See also: Hyphema Hyphae Hyphen Hyph Hyphy Hypha Hyphal Hyphenate Hyphenated Hyphenation Hyphomycetes
1. What does Hyphaemas mean? Plural form of hyphaema
Hyphaemas, Hyphaema
2. Surgical intervention in traumatic Hyphaemas becomes necessary when high intraocular pressure (IOP) is intractable and there is persistent corneal staining
Hyphaemas, High
3. Spontaneous Hyphaemas requiring a closer look
4. Use of an anterior chamber maintainer in the surgical management of traumatic Hyphaemas
5. Grade 4 Hyphaemas, raised intraoccular pressure, or anyone with sickle cell disease or trait
6. Hyphaemas are usually characterized by pooling of blood in the anterior chamber that may be visible to the naked eye.
7. Surgical intervention in traumatic Hyphaemas becomes necessary when high intraocular pressure (IOP) is intractable and there is persistent corneal staining
Hyphaemas, High
8. Recurrent Hyphaemas may result from IM and thus it is important to always consider IM in the differential of spontaneous Hyphaemas even in the presence of other ocular findings
9. Recurrent Hyphaemas may result from IM and thus it is important to always consider IM in the differential of spontaneous Hyphaemas even in the presence of other ocular findings
10. Hyphaema (plural Hyphaemas or hyphaemata)
Hyphaema, Hyphaemas, Hyphaemata
11. [Treatment of traumatic postoperative total Hyphaemas (author's transl)]
12. For more than ten years, we have successfully been using fibrinolysin for the treatment of total traumatic Hyphaemas.
Have, Hyphaemas
13. The ACM is an important tool in the surgical management of traumatic Hyphaemas because it facilitates AC washout and reduces iatrogenic damage to the iris and corneal endothelium.
14. Outpatient Management Of Small Traumatic Hyphaemas: Is It Safe? 3:27; Avoiding The Misuse Of Fresh Frozen Plasma 1:09; A Randomized Study Of Outpatient Treatment With Ceftriaxone For Selected Febrile Children With … 3:17; Occult Blood And Fecal Leukocytes As Screening Tests In Childhood Infectious Diarrhea: An Old … 2:05
A hyphema is a pooling or collection of blood inside the anterior chamber of the eye (the space between the cornea and the iris).
Prognosis and Treatment. Approximately 60% of those with a hyphema occupying greater than one half but less than total of the anterior chamber regain visual acuity of 20/40 (6/12) or better, while only approximately 35% of those with an initially total hyphema or a Grade 4 hyphema have good visual results.
Treatment for a Hyphema
A collection of blood in the space between cornea and the iris.
If your hyphema is mild, it can heal on its own in about one week. You can treat any pain you experience with over-the-counter pain medication that does not contain aspirin. Aspirin should be avoided because it thins the blood, and that could increase bleeding.Because most hyphemas happen because of sports injuries, it is important to wear protective eyewear. Sports injuries, especially with small balls like racquetballs, can cause serious eye problems. Besides hyphema, these injuries can cause cataracts, retinal detachments and glaucoma and lead to blindness.