See also: Hybridity Hybrid Hybridize Hybrida Hybridizer Hybris Hybridism Hybridized Hybridizing Hybridoma Hybridization
1. Hybridity offers the potential to undermine existing forms of cultural authority and representation.However, positive accounts of Hybridity have been criticized for failing to consider other social differences of class, gender, or location (Giyatri Spivak, In Other Worlds, 1988)
Hybridity, However, Have
2. There is a danger that some accounts of Hybridity banally
3. Hybridity synonyms, Hybridity pronunciation, Hybridity translation, English dictionary definition of Hybridity
4. Hybridity captures various ways in which identities are characterized by complexity or mixed-ness rather than simplicity or purity
5. Hybridity can refer to a single research instrument collecting different types of data, for example, a survey comprising questions with fixed responses (amenable to quantitative data analysis) and questions with open responses (amenable to qualitative data analysis)
6. Homi Bhabha’s Concept of Hybridity By NASRULLAH MAMBROL on April 8, 2016 • ( 12)
Homi, Hybridity
7. One of the most widely employed and most disputed terms in postcolonial theory, Hybridity commonly refers to the creation of new transcultural forms within the contact zone produced by colonization.As used in horticulture, the term refers to the cross-breeding of two species by grafting or …
Hybridity, Horticulture
8. Hybridity is an enticing idea in current postcolonial studies.1 In its dominant form, it is claimed that it can provide a way out of binary thinking, allow the inscription of the agency of the subaltern,and even permit a restruc-turing and destabilizing of power
9. Finally, this article makes the case that Hybridity is a conceptual inevitability, and proposes an intercontextual theory of Hybridity, which comprehends global cultural dynamics by articulating Hybridity and hegemony, providing an initial theoretical platform for a …
Hybridity, Hegemony
10. Hybridity competence is a separate source of power from Hybridity positioning
11. Someone in a disadvantaged position may still be able to work very effectively if they have high Hybridity …
Have, High, Hybridity
12. Hybridity has many roots, many branches, many blossoms
Hybridity, Has
13. Cultural Hybridity constitutes the effort to maintain a sense of balance among practices, values, and customs of two or more different cultures
14. Hybridity in this case is a helpful entry point to understand media and popular culture as a struggle to define the social world, often drawing on myths from the past and aspirations for the future
Hybridity, Helpful
15. Hybridity has been useful for scholars in the field internationally.
Hybridity, Has
16. "re-viewing the literary chinatown: multicultural Hybridity in gish jen's mona in the promised land " partridge, jeffrey f
17. Examples Of Hybridity Contemporary Art
18. This is a great example as the process of Hybridity is taking two different elements which creates a third element that is revised to serve a new better purpose sajed macu
19. In this way Hybridity is a constant process of negotiation between different cultural groups, a form of intercultural dialogue
20. This idea of Hybridity can be seen as the space where communication happens between cultures
Hybridity, Happens
21. A basic definition of hybrid and its derivative Hybridity, provided by the Oxford English Dictionary, is that it is a noun used to describe “ a thing made by combining two different elements; a mixture
Hybrid, Hybridity
22. Hybridity is about the moment of play, in which the two sides of the binaries begin to dance around (and through) one another before landing in some new configuration
23. Hybridity (Literary Theory) Introduction
24. Many academicians perceive “Hybridity” as a concept interrelated in the era of post-colonialism
25. Mimicry, Ambivalence, and Hybridity
26. Hybridity, Not Rugged Individualism, Is America’s Competitive Advantage
27. Hybridity has been a key part of this new modelling, and so it is logically entwined within the coordinates of migrant identity and difference, same or not same, host and guest
Hybridity, Has, Host
28. The career of the term Hybridity in a new cultural politics in the context of diaspora should be examined carefully.
29. Mimicry and Hybridity in Plain English
30. Synonyms for Hybridity in Free Thesaurus
31. Hybridity is a problem only from the point of view of essentializing boundaries
32. What Hybridity means varies not only over time but also in different cultures and this informs different patterns
33. The intermingling of people and media from different cultures is a communication-based phenomenon known as Hybridity
34. Hybridity concept in Postcolonial studies
35. Other articles where Hybridity is discussed: anthropology: The study of ethnicity, minority groups, and identity: …to the growth of “Hybridity”—the dissolution of rigid cultural boundaries between groups hitherto perceived as separate, the intermixture of various identities, in effect the dissolution of identities themselves
Hybridity, Hitherto
36. Hybridity can be viewed as a mixture of groups or cultures in which one then compliments the other so that a new group or culture is formed
37. In the other view of Hybridity it shows the overall loss of identity, or the process of identifying oneself among a
38. Definition of Hybridity in the dictionary
39. What does Hybridity mean? Information and translations of Hybridity in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
40. Besides, Hybridity is known as a site of struggle, deconstruction and resistance to dominating culture
41. Hybridity is referred to by Pieterse (1994) as “intercultural brokers in the interstices between nation and empire, producing counter narratives from the nation’s margins to the totalizing boundaries of the nations.
42. What does Hybridity mean? The state of being hybrid; hybridism
Hybridity, Hybrid, Hybridism
43. Hybridity: begins in race theory/genetics, but has long since been extended metaphorically
Hybridity, Has
44. Applying Hybridity Hybridity is well documented, and exists in different societies - it remains quite an established feature of the cultural discourse, and has been so for some time now
Hybridity, Has
45. As the Afro-American history demonstrates, there are numerous occurrences - particularly in the side of culture and societies - in which Hybridity takes place.
History, Hybridity
46. The Strength of Hybridity in Dracula Rachel Downhour Western Washington University Information Distribution in Dracula: Aubrey Anderson Mina Harker as a Modern Woman Western Washington University The Fear of Desire: Re-reading Dracula William Nachtrieb as a Doctrine on Hybridity Western Washington University Respondents: Nicholas Herb and Kate
Hybridity, Harker, Herb
47. Hybridity has been part of the Indian culture and Kamala Das was mostly bilingual because of her upbringing,” he said
Hybridity, Has, Her, He
48. This exploration of Hybridity begins by offering a description of the term and its uses in divergent and related fields, then a critique of assumptions (those of purity, of marginality and identity)
49. The liminality of Hybridity did create colonial anxiety (Bhabha, 1994), but mere Hybridity talk voids its radical edge, as talk regresses into the 'every identity is a hybrid' mode (Hutnyk, 2005
Hybridity, Hybrid, Hutnyk
50. Hybridity entered the field of postcolonial studies during the 1980s with the studies of Said, Spivak and Bhabha whose works, according to Ackermann, are “concerned with problems of representing ‘the Other’ in literature as well as in academia and thus developed a renewed interest in the hybrid” (in Stockhammer, 2012, 11).
Hybridity, Hybrid
51. ‘In their own individual ways, all these artists reflect - and reflect upon - this cultural Hybridity.’ ‘Their very Hybridity and instability make them difficult to represent through static models and maps, which at best represent partial truths.’ ‘But it is this Hybridity that makes the show a dismal failure.’
52. ‘In their own individual ways, all these artists reflect - and reflect upon - this cultural Hybridity.’ ‘Their very Hybridity and instability make them difficult to represent through static models and maps, which at best represent partial truths.’ ‘But it is this Hybridity that makes the show a dismal failure.’
53. We refer to this dimension of Hybridity as programmatic Hybridity
54. A final consideration is the changing nature of Hybridity over time
55. Organizations may change their hybrid forms over time, decreasing or increasing their level of Hybridity and, thereby also shifting across different zones of Hybridity (Billis, 2010).
Hybrid, Hybridity
56. Hybridity is a problem only from the point of view of essentializing boundaries
57. What Hybridity means varies not only over time but also in different cultures and this informs different patterns of Hybridity
58. Then we come back to the original question: so what? The importance of Hybridity is that it problematizes boundaries.
59. A notion that emerged in biology, thrived in postcolonial theory, then entered media studies as it metastasized throughout the humanities and social sciences, Hybridity is emblematic of our era
Humanities, Hybridity
60. Used to describe mixtures of cultures, races, languages, systems, even paradigms, Hybridity emerged in the 1990s as a master trope, a
61. Hybridity, though, emerged as a postcolonial theoretical notion, it is a ―colonial concept‖ which ―served certain interests, which were central to the colonial enterprise‖(Prabhu xii)
62. Therefore, varied subaltern realities of coercions might not find place within the theory of Hybridity
63. Cultural Hybridity: A Postcolonial Concept Dr
HYBRIDITY [hīˈbriditē]