See also: Helically Heliocentric Helix Heliotrope Heli Heliox Helia Helicy Helios Helixis Heliac Helices Helipad Heliyon Heliocentricism Heliocentricity Heliotropic Heliotropism Heliotropium Helibase Helical Helicity
1. Helically synonyms, Helically pronunciation, Helically translation, English dictionary definition of Helically
2. ‘On an automated conveyor, a roll unwound, with the continuous sheet sent into a machine that coiled it Helically and then welded it automatically with a high-frequency pulse of energy.’ ‘Leaves are parallel veined and appear to be Helically arranged.’ ‘This is made of strips of pale larch wound Helically …
Helically, High
3. The Helically acquired volumetric data is postprocessed by specially trained technologists in our dedicated 3-dimensional laboratory to generate multiplanar reconstruction images including maximum intensity projections (MIPs), minimum intensity projections (MINIPs) …
4. Definition of Helically in the dictionary
5. What does Helically mean? Information and translations of Helically in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on …
6. Helically wound elements were chosen in pref- erence to lumped-inductance elements in order to obtain linear voltage and current distribution across the elements, and to make the matching technique less difficult
7. I am currently running a homemade Helically-wound 5/8-wave horizontal dipole on 11 meters
Homemade, Helically, Horizontal
8. My station is very modest; Yaesu FT-1000MP, Alpha 374A amp, Hy-Gain Explorer 14 for 10,15 & 20, Hy-Power 40/80M dipole, 160M is a home brew based on the K6MM Helically wound vertical design, and an R7
Hy, Home, Helically
9. Helically grooved buoyancy is the result of a joint development between Trelleborg Offshore and Diamond Offshore Drilling to integrate vortex-induced vibration (VIV) suppression and drag reduction with drill riser buoyancy, increasing rig efficiency without compromising on safety or structural integrity.
10. What does Helically mean? In a helical manner, spirally
Helically, Helical
11. Synonyms for Helically include windingly, spirally, twistingly, circularly, twistedly, right-handedly, roundly, convolutedly, clockwisely and cochlearly
Helically, Handedly
12. ‘On an automated conveyor, a roll unwound, with the continuous sheet sent into a machine that coiled it Helically and then welded it automatically with a high-frequency pulse of energy.’ ‘Leaves are parallel veined and appear to be Helically arranged.’ ‘This is made of strips of pale larch wound Helically …
Helically, High
13. Another way to say Helically? Synonyms for Helically (other words and phrases for Helically)
14. 37 other terms for Helically- words and phrases with similar meaning
15. Helically wound wire from 30 GA to .375 inch diameter
16. Coils: Helically Wound manufacturers, service companies and distributors are listed in this trusted and comprehensive vertical portal
17. The comprehensive directory provides access to full contact and ability information for sourcing professionals, engineers and researchers wishing to get information on Coils: Helically Wound.
18. There was a flurry of interest and articles on Helically wound verticals in the early 70s (as well as the famous Slinky dipole)
19. Herein, we constructed a new chiral plasmonic nanostructure—Helically grooved gold nanoarrows (HeliGNAs) by introducing l-/ d-cysteine (l-/ d-Cys) during the growth of the gold nanoarrows (GNAs)
Herein, Helically, Helignas
20. Synonyms for Helically in Free Thesaurus
21. What are synonyms for Helically?
22. The thread of a Helically threaded nail runs approximately two-thirds of the nail length, similar to the thread of a wood screw
23. The Helically Symmetric Experiment (HSX, stylized as Helically Symmetric eXperiment), is an experimental plasma confinement device at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, with design principles that are intended to be incorporated into a fusion reactor.The HSX is a modular coil stellarator which is a toroid-shaped pressure vessel with external electromagnets which generate a magnetic field
Helically, Hsx
24. Enter the Helically-Wound Short Vertical
25. The second antenna was Helically wound for resonance and the C match stepped up R to 50 ohms
26. Two types of Helically chiral compounds bearing one and two boron atoms were synthesized by a modular approach
27. Helically coiled exchangers offer certain advantages
28. Polarization properties of a Helically twisted liquid crystal FDTD Liquid crystal Consumer Electronics Materials
29. Helically stranded cable tends to stay round even when pulled around a bend or tight corner
30. MSD 8.5mm Super Conductor spark plug wire sets feature a special Helically wound core that has just 40-50 ohms of resistance per foot—but with an RFI suppression equal to a 1,500 ohm wire
Helically, Has
31. Our Lasers and Materials Engineering (LAME) group's Ansys work (led by Adam Knight) shows the superiority of a bio-inspired Helically stacked…
32. Helically Coiled Heat Exchangers J
Helically, Heat
33. Find Helically Threaded Shank Nails related suppliers, manufacturers, products and specifications on GlobalSpec - a trusted source of Helically Threaded Shank Nails information.
34. Dean investigated the Helically coiled heat exchanger using water at different Dean number (De)
Helically, Heat
35. Dean revealed that the concept of secondary flow formation in a Helically coiled tube
36. _ New centre-loaded, Helically wound coil with low radiation angle - sh rink-wrapped for all-weather protection
37. Model and Predict Helically Wound Vertical Antennas
38. This program models and predicts the performance of a Helically wound vertical antenna, mounted immediately above a ground plane, top-capacitance-loaded with a vertical rod or whip
39. Generally, Helically wound cables are made up of a straight core that is surrounded by multiple layers of helical wires
Helically, Helical
40. Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) studies revealed that the monomers in both the crystals polymerize in a crystal-to-crystal fashion; circular dichroism (CD) studies of the product crystals revealed that the formed polymer is Helically ordered.
41. Helically Grooved Gold Nanoarrows: Controlled Fabrication, Superhelix, and Transcribed Chiroptical Switching Song Wang1,2, Liheng Zheng3, Wenjie Chen1,2, Lukang Ji1, Li Zhang1*, Wensheng Lu1, Zheyu Fang3, Fucheng Guo4, Limin Qi4 & Minghua Liu1,2* 1Beijing National Laboratory for Molecular Science (BNLMS), CAS Key Laboratory of Colloid, Interface and Chemical
42. A mesoscale mechanical model of the bending behavior of Helically wrapped cables under tension is developed
43. Helically twisted photonic crystal fibres, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences (2017)
44. An unusual feature of Helically twisted PCF with a single central glass core is a series of dips in its transmission spectrum, first observed experimentally
HELICALLY [helically]