See also: Hijrah Hijra
1. Hijrah, (Arabic: “Migration” or “Emigration”) also spelled Hejira or Hijra, Latin Hegira, the Prophet Muhammad ’s migration (622 ce) from Mecca to Yathrib (Medina) upon invitation in …
Hijrah, Hejira, Hijra, Hegira
2. "Hijrah" is the Arabic word for emigration
3. Example sentences from the Web for Hijrah The handwriting is of the end of the 9th or beginning of the 10th century of the Hijrah. The Sufistic Quatrains of Omar Khayyam Omar Khayyam
Hijrah, Handwriting
4. Hijrah is an obligatory duty of every individual Muslim
5. However, to perform Hijrah in nowadays is much more difficult compared to old days
However, Hijrah
6. Privacy Policy Contact Us Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization (Tax ID# 31-1256417) Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center © 2020
7. Hijrah Advisors is not just the leading immigration service providers in Dubai but towards your desired goal
8. Falsafah Program Hijrah SELANGOR berteraskan konsep ”Pinjaman Asas Simpanan”
9. Hijrah is an Islamic term meaning “migration.” The term historically refers to the journey undertaken by the Islamic prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina.
Hijrah, Historically
10. Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center is a non-profit organization registered in the State of Virginia with a federal tax I.D
11. Number 31-1256417.Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center has been affiliated with the Muslim American Society (MAS) since 1999.
Hijrah, Has
12. Hijrah can also signify striking off on a new path that allows one to become a better person
13. A person who has committed acts considered sinful might make the Hijrah to a life free of sin
Has, Hijrah
14. So Hijrah means migratinmg to join other Muslims.
15. Hijrah, the Turning Point in Islamic History
Hijrah, History
16. Hijrah (Immigration to Madinah), no doubt, kindled the light of hope in the hearts of the early Muslims who set a shining example for all Muslims, in every generation, to emulate.
Hijrah, Hope, Hearts
17. Hijrah, in essence, is a process of transfer to a better situation.It is not meant to find a comfortable place where one would relax and stop endeavor (attempt).
18. Hijrah is not responsible on the goods quality caused by unreliable seller / supplier
19. Hijrah is not responsible on any shipping delay caused by holidays, bad weather, flight delay or held in custom inspections
Hijrah, Holidays, Held
20. The Islamic doctrine of Hijrah or conquest via immigration is alive and well
21. Hijrah, the Turning Point in Islamic History
Hijrah, History
22. Hijrah (Immigration to Madinah), no doubt, kindled the light of hope in the hearts of the early Muslims who set a shining example for all Muslims, in every generation, to emulate.
Hijrah, Hope, Hearts
23. Hijrah, in essence, is a process of transfer to a better situation.It is not meant to find a comfortable place where one would relax and stop endeavor (attempt).
24. Meanings for Hijrah Islamic concept of immigration -- changing a country from within.
25. Our Expertise Hijrah Inovatif Sdn Bhd provides a wide area of expertise including in Oil and Gas, Power Sectors, Industrials, Constructions, Retails, Consultation and more that are customized and geared towards such objectives
26. Albar "Hijrah" Fahreza is an Indonesian Professional PUBG Mobile player who is currently playing for BOOM Esports/Mobile.
27. Hijrah is also known as Hejira or Hijra means migration/emigration
Hijrah, Hejira, Hijra
28. The Prophet (PBUH) made the Hijrah as the Muslims were badly persecuted in Mecca and the Muslims had been suffering the atrocities of the Kuffar of Makka for a long time.
Hijrah, Had
29. Rossa - Hijrah Cinta Official Video Clip
30. Hijrah also means departure from division and strife to harmony and unity, from the state of wandering and bewilderment to guidance and straight path, from Allah's anger to …
Hijrah, Harmony
31. Hijrah from one place to another involves movement and transport
32. In Hans Wehrs Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic, the meanings listed for the noun “Hijrah” include: departure, exit, emigration, exodus and immigration while the meanings listed for the verb “hajara” include: to emigrate; to dissociate, separate, part, secede, keep away
Hans, Hijrah, Hajara
33. In that time, over 16,000 people have received food or a hot meal from Dar Al-Hijrah
Have, Hot, Hijrah
34. It was after the Hijrah that the laws of God could be established bringing justice and peace
35. The Hijrah calendar is a lunar calendar supporting Islamic calendars
36. The HijrahChronology follows the rules of the Hijrah calendar system
Hijrahchronology, Hijrah
37. The Hijrah calendar has several variants based on differences in when the new moon is determined to have occurred and where the observation is made.
Hijrah, Has, Have
38. This was the Hijrah - anglicized as Hegira - usually, but inaccurately, translated as "Flight" - from which the Muslim era is dated
Hijrah, Hegira
39. In fact, the Hijrah was not a flight but a carefully planned migration which marks not only a break in history - the beginning of the Islamic era- but also, for Muhammad and the Muslims, a new way of life
Hijrah, History
40. Hijrah in a sentence - Use "Hijrah" in a sentence 1
41. Hijrah, he said, was a great lesson for Muslims.2.This is how Hijrah Unit Trust Management Berhad came into being
Hijrah, He, How
42. Click for more sentences of Hijrah: 2.Many cultures still honor the transgendered, for example, in the figure of the berdash in Native American cultures or the hijra in South: 3.
Hijrah, Honor, Hijra
43. TV AlHijrah berbangga menjadi perintis yang membentuk penyiaran kandungan Islam dengan mengekalkan standard yang tinggi dalam program-program …
44. The multi-layered threat from the Hijrah keeps on increasing, as migrants keep finding creative new ways to gain entry into the West: Migrants are using the World Cup ticketing system to illegally enter the European Union without a visa
45. Synonyms for Hijrah in Free Thesaurus
46. 7 reviews of Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center "I love this mosque:) I love how they have a lot of classes and events for adults and for the youth."
Hijrah, How, Have
47. Looking for online definition of Hijrah or what Hijrah stands for? Hijrah is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms The Free Dictionary
48. Listen to the audio pronunciation of Hijrah on pronouncekiwi
49. Pronouncekiwi - How To Pronounce Hijrah
How, Hijrah
[ syll.hij-rah, hi-jr-ah] The baby girl name Hijrah is pronounced as HHAY-RAH- †. Hijrah's origin is Arabic. The meaning of the name is refers to the migration of Muhammad. The name Hijrais a form of Hijrah.
The differences between transgender and hijra are shown in the table below: Transgender Hijra Definition A state where a person identifies onesel ... A male who has physiological feminine ge ... Includes People who do not identify exclusively w ... Males; they do not have any particular s ... Applies to Any sexual orientation; heterosexual, ho ... Mostly males, but some may be intersexua ... Discrimination As gender is so outwardly visible; trans ... They face discrimination in the society; ... 3 more rows ... Jan 26 2021
In physical terms, Hijrah was a journey between two cities about 200 miles apart, but in its grand significance it marked the beginning of an era, a civilization, a culture and a history for the whole mankind.
hejira - a journey by a large group to escape from a hostile environment. exodus, hegira. escape, flight - the act of escaping physically; "he made his escape from the mental hospital"; "the canary escaped from its cage"; "his flight was an indication of his guilt".