Use Herbaceous in a sentence

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See also: Herbaceous Vegetation Herbs Herbivore Herbology Herbicide Herbalism Herby Herbin Herbals Herbed Herbie Herbivory Herbage Herbary Herbalife Herbalist

1. Herbaceous definition is - of, relating to, or having the characteristics of an herb

Herbaceous, Having, Herb

2. Designating or relating to plants or plant parts that are fleshy as opposed to woody a Herbaceous plant (of petals and sepals) green and leaflike of or relating to herbs Derived forms of Herbaceous

Herbaceous, Herbs

3. Herbaceous - characteristic of a nonwoody herb or plant part nonwoody - not woody; not consisting of or resembling wood phytology, botany - the branch of biology that studies plants Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection

Herbaceous, Herb

4. Herbaceous In contrast to the living Herbaceous lycophytes, however, many were large trees up to 50 m tall

Herbaceous, However

5. From the Cambridge English Corpus Among the plant species employed, perennial Herbaceous


6. The indigo plant is Herbaceous, and from one to three feet high, with delicate bluish-green leaves

Herbaceous, High

7. A WOMAN'S JOURNEY ROUND THE WORLD IDA PFEIFFER The Herbaceous portion was so covered with feathers that nothing could be seen of its surface


8. Herbaceous is a set collection game with great art and simple mechanics


9. In Herbaceous, herb collectors compete to grow and store the most valuable medley of herbs

Herbaceous, Herb, Herbs

10. Herbaceous plants are plants with no persistent woody stems, the non-woody stem is green, soft, flexible, and grows above ground level


11. They are mostly classified into three types; Herbaceous plants are perennial, annual, and biennial.


12. Herbaceous perennial definition is - a plant whose top growth dies down annually but whose crowns, roots, bulbs, or rhizomes survive the winter.


13. Herbaceous is a set collection game with great art and simple mechanics


14. ‘The Herbaceous vegetation was best developed at that time of year.’ Origin Mid 17th century from Latin herbaceus ‘grassy’ (from herba ‘grass, herb’) + -ous .

Herbaceous, Herbaceus, Herba, Herb

15. Although hardy hibiscus plants seem woody in summer and function as sub-shrubs in the landscape, their stems do die back to the ground in winter, making them Herbaceous perennials, technically

Hardy, Hibiscus, Herbaceous

16. We hope you enjoy browsing our wonderful range of Herbaceous perennials

Hope, Herbaceous

17. This Herbaceous plant, had alternate, simple leaves, that were highly divided

Herbaceous, Had, Highly

18. A new, compact version of Herbaceous that's just as relaxing and beautiful as the original Join Our FB Community Created by Eduardo Baraf Eduardo Baraf


19. (3) Herbaceous perennials are those that die down to the ground each year but whose roots remain alive and send up new top growth each year


20. They are an important group in horticulture, whether grown as individual plants or in the assembly of the Herbaceous border.…

Horticulture, Herbaceous

21. In botany, the term herb refers to a Herbaceous plant, defined as a small, seed-bearing plant without a woody stem in which all aerial parts (i.e

Herb, Herbaceous

22. Usually the term refers to perennials, although Herbaceous plants can also be annuals (where the plant dies at the end of the growing season and grows back from seed next year


23. Herbaceous plant - a plant lacking a permanent woody stem; many are flowering garden plants or potherbs; some having medicinal properties; some are pests herb veg, vegetable, veggie - edible seeds or roots or stems or leaves or bulbs or tubers or nonsweet fruits of any of numerous Herbaceous plant barrenwort, bishop's hat, …

Herbaceous, Having, Herb, Hat

24. Herbaceous plants are often characterized by green, succulent, and soft stems, unlike the woody, tough, and brown stems that normally define non-Herbaceous plants


25. Because they possess parts that survive below the ground, Herbaceous plants can survive the winter, in spite of their fragile stems.


26. Summer: Herbaceous Peonies do best with an inch of water a week


27. Fall: Cut stems of Herbaceous Peonies back to soil level and remove from the area


28. Herbaceous plants don’t have hard, woody stems and their buds don’t survive winter above ground

Herbaceous, Have, Hard

29. How to say Herbaceous in English? Pronunciation of Herbaceous with 2 audio pronunciations, 5 synonyms, 1 meaning, 15 translations and more for Herbaceous.

How, Herbaceous

30. Crockett Germplasm Herbaceous mimosa (Mimosa strigillosa) General Characteristics: Herbaceous mimosa is a low-growing, stoloniferous, perennial, warm-season legume with a deep extensive root system


31. Herbaceous: Relating to or characteristic of an herb as distinguished from a woody plant.

Herbaceous, Herb

32. Herbaceous is a tasting term used to describe the fresh-tasting notes of cut grass and herbs in a wine

Herbaceous, Herbs

33. Not to be confused with vegetal - which is the unpleasant stewed flavor or aroma of cooked vegetation - Herbaceous is usually an attractive dimension in a wine.


34. Yogi Herbaceous tea blends combine only the finest herbs and botanicals from around the globe, and feature traditional Ayurvedic ingredients such as Organic Green Tea Leaf, Rooibos Leaf and Eucalyptus; among many others.

Herbaceous, Herbs

35. Herbaceous peonies are very hardy perennials (USDA zones 3-8) bloom in early to mid-spring, depending on the variety

Herbaceous, Hardy

36. See our Learn section for extensive information on growing Herbaceous peonie


37. Herbaceous plants are plants with growth which dies back to the ground each year, in contrast with woody plants, which keep adding growth and remain active during the season when Herbaceous plants are dormant


38. As a general rule, annual plants are all classified as Herbaceous, but Herbaceous plants can also be biennials or perennials as well.


39. Herbaceous is a press your luck, set collection game for 1-4 players that takes about 20 minutes to play


40. Herbaceous plays best with 3-4 players


41. Gameplay Overview: Herbaceous is as simple and accessible as it comes


42. Herbaceous, perennial with large white, pink, or red flowers booming in the late summer


43. This is a discursive way of building up a Herbaceous planting but one which lends itself to gardens of any size


44. Page, Russell The Education of a Gardener ( 1994 ) It is a short-lived hardy Herbaceous perennial.

Hardy, Herbaceous

45. These large-scale Herbaceous plants are quick to grow and fill a space, and they add an instant tropical feel to any garden setting


46. Herbaceous Describing a plant that contains little permanent woody tissue


47. The aerial parts of the plant die back after the growing season.In annuals the whole plant dies; in biennials and Herbaceous perennials the plant has organs (e.g

Herbaceous, Has

48. Definition of Herbaceous adjective in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary


49. A Herbaceous plant is a plant that does not have much wood and its stems are green and soft

Herbaceous, Have

50. In Botany, the word for a Herbaceous plant is herb (from Latin herba, "grass") but it is common to use the word herb only for plants that are used in perfumes, medicines and for cooking, even if they are not

Herbaceous, Herb, Herba

51. Individual Herbaceous peonies can be staked using peony grow-through rings, consisting of a gridded ring with attachable legs


52. Herbaceous plants tend to be small and soft, whereas woody plants can grow into large trees as a result of their lignified secondary xylem


53. Eduardo Baraf is raising funds for Herbaceous - A Flavorful Card Game on Kickstarter! Herbaceous! A relaxing card game for 1 to 4 players of all ages


54. Herbaceous plants do not have woody parts like trees and shrubs do

Herbaceous, Have

55. Herbaceous plants are not just pretty faces


56. For thousands of years, our native Herbaceous plants evolved together in diverse, self-sustaining plant communities


57. 😂 The Herbaceous dispensary is also in full swing and all remedies are being posted straight to your door



HERBACEOUS [(h)ərˈbāSHəs]

herbaceous (adjective)

  • of, denoting, or relating to herbs (in the botanical sense).
  • › Types of herbaceous plants
  • › List of herbaceous plants
  • › Define herbaceous stem
  • › What does herbaceous mean plant
  • › What are herbaceous plants
  • › Herbaceous plants definition biology
  • › Herbaceous perennial means

Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly does 'herbaceous' mean?

Definition - What does Herbaceous mean? Herbaceous is a tasting term used to describe the fresh-tasting notes of cut grass and herbs in a wine . Not to be confused with vegetal - which is the unpleasant stewed flavor or aroma of cooked vegetation - herbaceous is usually an attractive dimension in a wine.

What does the name herbaceous mean?

Define herbaceous. herbaceous synonyms, herbaceous pronunciation, herbaceous translation, English dictionary definition of herbaceous. adj. 1. Relating to or characteristic of an herb as distinguished from a woody plant. 2. Green and leaflike in appearance or texture. American Heritage®...

What are the characteristics of an herbaceous plant?

Herbaceous Plants That Are Perennials. Columbine ( Aquilegia) Montauk daisies ( Nipponanthemum nipponicum) Larkspur ( Delphinium) Hardy mums ( Chrysanthemum) Peonies ( Paeonia lactiflora) Salvia. Garden phlox ( Phlox paniculata) Stonecrop ( Sedum) Oriental poppies ( Papaver orientale) Leopard plant ( Ligularia)

What are four characteristics of herbaceous stems?

Characteristics of Herbaceous Stems 1) Usually Green (photosynthesis) 2) Flexible 3) Not good at storing food.

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