See also: Homestore Holm Holman Holme Holmium Holmgang Holmesian
1. The road from Anglebury to Holmstoke is in general level, but there is one place where a sharp ascent breaks its monotony
2. Though the action of the story seems to move away from Holmstoke to Casterbridge, the river connects the "water-meadows" of the dairy to the cottage of that "water-side hermit," the hangman: "the Casterbridge official dwelt in a lonely cottage by a deep slow river flowing under the cliff on which the prison buildings were situate— the stream being the self-same one, though she did not know it, which watered the Stickleford and Holmstoke …
Holmstoke, Hermit, Hangman
3. Holmstoke East Stoke Ivelchester Ilchester Ivell Yeovil Kennetbridge Newbury Kingsbere Bere Regis Kings Hintock Melbury Osmund Knollsea Swanage Leddenton Gillingham Lewgate Lewstock Little Enkworth Kingston Little Hintock Hermitage Little Welland Winterborne Zelston
Holmstoke, Hintock, Hermitage
4. The story is set in a fictional rural town in Wessex called Holmstoke during the early nineteenth century, with a small farming community
5. At the beginning we are introduced to the talk of the poor milk maids and men who gossip about the richer members of their community, the main person being Farmer Lodge, a rich land owner who is bringing his young new wife back to Holmstoke.
His, Holmstoke
6. “…but her face grew sadder and thinner; and in the spring she and her boy disappeared from the neighborhood of Holmstoke.”
Her, Holmstoke
7. Her arrival to Holmstoke in the beginning of the story seems to be normal
Her, Holmstoke
8. Holmstoke and town of Casterbridge
9. We first see Farmer Lodge in his gig while bringing his new wife Gertrude to Holmstoke
His, Holmstoke
10. Resumen El casamiento del próspero granjero Lodge con Gertrude, una muchacha recién llegada de Anglebury, es el acontecimiento más esperado desde hace mucho tiempo en Holmstoke, un pequeño pueblo en el corazón de la Inglaterra rural
Hace, Holmstoke
11. Farmer Lodge is leaving Holmstoke and has sold all his property
Holmstoke, Has, His
12. He sent a message for me to go and live in my old home in Holmstoke
He, Home, Holmstoke
13. The road from Anglebury to Holmstoke is in general level; but there is one place where a sharp ascent breaks its monotony
14. We first see Farmer Lodge in his gig while bringing his new wife Gertrude to Holmstoke
His, Holmstoke
15. This story was set in Holmstoke, I believe that's he based the society of Holmstoke on his current Society that he lived in
Holmstoke, He, His
16. He can ignore Rhoda for several years and bring a new wife Gertrude to Holmstoke
He, Holmstoke
17. From the neighbourhood of Holmstoke" after the rumor of her "overlooking" Mrs
Holmstoke, Her
18. They are also isolated as they live in a small village far apart from the town or other villages called Holmstoke.
19. The latter kept her own counsel about the incubus, but her face grew sadder and thinner; and in the spring she and her boy disappeared from the neighbourhood of Holmstoke
Her, Holmstoke
20. To Holmstoke: a long white riband of gravel that was empty, save of one VFDUFH PRYLQJVSHFN ZKLFKSUHVHQWO\UHVROYHGLWVHOILQWRWKH¿JXUHRID boy ; Fellow Townsmen opens with Charles Downe on foot and George Barnet in his phaeton, both on the turnpike road leading into Port- …
Holmstoke, His
21. The Withered Arm is a pre-20th century book by Thomas Hardy; the plot of the story is in and around the writers' imaginary village of Holmstoke and town of Casterbridge.
Hardy, Holmstoke
22. Rhoda left home as she could not bear with the guilt, ‘she and her boy disappeared from the neighbourhood of Holmstoke’. Hardys technique has kept us interested and thinking
Home, Her, Holmstoke, Hardys, Has
23. The Withered Arm, which was written in the 19th Century, is partly set on a diary farm in the imaginary village of Holmstoke and town of Casterbridge in Wessex
24. The road from Anglebury to Holmstoke is in general level; but there is one place where a sharp ascent breaks its monotony
25. They are also isolated as they live in a small village far apart from the town or other villages called Holmstoke.
26. ‘The Withered Arm’ is one of many Thomas Hardy short novels, it is set in the late 1800’s in a village called Holmstoke that has a small rural community of mostly milkmaids
Hardy, Holmstoke, Has
27. We first see Farmer Lodge in his gig while bringing his new wife Gertrude to Holmstoke
His, Holmstoke
28. The audience console with Rhoda and her son when Farmer Lodge rudely ignores his illegitimate son, when he is watching the newlywed couple returning to Holmstoke.
Her, His, He, Holmstoke
29. Thomas Hardy sets the story in the fictional village of Holmstoke
Hardy, Holmstoke
30. The setting is the Wessex village of Holmstoke on Egdon Heath early in the last century
Holmstoke, Heath
31. The road from Anglebury to Holmstoke is in gen= eral level, but there is one place where a sharp ascent breaks its monotony
32. Although the story is set in ‘Holmstoke’ (East Holme in Hardy-ese), much of this episode was filmed in or around Bettiscombe
Holmstoke, Holme, Hardy
33. She and her boy disappeared from the neighbourhood of Holmstoke.' Page 41.
Her, Holmstoke
34. “The latter kept her own counsel about the incubus, but her face grew sadder and thinner and in the spring she and her boy disappeared from the neighbourhood of Holmstoke.” The next time we see Rhoda is when Gertrude goes to cure her arm by touching the corpse of a hanged man and finds out that the dead body is actually that, of Rhoda’s son.
Her, Holmstoke, Hanged
35. The road from Anglebury to Holmstoke is in general level; but there is one place where a sharp ascent breaks its monoton Submitted on 18 Dec, 2018 at 11:41 AM Children Classics