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See also: Hostilities Hostility Hostile Host Hostel Hostess Hoster Hosta Hostal Hostos Hostia Hostilely Hosted Hostelry Hosting Hosteller Hostessing Hostage

1. Hostilities synonyms, Hostilities pronunciation, Hostilities translation, English dictionary definition of Hostilities


2. Find 46 ways to say Hostilities, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.


3. The Crossword Solver found 70 answers to the Hostilities crossword clue


4. 'Hostilities' is a 11 letter word starting with H and ending with S Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for Hostilities We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word Hostilities will help you to finish your crossword today

Hostilities, Hope, Help

5. On this page you will find the solution to Open Hostilities crossword clue crossword clue


6. Hostilities A rupture between the natives of different countries. The first hostile act that is committed by either party is considered the commencement of Hostilities

Hostilities, Hostile

7. 4 synonyms of Hostilities from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 13 related words, definitions, and antonyms


8. Find another word for Hostilities


9. Hostilities: a state of armed violent struggle between states, nations, or groups.


10. This card in reverse indicates you walking away from some recent Hostilities


11. Harmonize Hostilities (The Exceptional S

Harmonize, Hostilities

12. ‘Under the laws of war, they can be detained until the conflict, or at least actual Hostilities, are concluded.’ ‘Her arrival sparked a feud that flared into open Hostilities last week between herself and the local mayor.’ ‘After a week of silence the fight was rescheduled and the Hostilities

Hostilities, Her, Herself

13. Crossword Clue The crossword clue Hostilities with 6 letters was last seen on the January 23, 2021.We think the likely answer to this clue is COMBAT.Below are all possible answers to this clue ordered by its rank


14. The White House had told Congress that American military actions in Libya "are distinct from the kind of 'Hostilities' contemplated by" the War Powers Act of 1973.

House, Had, Hostilities

15. The Taliban are unlikely to agree to a nationwide cessation of Hostilities before APN make significant progress, or perhaps until an initial agreement is reached


16. A cease-fire at this time would presumably be mutual, with the Taliban, Afghan government and foreign forces all ceasing Hostilities against the others while retaining a capability


17. Synonyms for Hostilities in Free Thesaurus


18. 1 synonym for Hostilities: belligerency


19. What are synonyms for Hostilities?


20. Hostilities definition: You can refer to fighting between two countries or groups who are at war as Hostilities


21. The two countries were engaged in Hostilities. (Translation of Hostilities from the PASSWORD English–Spanish Dictionary © 2014 K Dictionaries Ltd)


22. Although the Hague Conventions, concerning the conduct of Hostilities, apply to the states that are party to them in the event of war, the various Geneva Conventions of 1949 (and the 1977 Protocols to them) come into operation where there is an armed conflict between two or more contracting parties even if a state of war is not recognized by one (or both) of them.

Hague, Hostilities

23. Focusing on recent issues arising in the course of Hostilities between States, it explores the dividing line between lawful and unlawful combatants, the meaning of war crimes and command responsibility, the range of prohibited weapons, the distinction between combatants


24. International law on the conduct of Hostilities regulates and limits the methods and means of warfare used by parties to an armed conflict


25. The outbreak of Hostilities (= the start of fighting): Anti-war demonstrations continued after the outbreak of Hostilities


26. Hostility between: the likelihood of renewed Hostilities between the two countries

Hostility, Hostilities

27. Conflicts the conduct of Hostilities increasingly seems to take place in parallel with law enforcement operations


28. Thus, the central question is the extent to which the rules governing the conduct of Hostilities need to be clarified, both in terms of their scope of application and their substantive aspects.


29. Synonyms for commencement of Hostilities include attack, strike, assault, blitz, offensive, invasion, onslaught, raid, campaign and incursion


30. India has expressed concern over the recent escalation in Hostilities in several parts of Yemen, saying it is “worrisome” that this situation will provide opportunities for terrorist groups

Has, Hostilities

31. Hostilities Some good news for a change: Aid to the Church in Need reports that Christian girl Farah Shaheen, aged 12, from Pakistan, the subject of an earlier entry A slave for her faith has been joyfully reunited with her family this week following an unexpected court ruling in her favour

Hostilities, Her, Has

32. The Social Hostilities Index is based on 13 questions (see the Summary of Results) used by the Pew Forum to gauge Hostilities both between and within religious groups, including mob or sectarian violence, crimes motivated by religious bias, physical conflict over conversions, harassment over attire for religious reasons, and other religion

Hostilities, Harassment

33. The Commander in Chief, orders the cessation of Hostilities, between the United States of America, and the King of Great Britain, to be publickly proclaimed, to morrow at the Newbuilding and that the proclamation, which will be communicated therewith, be read tomorrow evening at the Head of every Regiment and Corps of the Army—After which the Chaplains with the several Brigades will render

Hostilities, Head

34. When Hostilities became inevitable, acting in conjunction with Captain (later General) Nathaniel Lyon, he suddenly transferred the arms in the Federal arsenal at St Louis to Alton, Illinois, and a few days later (May ro, 1861) surrounded and captured a …

Hostilities, He

35. This chapter examines the Court’s approach in petitions challenging means and methods of warfare and IDF actions during ongoing Hostilities


36. The chapter argues that in cases regarding ongoing Hostilities the Court


37. 'Areas of Active Hostilities': Trump's Troubling Increases to Obama's Wars


38. Under the 1973 War Powers Act, the president must seek authorization from Congress to bring the United States into “Hostilities,” a word the act leaves undefined


39. JERUSALEM — With the coronavirus spreading fast through the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian militant group Hamas agreed Monday night to cool its latest round of Hostilities

Hamas, Hostilities

40. 2 days ago · Erdan warns of large scale Hostilities if Hezbollah remains unchecked "Hezbollah’s continued military buildup and harmful activities have the potential to …

Hostilities, Hezbollah, Harmful, Have

41. 2 days ago · “Hezbollah’s continued military buildup and harmful activities have the potential to lead to serious consequences including a renewal of large scale Hostilities between the parties,” Erdan wrote in a letter he sent to US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield ahead of the UNSC’s closed door session on tensions at that border held

Hezbollah, Harmful, Have, Hostilities, He, Held

42. Bos, Chief International Correspondent (Worthy News) – At least hundreds of thousands of Syrian Christians face growing anti-Christian Hostilities in war-ravaged Syria and neighboring Lebanon, aid workers said Friday.“Before the war began, they enjoyed respect from the Muslim majority and were treated as equals – perhaps uniquely in any Muslim-majority Arab country,” …

Hundreds, Hostilities


HOSTILITIES [häˈstilədē]


  • › Self hostility meaning
  • › Hostility definition examples medical
  • › What does hostility mean
  • › State of lasting hostility
  • › Social hostility meaning
  • › Hostility health definition

Frequently Asked Questions

What does hostilities mean?

Define hostilities. hostilities synonyms, hostilities pronunciation, hostilities translation, English dictionary definition of hostilities. n. pl. hos·til·i·ties 1. The state of being hostile; antagonism or enmity. See Synonyms at enmity. 2. a.

What is a sentence using hostility?

Examples of hostility in a Sentence They were both glad to have gotten through the divorce proceedings without any visible signs of hostility. The townspeople showed open hostility to outsiders. Peace talks were stalled after recent hostilities. Both sides are calling for a cessation of hostilities.

What does enmity hostility mean?

enmity, hostility, antipathy, antagonism, animosity, rancor, animus mean deep-seated dislike or ill will. enmity suggests positive hatred which may be open or concealed. an unspoken enmity hostility suggests an enmity showing itself in attacks or aggression.

Are both sides calling for cessation of hostilities?

Both sides are calling for a cessation of hostilities. Recent Examples on the Web One of the biggest hurdles may be the reputational damage done to an industry that prides itself on individualism and hostility toward regulation.

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