See also: Humble Humbles Humblest Humbleness Humbled Humbler Humble-bee Humblebrag Humble-brag Humbling Humbly Humbug Humber
1. / She thanked hym, and with ful greet Humblesse / She seyde, "Sire, sith of youre gentillesse / Ye profre me to have so large a reyne, / Ne wolde nevere God bitwixe us tweyne, / As in my gilt, were outher werre or stiyf
Hym, Humblesse, Have
2. Definition of Humblesse in the dictionary
3. What does Humblesse mean? Information and translations of Humblesse in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
4. Borrowed from Old French Humblesse, from humble
Humblesse, Humble
5. Humblesse (uncountable) Humility, humbleness
Humblesse, Humility, Humbleness
6. 1590, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, I.xii: when to her they came, / Themselues to ground with gratious Humblesse bent, / And her ador'd by honorable name […]
Her, Humblesse, Honorable
7. Humblesse definition: humbleness, humility , or abasement Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Humblesse, Humbleness, Humility
8. Jean : () On aurait tiré son chapeau à toutes les meules de foin, heureux de notre Humblesse tranquille, sous la lampe que tu avais allumée entre tes deux doigts (Giono, Bout route, 1937, I, 8, p
Heureux, Humblesse
9. Definitions of Humblesse, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of Humblesse, analogical dictionary of Humblesse (English)
10. Humblesse oblige! View Comments
11. Wyclif's word; Chaucer uses the Frenchified Humblesse.
12. To speken of a servant proprely, With alle circumstances trewely — That is to seyn, trouthe, honour, knyghthede, Wysdom, Humblesse, estaat, and heigh kynrede, Fredom, and al that longeth to that art —[.]
Honour, Humblesse, Heigh
13. Thurgh thyn Humblesse, the Goost that in th'alighte, Of whos vertu, whan he thyn herte lighte, 20
Humblesse, He, Herte
14. 470 Thurgh thyn Humblesse, the Goost that in th' alighte, Through thy humility, the Ghost that alighted in thee, 471 Of whos vertu, whan he thyn herte lighte, By whose power, when he illuminated thy heart, 472 Conceyved was the Fadres sapience, The Father's Wisdom was conceived,
Humblesse, Humility, He, Herte, Heart
15. Myld Humblesse mixt with awfull majesty, For looking on the earth whence she was borne: Her minde remembreth her mortalitie, What so is fayrest shall to earth returne.
Humblesse, Her
16. Thurgh thyn Humblesse, the goost that in thalighte, Of whos vertu, whan he thyn herte lighte, Conceived was the fadres sapience, 20: Help me to telle it in thy reverence! Lady! thy bountee, thy magnificence, Thy vertu, and thy grete humilitee: Ther may no tonge expresse in no science; For som-tyme, lady, er men praye to thee, 25
Humblesse, He, Herte, Help, Humilitee
17. Learn how to say/pronounce Humblesse in American English
How, Humblesse
18. Myld Humblesse mixt with awfull majesty, for looking on the earth whence she was borne, her minde remembreth her mortalitie: what so is fayrest shall to earth returne
Humblesse, Her
19. His gentil herte is of so gret Humblesse To me in word, in werk, in contenaunce, 20 And me to serve is al his besynesse, That I am set in verrey sikernesse
His, Herte, Humblesse
20. It is easiest because Chaucer (or the clerk) makes mention of this comparison himself when he says: "Men speke of Job, and moost for his Humblesse,/ As clerkes, whan hem list, koone wel endite,/ Namely of men, but as in soothfastnesse,/ Though clerkes preise wommen but a lite,/ Ther kan no man in Humblesse hym acquite,/ As womman kan, ne kan
Himself, He, His, Humblesse, Hem, Hym
21. 936 Ther kan no man in Humblesse hym acquite There can no man in humility acquit himself 937 As womman kan, ne kan been half so trewe As woman can, nor can be half so true 938 As wommen been, but it be falle of newe
Humblesse, Hym, Humility, Himself, Half
22. But if in presence of that fayrest proud thou chance to come, fall lowly at her feet: and with meeke Humblesse and afflicted mood, pardon for thee, and grace for me intreat
Her, Humblesse
23. By Humblesse thow mayst to mercy strecche
24. Ne wonder; for her owne deare loued knight, All were she dayly with himselfe in place, Did wonder much at her celestiall sight: Oft had he seene her faire, but neuer so faire dight.So she beheld those maydens meriment With chearefull vew; who when to her they came, Themselues to ground with gratious Humblesse bent, And her ador'd by honorable
Her, Himselfe, Had, He, Humblesse, Honorable
25. 936 Ther kan no man in Humblesse hym acquite There can no man in humility acquit himself 937 As womman kan, ne kan been half so trewe As woman can, nor can be half so true 938 As wommen been, but it be falle of newe
Humblesse, Hym, Humility, Himself, Half
26. Jack-yarder Fromental Dagney Humblesse sulphatize torrone dew-laden Ophioglossum
27. Answer: Homotactic strickled ununiversity cottierism Humblesse antiegoistical aphototropism
Homotactic, Humblesse
As nouns the difference between humbleness and humility is that humbleness is humility; the property of being humble while humility is the characteristic of being humble; humbleness in character and behavior.
humbleness, unimportance, obscureness, lowliness(noun) the state of being humble and unimportant. Synonyms: lowliness, obscureness, abstruseness, humility, obscurity, low status, lowness, unimportance, reconditeness.
To be humbled is to be brought low or somehow diminished in standing or stature. Sometimes we're humbled by humiliation or failure or some other calamity.