See also: Pentameter Hexameter Hexad Hexa Hexadic Hexane Hexagon Hexalogy Hexamer Hexamine Hexapod Hexapoda Hexachord Hexagram Hexameric Hexapedal Hexaploid Hexastich Hexateuch Hexacopter Hexagonal Hexahedral Hexahedron Hexamerous Hexadecimal
Definition of hexameter. : a line of verse consisting of six metrical feet.
Hexameter is a metrical line of verses consisting of six feet.
Hexameter is a metrical line of verses consisting of six feet (a "foot" here is the pulse, or major accent, of words or syllables in an English line of poetry). It was the standard epic metre in classical Greek and Latin literature, such as in the Iliad, Odyssey and Aeneid.
Hexameter is a metrical line of verses consisting of six feet. It was the standard epic metre in classical Greek and Latin literature, such as in the Iliad, Odyssey and Aeneid.