See also: Honest Honesty Hone Honey Honed Honer Honess Honesto Honester Honestly Honestus Hone-in Honeoye Honestest Honey-do Honeybee Honeydew Honeyed Honeynet
1 : a mass of hexagonal wax cells built by honeybees in their nest to contain their brood and stores of honey. 2 : something that resembles a honeycomb in structure or appearance especially : a strong lightweight cellular structural material. honeycomb. verb.
1 : a mass of hexagonal wax cells built by honeybees in their nest to contain their brood and stores of honey. 2 : something that resembles a honeycomb in structure or appearance especially : a strong lightweight cellular structural material.
WaveCel uses a honeycomb structure that both crushes and shears laterally on impact to lessen linear and rotational energy. In case you missed it, the central honeycomb stands for “Value”, which can only be fully achieved when all other surrounding factors are met.
— Dave Johnson, Forbes, 10 June 2021 Another feature worthy of mentioning is the metal honeycomb mesh that replaces the traditional HVAC vents along the dashboard.