See also: Hemorrhagic Hemopoiesis Hemolytic Hemoglobin Hemostasis Hemophilia Hemo Hemoglobina Hemoid Hemostat Hemocue Hemogard Hemolymph Hemolysin Hemolyze Hemocoel Hemovac Hemovore Hemopenia Hemopexin Hemophage Hemothorax Hemorrhoid Hemorrhaging Hemochromatosis
1. Hemorrhagic [hem″o-raj´ik] pertaining to or characterized by hemorrhage
Hemorrhagic, Hem, Hemorrhage
2. Hemorrhagic disease of newborn a self-limited Hemorrhagic disorder of the first days of life, caused by deficiency of vitamin K–dependent blood coagulation factors II, VII, IX, and X
3. Hemorrhagic fevers a group of viral diseases of diverse etiology but having many similar
Hemorrhagic, Having
4. Hemorrhagic synonyms, Hemorrhagic pronunciation, Hemorrhagic translation, English dictionary definition of Hemorrhagic
5. Hemorrhagic: Pertaining to bleeding or the abnormal flow of blood
6. The patient may have an internal Hemorrhagic problem that is not be visible or the patient may have an external Hemorrhagic problem that is therefore visible on the outside of the body.
Have, Hemorrhagic
7. Hemorrhagic strokes make up about 13 % of stroke cases
8. The two types of Hemorrhagic strokes are intracerebral (within the brain) hemorrhage or subarachnoid hemorrhage
Hemorrhagic, Hemorrhage
9. Viral Hemorrhagic fevers (VHFs) refer to a group of illnesses that are caused by several distinct families of viruses
10. In general, the term “viral Hemorrhagic fever” is used to describe a severe multisystem syndrome (multisystem in that multiple organ systems in the body are affected).
11. Hemorrhagic stroke is caused by a rupture in a weakened blood vessel in the brain
12. Hemorrhagic stroke is rarer than an ischemic stroke, making up …
13. Hemorrhagic bullae are an example of dermatologic manifestation caused by variable etiologies
14. A Hemorrhagic stroke happens when a blood vessel bursts, causing bleeding in the brain
Hemorrhagic, Happens
15. There are two types - ischemic and Hemorrhagic
16. Hemorrhagic stroke is the less common type
17. Hemorrhagic anemia - A set of clinical and hematological changes arising as a result of acute or chronic blood loss
Hemorrhagic, Hematological
18. Hemorrhagic anemia is characterized by pallor, shortness of breath, blackouts, dizziness, hypothermia, hypotension; in severe cases - retardation, thready pulse, shock, loss of consciousness.
Hemorrhagic, Hypothermia, Hypotension
19. Hemorrhagic shock is a condition of reduced tissue perfusion, resulting in the inadequate delivery of oxygen and nutrients that are necessary for cellular function 1).Many conditions, including blood loss but also including non-Hemorrhagic states such as dehydration, sepsis, impaired autoregulation, obstruction, decreased myocardial function, and loss of autonomic …
20. Hemorrhagic [hem″o-raj´ik] pertaining to or characterized by hemorrhage
Hemorrhagic, Hem, Hemorrhage
21. Hemorrhagic disease of newborn a self-limited Hemorrhagic disorder of the first days of life, caused by deficiency of vitamin K–dependent blood coagulation factors II, VII, IX, and X
22. Hemorrhagic fevers a group of viral diseases of diverse etiology but having many similar
Hemorrhagic, Having
23. Hereditary Hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) is an inherited disorder of the blood vessels that can cause excessive bleeding
Hereditary, Hemorrhagic, Hht
24. Hemorrhagic cystitis is damage to the inner lining of your bladder and the blood vessels that supply the inside of your bladder
25. Hemorrhagic stroke symptoms usually increase gradually over minutes or a few hours, although a …
Hemorrhagic, Hours
26. A Hemorrhagic stroke is bleeding (hemorrhage) that suddenly interferes with the brain's function
Hemorrhagic, Hemorrhage
27. Hemorrhagic strokes account for about 20% of all strokes, and are di
28. Long qtc in ecg of patients presenting with acute Hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is a tick-borne zoonosis caused by a Nairovirus (family: Bunyaviridae) and is endemic in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and southern Europe.
Hemorrhagic, Haemorrhagic
29. Venezuelan Hemorrhagic fever Page last reviewed: June 6, 2016 Content source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID) , Division of High-Consequence Pathogens and Pathology (DHCPP) , Viral Special Pathogens Branch (VSPB)
Hemorrhagic, High
30. Hemorrhagic diseases are caused by bleeding, or they result in bleeding (hemorrhaging).
Hemorrhagic, Hemorrhaging
31. Hemorrhagic stroke (ICH) in adults •Etiology •Natural history •Prognosis • Management of Hemorrhagic stroke •Assessment and imaging •Medical versus surgical management •Relevant trials and updated guidelines • Understand how to do a neurological exam on a comatose patient .
Hemorrhagic, History, How
32. Hemorrhagic strokes are less common, with only 15 percent of strokes being Hemorrhagic
33. On the other hand, there is a higher risk of death from Hemorrhagic stroke, with 40 percent of cases
Hand, Higher, Hemorrhagic
34. What is Hemorrhagic stroke? A Hemorrhagic stroke happens when a weak blood vessel bursts and bleeds into the brain
Hemorrhagic, Happens
35. Hemorrhagic strokes are less common, making up about 15 percent of …
36. Viral Hemorrhagic fevers (VHFs) are a diverse group of animal and human illnesses in which fever and hemorrhage are caused by a viral infection.VHFs may be caused by five distinct families of RNA viruses: the families Filoviridae, Flaviviridae, Rhabdoviridae, and several member families of the Bunyavirales order such as Arenaviridae, and Hantaviridae
Hemorrhagic, Human, Hemorrhage, Hantaviridae
37. Hemorrhagic fever definition is - any of a diverse group of virus diseases (such as Lassa fever and Ebola) that are usually transmitted by arthropods or rodents and are characterized by a sudden onset, fever, aching, bleeding in the internal organs, petechiae, and shock.
38. Hemorrhagic gastritis, like other forms and types of gastritis, can not help but reflect on the general well-being and health of the patient, especially if left untreated
Hemorrhagic, Help, Health
39. Beginning with a superficial form under the influence of various stimuli, Hemorrhagic gastritis takes on more and more severe forms.
40. Hemorrhagic stroke patients who are treated with novel oral anticoagulants, or NOACs, have an in-hospital mortality rate of 26.5%
Hemorrhagic, Have, Hospital
41. Hemorrhagic cysts may cause people to worry about things like cancer, however, around 95% of these cysts are noncancerous
Hemorrhagic, However
42. Hemorrhagic necrosis can be a general term that is used to describe a very serious disease complication
43. In this lesson, you will learn more about what Hemorrhagic necrosis is and what it …
44. Hemorrhagic infarction describes multifocal, secon-dary bleeding into brain infarcts
45. Pathologically, the distinction between pale and Hemorrhagic …
46. A Hemorrhagic stroke develops when a blood vessel (artery) in the brain leaks or bursts (ruptures)
47. A Hemorrhagic renal cyst is characterized by hemorrhage or bleeding into the cyst
Hemorrhagic, Hemorrhage
48. Hereditary Hemorrhagic telangiectasia is an uncommon autosomal dominant disease that occurs in approximately one in 5,000 to 8,000 persons
Hereditary, Hemorrhagic
49. Intracranial hemorrhage, cerebral hemorrhage and Hemorrhagic stroke
Hemorrhage, Hemorrhagic
HEMORRHAGIC [ˌheməˈrajik]
haemorrhagic (adjective) · hemorrhagic (adjective)