypothesis is something more than a wild guess but less than a well-established theory.


28. A Hypothesis is a statement that attempts to explain a set of facts


29. Suppose your friend Smedley's room is a mess; your Hypothesis might be that Smedley makes the room messy.


30. Click the button below to install the Hypothesis extension from the Chrome Web Store.


31. “A Hypothesis is a conjectural statement of the relation between two or more variables”


32. (Kerlinger, 1956) “Hypothesis is a formal statement that presents the expected relationship between an independent and dependent variable.”(Creswell, 1994) “A research question is essentially a Hypothesis


33. Unable to save changes: Log in Don't have a Hypothesis account? Sign up

Have, Hypothesis

34. Here are the steps involved in how to write a Hypothesis for a dissertation

Here, How, Hypothesis

35. A research question is a starting step for writing a research Hypothesis in the dissertation


36. The Hypothesis can be broadly classified into different types


37. A simple Hypothesis is a Hypothesis that there exists a relationship between two variables


38. A research Hypothesis is a conjectural statement, a logical supposition, a reasonable guess, and an educated prediction about the nature of the relationship between two or more variables that we expect to happen in our study.

Hypothesis, Happen

39. Hypothesis (n.) 1590s, "a particular statement;" 1650s, "a proposition, assumed and taken for granted, used as a premise," from French hypothese and directly from Late Latin Hypothesis, from Greek Hypothesis "base, groundwork, foundation," hence in extended use "basis of an argument, supposition," literally "a placing under," from hypo-"under" (see hypo-) + thesis "a placing, proposition

Hypothesis, Hypothese, Hence, Hypo

40. A Hypothesis (plural: hypotheses), in a scientific context, is a testable statement about the relationship between two or more variables or a proposed explanation for some observed phenomenon.In a scientific experiment or study, the Hypothesis is a brief summation of the researcher's prediction of the study's findings, which may be supported or not by the outcome.

Hypothesis, Hypotheses

41. Hypothesis testing is a form of statistical inference that uses data from a sample to draw conclusions about a population parameter or a population probability distribution.First, a tentative assumption is made about the parameter or distribution


42. This assumption is called the null Hypothesis and is denoted by H 0.An alternative Hypothesis (denoted H a), which is the


43. The inverse of a null Hypothesis is an alternative Hypothesis, which states that there is statistical significance between two variables


44. How the Null Hypothesis Works A null Hypothesis is a theory based on insufficient evidence that requires further testing to …

How, Hypothesis

45. Statistical Hypothesis testing is a key technique of both frequentist inference and Bayesian inference, although the two types of inference have notable differences

Hypothesis, Have

46. Statistical Hypothesis tests define a procedure that controls (fixes) the probability of incorrectly deciding that a default position (null Hypothesis) is incorrect


47. This is a fairly low probably that it would happen fairly by chance, so you might be tempted to reject the Hypothesis that it was truly random, that Bill is cheating in some way

Happen, Hypothesis

48. And you could imagine if it wasn't 12 in a row, if it was 20 in a row then this probability becomes really, really, really, really, really small, so your Hypothesis


49. ‘The conceptual peg Hypothesis provides a theoretical explanation of the difference.’ ‘I think it's important to note that what I'm proposing here is a Hypothesis rather than a conclusion.’ ‘The scientific method involves proposing a Hypothesis then trying to disprove it.’

Hypothesis, Here

50. Good Hypothesis : Poor Hypothesis: When there is less oxygen in the water, rainbow trout suffer more lice


51. Kristin says: "This Hypothesis is good because it is testable, simple, written as a statement, and establishes the participants (trout), variables (oxygen in water, and numbers of lice), and predicts effect (as oxygen levels go down, the numbers of lice go up)."


52. Learn how to make your own Hypothesis with this catchy song! Featuring illustrations and hands-on experiments by Ben Leddy and Alison Slate.

How, Hypothesis, Hands

53. Hypothesis is an advanced testing library for Python


54. A Hypothesis must be verifiable by statistical and analytical means, to allow a verification or falsification


55. In fact, a Hypothesis is never proved, and it is better practice to use the terms ‘supported’ or ‘verified’


56. This means that the research showed that the evidence supported the Hypothesis and further research is built upon that.


57. Hypothesis n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc


58. If the null Hypothesis was true, what is the probability that we would have gotten these results with the sample? And if that probability is really, really small, then the null Hypothesis probably isn't true

Hypothesis, Have

59. We could probably reject the null Hypothesis and we'll say well, we kind of believe in the alternative Hypothesis


60. ALTERNATE Hypothesis • The alternative Hypothesis, denoted by H1 or Ha, • Is the Hypothesis that sample observations are influenced by some non-random cause

Hypothesis, Ha

61. STATISTICAL Hypothesis • A Hypothesis which can be verified statistically called statistical Hypothesis.


62. Hypothesis testing involves two statistical hypotheses

Hypothesis, Hypotheses

63. The first is the null Hypothesis (H 0) as described above.For each H 0, there is an alternative Hypothesis (H a) that will be favored if the null Hypothesis is found to be statistically not viable.The H a can be either nondirectional or directional, as dictated by the research Hypothesis


64. Hypothesis definition: A Hypothesis is an idea which is suggested as a possible explanation for a particular Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples



HYPOTHESIS [hīˈpäTHəsəs]

hypothesis (noun) · hypotheses (plural noun)

  • a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.
  • a proposition made as a basis for reasoning, without any assumption of its truth.
Synonyms: theory . theorem . thesis . conjecture . supposition . speculation . postulation . postulate . proposition . premise . surmise . assumption . presumption . presupposition . notion . concept . idea . contention . opinion . view . belief . reasoning . thinking . logic . grounds . sense . principle . theory . philosophy . thesis . argument . case . motive . motivation . explanation . justification . excuse . vindication .
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