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See also: Hominid Hominidae Hominids Homicide Homing Homicidal Homily Hominis Homie Homier Homina Hominal Hominy Hominin Hominini Hominem Hominess Hominine Homicidality Homilist Homiletics

1. Definition of Hominid (Entry 1 of 2) : any of a family (Hominidae) of erect bipedal primate mammals that includes recent humans together with extinct ancestral and related forms and in some recent classifications the great apes (the orangutan, gorilla, chimpanzee, and bonobo)

Hominid, Hominidae, Humans

2. Hominids are characterized by an upright gait, increased brain size and intelligence compared with other primates, a flattened face, and reduction in the size of the teeth and jaw


3. Besides the modern species Homo sapiens, Hominids also include extinct species of Homo (such as H

Homo, Hominids

4. Any of various primates of the family Hominidae, which includes orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, and modern humans, and their extinct relatives

Hominidae, Humans

5. Hominids [ (hom-uh-nidz) ] The biological family that includes our species, Homo sapiens

Hominids, Hom, Homo

6.Hominid” means “human-like”

Hominid, Human

7. Homo erectus may have served as a base population from which other Hominids evolved

Homo, Have, Hominids

8. Hominids, especially humans, can be considered the most intelligent biological family on the planet

Hominids, Humans

9. The word "Hominid" in this website refers to members of the family of humans, Hominidae, which consists of all species on our side of the last common ancestor of humans and living apes

Hominid, Humans, Hominidae

10. Hominids are included in the superfamily of all apes, the Hominoidea, the members of …

Hominids, Hominoidea

11. Paranthropus aethiopicus is a species of Hominid that is believed to have lived between 2.7 and 2.5 million years ago

Hominid, Have

12. Hominid – the group consisting of all modern and extinct Great Apes (that is, modern humans, chimpanzees, gorillas and orang-utans plus all their immediate ancestors)

Hominid, Humans

13. In 1974, paleoanthropologists Donald Johanson and Tom Gray, digging in Hadar, Ethiopia, found the partial skeleton of the earliest known Hominid at …

Hadar, Hominid

14. Hominidae, in zoology, one of the two living families of the ape superfamily Hominoidea, the other being the Hylobatidae (gibbons)

Hominidae, Hominoidea, Hylobatidae

15. Hominidae includes the great apes—that is, the orangutans (genus Pongo), gorillas (Gorilla), and chimpanzees and bonobos (Pan)—as well as human beings (Homo).

Hominidae, Human, Homo

16. Hominin, Any member of the zoological “tribe” Hominini (family Hominidae, order Primates), of which only one species exists today—Homo sapiens, or human beings

Hominin, Hominini, Hominidae, Homo, Human

17. A Hominid is any member of the biological family Hominidae

Hominid, Hominidae

18. The word "Hominid" has been used in various ways.

Hominid, Has

19. Hominid However, this unique brain/body coupling in Hominids may well have evolved by virtue of selection for increased brain power (and consequently, larger brain size)

Hominid, However, Hominids, Have

20. Hominids lived as hunter–gatherers for the vast majority of their evolutionary history (more than 2 million years)

Hominids, Hunter, History

21. 1 Description 2 Uses 3 Types of Hominids 4 Hominid Mechanics A Hominid is an item indicating your current character as well as any members of your clan

Hominids, Hominid

22. Additional Hominids can be found in the wild and can be helped to have them join your clan

Hominids, Helped, Have

23. Each Hominid can be played to explore the world


24. It is possible to play other Hominids in your clan by switching places


25. Under this system, the term Hominid refers to members of the Hominidae family (in taxonomy, names that end in -idae refer to a family)

Hominid, Hominidae

26. As taxonomic classification changes with new molecular findings, modern humans and their ancestors are referred to by either of these two terms: Hominid (traditional classification

Humans, Hominid

27. Definition of Hominid When Unscrambled


28. If we unscramble these letters, Hominid, it and makes several words


29. Here is one of the definitions for a word that uses all the unscrambled letters: Hominid

Here, Hominid

30. Click here for the full meaning of Hominid; Is Hominid a Scrabble Word? is Hominid a Words With

Here, Hominid

31. A Hominid is a family of primates that includes today's humans and their extinct direct ancestors

Hominid, Humans

32. Before humans evolved into what they are today, several human-like species existed, some of which went extinct and some of which evolved into today's species—the only living species of Hominids.

Humans, Human, Hominids

33. Hominid trace fossils are classified as artifacts, biofacts, and features (Fig


34. Hominid: 1 n a primate of the family Hominidae Types: show 21 types hide 21 types homo , human , human being , man any living or extinct member of the family Hominidae characterized by superior intelligence, articulate speech, and erect carriage Pithecanthropus , Pithecanthropus erectus , genus Pithecanthropus former genus of primitive

Hominid, Hominidae, Hide, Homo, Human

35. Hominoidi (Hominoidea) – skupina spojující gibony a Hominidy

Hominoidi, Hominoidea, Hominidy

36. Hominidé (Hominidae) – skupina spojující orangutany, gorily, šimpanze a lidi.

Hominid, Hominidae

37. Over the last decade, there have been a number of important fossil discoveries in Africa of what may be very early transitional ape/hominins, or proto-hominins.These creatures lived just after the divergence from our common Hominid ancestor with chimpanzees and bonobos, during the late Miocene and early Pliocene Epochs.

Have, Hominins, Hominid

38. What does Hominid mean? Any of a family (Hominidae) of two-legged primates including all forms of humans, extinct and living

Hominid, Hominidae, Humans

39. The most current research indicates that all of the Hominid species are descended from the same ancestor, a hominin in Africa; but the exact origins, dating, and spread of Hominids throughout the world was a complex process that needs much more research to identify.

Hominid, Hominin, Hominids

40. Hominid is a short novel by Austrian writer Klaus Ebner


41. Taking place millions of years ago, it is a fictional story of a band of extinct Hominids who inhabit Central Africa


42. Hominid starts with a childhood camping trip gone wrong


43. The earliest known Hominid fossil, which dates to about 7 million years ago, is actually some kind of ape, according to an international team of researchers led …


44. Any of various primates of the family Hominidae, which includes orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, and modern humans, and their extinct relatives

Hominidae, Humans

45. This video examines the critical distinction of whether Bigfoot is a Hominid (more ape-like) or hominin (more man-like) The distinction is important in orde

Hominid, Hominin

46. Fossil Of Earliest Hominid Known Found In Ethiopia


47. Amazing Hominid haul in Ethiopia

Hominid, Haul

48. Hominid definition: any primate of the family Hominidae, which includes modern humans ( Homo sapiens ) and Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

Hominid, Hominidae, Humans, Homo

49. Hominid refers to a group of primates, consisting of all modern and extinct Great apes


50. Hominidae is the name of the family wherein Hominid is the common name of this primate group.

Hominidae, Hominid

51. ‘Do Hominid fossils from one to two million years ago represent a single species or numerous branches on the family tree, some of which died out?’ ‘A glance at the fossil remains of these Hominids shows that Neandertal bones are much more robust than those of modern Homo sapiens.’

Hominid, Hominids, Homo

52. ‘Do Hominid fossils from one to two million years ago represent a single species or numerous branches on the family tree, some of which died out?’ ‘A glance at the fossil remains of these Hominids shows that Neandertal bones are much more robust than those of modern Homo sapiens.’

Hominid, Hominids, Homo

53. Our Pleistocene Hominid forebears were exploiters of the savannas and their adjacent gallery forests.: An opposing camp argues that bipedalism is simply the most energy-efficient way for a Hominid to get around on a flat surface.: The great mammalian megafauna are flourishing, and the Hominid primates have become increasingly skilled at the use of fire and tool-making.

Hominid, Have

54. Hominid A primate of an animal family that includes humans and their ancient relatives known only from fossils

Hominid, Humans

55. The Fossil Hominid Sites of South Africa is a collection of 13 sites at 13 separate locations


56. The now-UNESCO site Fossil Hominid Sites of South Africa was discovered by accident, along with its cultural value.


57. Hominid (noun): any of the modern or extinct bipedal primates of the family of humans or apes According to the experts, Homo sapiens are the only Hominids in the family of humans that currently exists

Hominid, Humans, Homo, Hominids


HOMINID [ˈhäməˌnid]


  • › What is a hominids
  • › Hominid evolution definition
  • › List of hominids in order
  • › Hominid definition kids
  • › Hominid biology definition
  • › What does hominidae mean
  • › Hominids in chronological order

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the meaning of the word 'hominid'?

Definition of hominid. (Entry 1 of 2) : any of a family (Hominidae) of erect bipedal primate mammals that includes recent humans together with extinct ancestral and related forms and in some recent classifications the great apes (the orangutan, gorilla, chimpanzee, and bonobo) hominid.

What is the difference between a hominid and a primate?

Answer. The difference between primates and hominids: a primate refers to members of the ORDER Primate which includes monkeys, lemurs and apes. A hominid is a member of the FAMILY Hominidae (great apes) which includes gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, and us humans. A hominid is just a specific group of primate.

What is the difference between hominid and Neanderthal?

The difference between humans and Neanderthals is their height, size and morphological features . Neanderthals, when compared to humans, were shorter in height and smaller in size. Humans have larger bodies when compared to Neanderthals, and have a significant difference in form and structure, especially in their skulls and teeth.

What's the difference between hominids and hominins?

Difference between Hominids and Hominoids Definition. Hominids are tailless simians belonging to any of four groups of species, namely the orangutans, gorillas,... Scientific term. Hominids are also called the Family Hominidae while the hominoids are called the Family Hominoidea. Species. Hominids include 2 species of orangutans, 2 species of gorillas, 2 species of... More ...

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