See also: Herbs Herbivore Herbology Herbicide Herbalism Herby Herbin Herbals Herbed Herbie Herbivory Herbage Herbary Herbalife Herbalist Herbaceous
[hur-bair-ee-uh m, ur-] noun, plural her·bar·i·ums, her·bar·i·a [hur-bair-ee-uh] /hɜrˈbɛər i ə/. a collection of dried plants systematically arranged. a room or building in which such a collection is kept.
[Late Latin herbārium, from Latin herbārius, one skilled in herbs, from Latin herba, herb, vegetation .] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
From Latin herbārium. The original herbarium of Linnaeus is in the possession of the Linnaean Society of London. The herbarium at Melbourne, Australia, under Baron Muller, attained large proportions; and that of the Botanical Garden of Calcutta is noteworthy as the repository of numerous specimens described by writers on Indian botany.