See also: Hickey Hick Hick-up Hickie Hickish Hickman Hickory Hicktown Hicksville Hicks
1. A Hickey, hickie or love bite in British English, is a bruise or bruise-like mark caused by the kissing or sucking of the skin, usually on the neck or arm.While biting might be part of giving a Hickey, sucking is sufficient to burst small superficial blood vessels under the skin.
Hickey, Hickie
2. A Hickey is a dark red or purple mark on your skin caused by intense suction
3. The neck is a common site for Hickeys …
4. Hickey A usually dark-colored skin mark left on any part of the body after having it sucked for a long period of time
Hickey, Having
5. Your mom gave me a Hickey. by yeah March 22, 2003
6. Hickey is one of the love technique that is also known as the love bite
7. Two young entrepreneurs named Jacob Freeman and Jeremiah Hickey built it in the early years of the 20th century
8. Hickey hay còn gọi là Hickey kiss hoặc Hickeys
Hickey, Hay, Ho, Hickeys
9. Hickey là một thuật ngữ ám chỉ vết đỏ trên da, trên cơ thể thường thấy khi các cặp đôi thể tình yêu, tình cảm một cách táo bạo và mãnh liệt sau màn “cháo lưỡi” ngọt ngào.
10. A Hickey is basically the same thing as a bruise even though you didn’t get it in quite the same way
11. That means anything that helps with a bruise should help with a Hickey
Helps, Help, Hickey
12. 2 days ago · Hickey was active off the blue line, jumping up to join the play on the Islanders' second and fourth goals
13. No matter what life throws at you, Hickey & Hickey Inc
14. View Recent Obituaries for Hickey Memorial Chapel Midlothian.
15. Clearly, a Hickey is an inflammation on the skin that is tender and reddened
16. Your Hickey should fade within a week or two, depending on how much damage was done beneath your skin’s surface
Hickey, How
17. A Hickey is, basically, a bruise, Sejal Shah, M.D., a New York City dermatologist, tells SELF
18. Like any bruise, a Hickey forms when your capillaries (teeny, tiny …
19. 2 days ago · Hickey made his return to the NHL for the first time since the Islanders Game 4 in the Carolina series and it was his first regular-season game in …
Hickey, His
20. The Hickey surname has different spelling variations, including Hickie, O'Hickey, O'Hickie, and Hickey
Hickey, Has, Hickie
21. Famous People with the Hickey Surname • Father Michael Patrick O'Hickey (1860-1916) was a champion of the Irish language and professor of Irish at Maynooth College, now part of the National University of Ireland.
22. The color of the Hickey really depends on how quickly your body breaks down the blood
Hickey, How
23. A Hickey is a playful mark of possession – a brand of passion
24. In general, a girlfriend or emotionally-involved partner will be more receptive to a Hickey than someone you met that night
25. Consider whether a Hickey is necessarily the "goal" of your encounter with this girl.
26. Hickey's is your resource for Solo & Ensemble Contest music
27. Greetings Hickey Hornets! Greetings Hickey Elementary Community! It is with great enthusiasm that I join the Hickey Elementary team as the principal this year
Hickey, Hornets
28. Throughout the past few weeks, I have met with Hickey Elementary staff, teachers, parents, and community stakeholders.
Have, Hickey
29. Greenlee welded steel handled Hickeys bend conduit for tight radius stub-ups
Handled, Hickeys
30. A Hickey is a mark which someone has on their body as a result of being bitten by their partner when they were kissing or making love.
Hickey, Has
31. 2 days ago · The emotional, successful return of Thomas Hickey to the Islanders’ lineup may be a short-lived one
32. In the early 20th century, young Jacob Freeman and Jeremiah Hickey had a dream to build a business that combined the art of fine tailoring with newly developed technology to offer well-made suits to men across the country
Hickey, Had
33. Today, Hickey Freeman continues to espouse the ideals of beautiful tailoring and consistent quality
34. Hickey Global creates custom, bespoke solutions to help communities prosper by creating and identifying opportunities for new investment and job growth
Hickey, Help
35. A Hickey lets you make this transition with two different sizes of openings: The top side of the Hickey is threaded onto the 3/8-inch nipple connected to the ceiling box, while the chandelier's 5/16-inch nipple is threaded onto the lower threaded opening on the Hickey
36. You can find Hickeys with many different size variations and combinations.
37. A Hickey had caused a 44-year-old New Zealand woman to have a non-fatal stroke, according to a 2010 study published in the New Zealand Medical Journal
Hickey, Had, Have
38. In his usual humorous manner, Hickey has declared that: ‘I miss being an elitist and not having to talk to idiots’ in a field that, he believes, is defined by the commoditisation of art and the self-referential tendencies of criticism itself.
His, Humorous, Hickey, Has, Having, He
39. A Hickey can be a mark of affection or something given in the heat of the moment
Hickey, Heat
40. 2 days ago · Hickey had been a regular in the Islanders lineup for nearly six-straight seasons until he suffered a concussion in the 40th game of the 2018-19 season …
Hickey, Had, He
41. 1 day ago · Hickey’s involvement on Saturday night was clearly a huge lift to his teammates, too, so making this more than a cameo might be a good idea
Hickey, Huge, His
42. 1 day ago · Thomas Hickey made his return to the NHL for the New York Islanders on Saturday after a more than 700-day absence
Hickey, His
43. Kevin Charles Hickey, 57, of Aurora, IL passed away on Tuesday, January 26, 2021
44. William Edward Hickey (September 19, 1927 – June 29, 1997) was an American actor
45. 1 day ago · Hockey Night in New York talks about Hickey’s return, and the looming trade deadline
Hockey, Hickey
46. 17 synonyms of Hickey from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 11 related words, definitions, and antonyms
47. Hickey: a small article the actual name of which one either does not know or cannot remember.
48. Hickey, Kathleen TROY Kathleen A
49. "Kay Kay" Hickey, 83 of Troy, peacefully entered into eternal life on Thursday, February 18, 2021, at the Van Rensselaer Manor
50. Hickey (plural Hickeys) (US, slang) A bruise-like mark made during petting by pressing the mouth to the skin on one’s partner’s body and sucking.[from 1934] Synonyms: love bite, lovebite, knot (informal, slang) An object whose name is unknown or cannot be recalled.[from 1909] A printing defect caused by foreign matter on the printing surface resulting in a ring where
Hickey, Hickeys
HICKEY [ˈhikē]
Hickey is a sign of passion. Some people give hickies to their partner to mark their territory and show the world that this person belongs to him/her. “It may simply be a passionate reminder of one’s love for another.”.
The name Hickey is of Irish origin. The meaning of Hickey is "healer". Hickey is generally used as a boy's name.
and hicky (ˈhɪki) 1. n. a love bite; a mark on the skin caused by biting or sucking. 2. n. a pimple, especially if infected.
• HICKEY (noun) The noun HICKEY has 2 senses: 1. a small inflamed elevation of the skin; a pustule or papule; common symptom in acne. 2. a temporary red mark on a person's skin resulting from kissing or sucking by their lover. Familiarity information: HICKEY used as a noun is rare.