Use Headcounter in a sentence

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See also: Headcount Headquarter Head Headbutt Heading Headstrong Headers Headway Headache Headwind Headship Headland Headlines Headlong Headroom Headmaster Headright Headed Headey Heady Headwaters Headquarters

1. Headcounter is a capacity management tool that allows you to keep track of how many people go in and out of events, hotels or any other public spaces you may have

Headcounter, How, Hotels, Have

2. Headcounter - someone who conducts surveys of public opinion; "a pollster conducts public opinion polls"; "a Headcounter counts heads" poll taker , pollster , canvasser asker , enquirer , inquirer , querier , questioner - someone who asks a question

Headcounter, Heads

3. With Headcounter, you can easily add and subtract people from the counter, when they go in and out of any given space


4. The Headcounter is a capacity control tool that allows to keep track of how many people go in and out of events, hotels or any other public spaces

Headcounter, How, Hotels

5. Found 218 sentences matching phrase "Headcounter".Found in 6 ms


6. Headcounter in this sense is not a count of heads, but a person

Headcounter, Heads

7. Who is Detailed as Headcounter? The Headcounter may be the following: a


8. Headcounter: 1 n someone who conducts surveys of public opinion “a Headcounter counts heads” Synonyms: canvasser , poll taker , pollster Type of: asker , enquirer , inquirer , querier , questioner someone who asks a question

Headcounter, Heads

9. Definition of Headcounter in the dictionary


10. What does Headcounter mean? Information and translations of Headcounter in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.


11. Cd Headcounter mkdir build cd build cmake .


12. This should compile both cvplayer and Headcounter


13. Headcounter is the main program


14. Headcounter -h gives you instruction on how to use it.

Headcounter, How

15. Headcounter is a program for monitoring attendance and loot in World of Warcraft raids


16. This data is then imported into Headcounter which: Records each raid, who attended, what loot dropped and who won it.


17. • Greeted and welcomed by Headcounter


18. ‎With Headcounter, you can easily add and subtract people from the counter, when they go in and out of any given space


19. The Headcounter will be a military individual in grade E-5, or above, detailed to the dining facility, and not a member of the food service section


20. Dictionary entry overview: What does Headcounter mean? • Headcounter (noun) The noun Headcounter has 1 sense:

Headcounter, Has

21. Someone who conducts surveys of public opinion Familiarity information: Headcounter used as a noun is very rare.


22. Download Headcounter App App 2.1.0 for iPhone free online at AppPure


23. Get Headcounter App for iOS latest version


24. With Headcounter, you can easily add and subtract people from the counter, when they go in and out of any given space.


25. Synonyms for Headcounter in Free Thesaurus


26. 3 synonyms for Headcounter: poll taker, pollster, canvasser


27. What are synonyms for Headcounter?


28. The Headcounter app helped many commercial establishments in their capacity management by allowing them to effectively count the number of people within certain perimeters or spaces, by monitoring entrances and exits

Headcounter, Helped

29. Headcounter is a free space occupancy tool that allows knowing how many people are inside your space, by updating the counter as people walk in and out of your space or venue

Headcounter, How

30. You can use Headcounter tool on both mobile and desktop


31. Setting Up the Headcounter App Scan de QR Code


32. Navigate to

Https, Headcounter

33. We found 10 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word Headcounter: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "Headcounter" is defined


34. General (10 matching dictionaries) Headcounter: [home, info]

Headcounter, Home

35. Headcounter translation in English-French dictionary


36. Headcounter translation in English-Italian dictionary


37. Headcounter in a sentence - Use "Headcounter" in a sentence 1


38. Walker, 80, doubts the Headcounters will be able to find everyone


39. Shiva Yogis were settled initially at Ezhimala near payyannur & further they made their soldier's Headcounters at Kannur Chirakkal


40. Click for more sentences of Headcounter: 4.


41. The Headcounter is responsible for accurately accounting for each individual who is


42. (1) The Headcounter will check each individual's DD …




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