See also: Haversine Haversian Have Haven Haver Haveck Havel Haveli Haveth Haven't Havening Havering Havelock
1. Of Haversines states: (the law of Haversines) Since this is a unit sphere, the lengths a, b, and c are simply equal to the angles (in radians) subtended by those sides from the center of the sphere (for a non-unit sphere, they are the distances divided by the radius)
2. Spherical triangle solved by the law of Haversines.
3. The haversine formula is a very accurate way of computing distances between two points on the surface of a sphere using the latitude and longitude of the two points. The haversine formula is a re-formulation of the spherical law of cosines, but the formulation in terms of Haversines is more useful for small angles and distances.
Haversine, Haversines
4. (See links for details on variance) The haversine formula is an equation important in navigation, giving great-circle distances between two points on a sphere from their longitudes and latitudes. It is a special case of a more general formula in spherical trigonometry, the law of Haversines, relating the sides and angles of spherical "triangles".
Haversine, Haversines
5. Trol Haversines of increasing amplitude were applied to each specimen until the desired physiologic target load was achieved
6. The tissue was preconditioned with 1-Hz Haversines to the tar-get …
Hz, Haversines
7. It is a special case of a more general formula in spherical trigonometry, the Law of Haversines, relating the sides and angles of spherical triangles.
8. Important in navigation, it is a special case of a more general formula in spherical trigonometry, the law of Haversines, that relates the sides and angles of …
9. Important in navigation, it is a special case of a more general formula in spherical trigonometry, the law of Haversines, that relates the sides and angles of spherical tri
10. It is a special case of a more general formula in spherical trigonometry, the law of Haversines, relating the sides and angles of spherical triangles.
11. ‘The calculation is done using the Haversines formula.’ ‘By the device of using versines instead of Haversines in these tables it will be found that solutions of the astronomical triangle will be correct to within one minute of arc.’
12. What does Haversines mean? Plural form of haversine
Haversines, Haversine
13. It is a special case of a more general formula in spherical trigonometry, the law of Haversines, relating the sides and angles of spherical triangles
14. The first table of Haversines in […]
15. Important in navigation, it is a special case of a more general formula in spherical trigonometry, the law of Haversines, that relates the sides and angles of spherical triangles
16. The first table of Haversines in English was published by James Andrew in 1805, but Florian Cajori credits an earlier use by José de Mendoza y Ríos in 1801.
17. The haversine formula is a re-formulation of the spherical law of cosines, but the formulation in terms of Haversines is more useful for small angles and distances
Haversine, Haversines
18. É um caso especial de uma fórmula mais geral de trigonometria esférica, a lei dos Haversines, que relaciona os lados e ângulos de um triângulo contido em uma superfície esférica.
19. Haversines for the Cosine terms
20. Calculated the distances among 88 zip codes using both Google maps API and Haversines distance formula, identified a geospatial optimal work load center with ggmap
21. It is a special case of a more general formula in spherical trigonometry, the law of Haversines, relating the sides and angles of spherical triangles.
22. As described below, a similar formula can be written using cosines (sometimes called the spherical law of cosines, not to be confused with the law of cosines for plane geometry) instead of Haversines, but if the two points are close together (e.g
23. The haversine cosine Doniol formula was rewritten by Hanno Ix to all Haversines which has only one multiplication step and NO SPECIAL RULES
Haversine, Hanno, Haversines, Has
24. Important in navigation, it is a special case of a more general formula in spherical trigonometry, the law of Haversines, that relates the sides and angles of spherical triangles
25. The first table of Haversines in English was published by James Andrew in 1805, but Florian Cajori credits an earlier use by José de Mendoza y Ríos in 1801.
26. The haversine formula is an equation important in navigation, giving great-circle distances between two points on a sphere from their longitudes and latitudes.It is a special case of a more general formula in spherical trigonometry, the law of Haversines, relating the sides and angles of spherical "triangles".
Haversine, Haversines
27. A formula involving Haversines which allows the shortest distance between two points on the surface of a sphere to be calculated using the longitude and latitude of each point
28. The haversine formula is a re-formulation of the spherical law of cosines, but the formulation in terms of Haversines is more useful for small angles and distances
Haversine, Haversines
Definition of haversine : half of the versed sine —abbreviation hav
Jump to navigation Jump to search. The haversine formula determines the great-circle distance between two points on a sphere given their longitudes and latitudes. Important in navigation, it is a special case of a more general formula in spherical trigonometry, the law of haversines, that relates the sides and angles of spherical triangles.
The reason why the haversine function has come out of fashion is that with the help of calculators and computers it’s easy enough to work out the distance straight from formula (2). That’s why you don’t find a haversine button on your average calculator. Let’s give it a go.
The haversine of the central angle (which is d/r) is calculated by the following formula: where r is the radius of earth(6371 km), d is the distance between two points, is latitude of the two points and is longitude of the two points respectively. Solving d by applying the inverse haversine or by using the inverse sine function, we get: