See also: Haulms Haul Halt Hauled Hauling Haulier Haulage Hauler Haulm Halted Haughty Halting
1. Maize Haulms were cut into lengths of 15 cm and applied uniformly at a rate of 9000 kg [ha.sup.-1] after plant growth had ceased due to hot and dry weather (Li et al
Haulms, Ha, Had, Hot
2. Potato Haulms, and club-rooted cabbage crops should, however, never be mixed with ordinary clean vegetable refuse, as they would be most likely to perpetuate the terrible diseases to which they are …
Haulms, However
3. haulm (countable and uncountable, plural Haulms) (uncountable) The stems of various cultivated plants, left after harvesting the crop to be used as animal litter or for thatching
Haulm, Haulms, Harvesting
4. ‘I saw a neat vegetable patch the other day, with the onion Haulms all pushed over, straightened and laid in the same direction to allow the sun to get at the tops.’
5. Haulmy definition is - having Haulms
Haulmy, Having, Haulms
6. How unique is the name Haulms? Out of 6,028,151 records in the U.S
How, Haulms
7. Social Security Administration public data, the first name Haulms was not present
8. Weird things about the name Haulms: The name spelled backwards is …
9. Equipped for topping long and tough Haulms in potato crops
10. The VENTOR 4150 can now be optionally equipped with the HT 400 haulm topper, which is especially suitable for extremely high quantities of long, tough potato Haulms
Ht, Haulm, High, Haulms
11. Haulms translation in English-Portuguese dictionary
12. It turns out that “Haulms” are simply the tops, stems, and foliage of the potato plant, and this term is commonly used amongst our friends across the pond in the UK
13. At any rate, the question is whether composting potato Haulms is okay and, if so, how to compost potato plant Haulms. Let’s find out more
Haulms, How
14. For me, all potato Haulms go into the compost unless there is any obvious sign of disease
15. As with other legume crop residues, the terminology used to name peanut crop residues are numerous: they are called Haulms, vines, tops, stover, hay or straw, depending on the country or local tradition.
Haulms, Hay
16. Groundnut Haulms are more palatable and rich in protein compared to stovers of cereals which have low N, high fibre content, and poor digestibility and therefore have low nutritive value and are used as …
Haulms, Have, High
17. Bambara groundnut cultivation results in crop residues (Haulms) that can be used as fodder (Brink et al., 2006).
18. Cowpea Haulms also are cheaper than that of groundnut and hence farmers may find it cheaper to use and could be more profitable in feeding with the aim of the targeted production (fattening or milk).One of the defined activities for the SSA Challenge Program was the development and dispersal of livestock feeding strategies.
Haulms, Hence
19. Groundnut Haulms along with cowpea hay are major crop residues used for animal fattening in the West African Sahel
Haulms, Hay
20. The forage (Haulms) after pod harvesting is commonly fed to ruminants, especially in the dry season
Haulms, Harvesting
21. Thus, vast quantities of groundnut Haulms are …
22. (7) As the Haulms grew they were top dressed with the same compost as before and supported by canes and string
23. (8) I saw a neat vegetable patch the other day, with the onion Haulms all pushed over, straightened and laid in the same direction to allow the sun to get at the tops.
24. Until the Haulms are removed, the harvester cannot process the field at all
Haulms, Harvester
25. Groundnut Haulms are used as fodder for livestock (Ndjeunga et al
26. In Nigeria, a bundle of Haulms has the same value as 1 kg of groundnut grain (Samirereddypalle et al
Haulms, Has
27. The pods and Haulms are important sources of income for smallholder farmers in the region
28. There is an emerging market for groundnut Haulms as livestock feed in Ghana
29. The study was conducted to assess the chemical composition of the Haulms of 4 dual-purpose groundnut ( Arachis hypogaea L.) varieties and their effects on the growth and hematology of Djallonké rams
Haulms, Hypogaea, Hematology
30. The present paper deals with the composition and nutritive value of the following by-products of the pea-canning industry: (1) green pea pods; (2.) pea-pod meal resulting from the artificial drying of pea pods; (3) pea-pod silage as made in a tower silo; (4) molassed silage made in a sisalkraft silo from pea Haulms …
31. Comparative Study on the Utilization of Groundnut Haulms and Cowpea Husks by Lactating Red Sokoto does Fed Digitaria smutsii Basal Diet
Haulms, Husks
32. The efficacy, acceptability and utilization of groundnut Haulms (GH) and cowpea husks (CH) as feed resources for Red Sokoto does (RSD) were investigated.
Haulms, Husks
33. The collected Haulms were allowed air drying under shed condition on floor covered with plastic sheet and then mixed thoroughly to keep uniformity
34. Subsequently, the Haulms were weighed, and packed based on the amount needed for daily offer per head and finally distributed to the beneficiaries.
Haulms, Head
35. Visit: Log-in using the following credentials: Username: Student Number Default Password: Birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD) *If you cannot access your accounts, try using the password: 0000-00-00 *Some accounts are still on process but will soon be available
36. Looking for Haulms? Find out information about Haulms
37. A single stem of such a plant Explanation of Haulms
38. Find below definitions and meanings of Haulms
39. The pods and Haulms are important sources of income for smallholder farmers in the region
40. There is an emerging market for groundnut Haulms as livestock feed in Ghana
41. The identification of straw, stover and Haulms as major crop residues is not new (T
42. A list of words that start with Haulms (words with the prefix Haulms)
43. We search a large scrabble dictionary for scrabble words starting with Haulms - we take the letter or word you enter, and generate all words starting with Haulms
44. In addition there is a list of Words that end with Haulms, words that contain Haulms, and Synonyms of Haulms.
45. Cowpea is an important legume crop in Africa, valued highly for its grain and also Haulms, which are a tradable commodity in fodder markets
Highly, Haulms
46. Fodder market surveys in Northern Nigeria showed that groundnut Haulms were priced higher than cowpea Haulms, probably because of their superior nutritive value
Haulms, Higher
47. The economic value of Haulms has prompted cowpea breeders and livestock …
Haulms, Has
48. In Nigeria the Haulms and post-processed pulp (soybean meal) serve as important sources of animal feed.
49. The present study was conducted to investigate the nutritional composition of the Haulms of commonly grown 5 potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars (Milva, Laura, Granola, Europrima and Jelly).
50. For use in mixtures with systemic and knockdown herbicides to improve the range of weeds controlled and the speed of knockdown and also for desiccation of seed potato Haulms
Herbicides, Haulms
51. Ground nut Haulms contain nitrogen content more than the threshold level of minimum 1.2% nitrogen (Van Soest 1994) required as a critical basal nutrient for the rumen microbes to digest fodder efficiently
52. The objective of this work was to evaluate the growth performance and cost-benefits of feeding West African Dwarf goats’ groundnut Haulms and cowpea husk supplemented with brewers’ dried grains
Haulms, Husk
53. Twelve West African Dwarf bucks were assigned to four diets (treatments) consisting of groundnut Haulms fed at 10, 30, 70 and 90% combined with cowpea husk at 90, 70, 30 and 10% …
Haulms, Husk
54. Haulms Urdu Meaning - Find the correct meaning of Haulms in Urdu, it is important to understand the word properly when we translate it from English to Urdu
55. There are always several meanings of each word in Urdu, the correct meaning of Haulms in Urdu is ڈنڈی, and in roman we write it Dandi.
56. The Haulms (stems and leaves) of carrots end up in the trash most of the time
57. In this recipe, we use the carrot Haulms to make pesto, my favorite on the list! What you need
58. Increasing groundnut Haulms level in concentrate diet up to 75% significantly (P<0.05) depressed both dry matter intake and gain of heifers
Haulms, Heifers
59. The result also showed that dry matter intake (DMI) was not significantly different (P>0.05) between heifers fed diet with 0, 25 and 50% groundnut Haulms, but declined significantly (P<0.05) when groundnut Haulms level reached 75%.
Heifers, Haulms
60. Killing potato Haulms 2 to 3 weeks prior to harvesting tubers is recommended for the management of potato late blight to eliminate the foliage as a source of tuber blight inoculum
Haulms, Harvesting
61. Commercial Haulms (all the other parts of the cowpea minus the grains) had greater (P < 0·001) CP than improved varieties, whereas neutral detergent fibre and acid detergent fibre were greater (P < 0·001) in improved vs
Haulms, Had
62. AfDB-RWSSP Yobe State, today in it's continued efforts to strengthen the resilience capacity of rural communities that are devastated by the insurgency in Yobe State, AfDB-RWSSP Yobe State has distributed livestock (RAM), feeders/waterer and groundnut Haulms to rural farmers in communities of Kukuwa, Bularafa , Dancham, Gumsa
Has, Haulms
HAULMS [hôm]
Haulm definition is - the stems or tops of crop plants (such as peas or potatoes) especially after the crop has been gathered.
As the haulms grow, simply put more soil/compost in the bag and roll up the sides, as a form of earthing up. The dry haulms of cowpea are used as fodder for livestock particularly during the dry season when animal feed is scarce. Inheritance of Early Maturity in Some Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.)
v. hauled, haul·ing, hauls. 1. To pull or drag forcibly: hauled the boat onto the beach. See Synonyms at pull. 2. To transport, as with a truck or cart: hauling cars across the country.
Doublet of calame and culm . ( uncountable) The stems of various cultivated plants, left after harvesting the crop to be used as animal litter or for thatching. ( countable) An individual plant stem. ( countable) Part of a harness; a hame.