See also: Harassing Harangue Harassment Haram Harasses Haranguing Hara-kiri Hara Harah Haraz Harana Harangued Harami Harald Harare Harassed Harasser Haradin Harambe Harambee Harassive
HARASSINGS [həˈrasiNG, ˈherəsiNG]
harassing (noun)
harassing (adjective)
Harassment is generally defined as any behavior that is: Offensive, threatening, demeaning, or belittling. Hurtful, embarrassing, or attempts to undermine the person in the workplace.
Part 1 of 3: Addressing the Harassment
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The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) defines harassment as unwelcome verbal or physical behavior that is based on race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), gender/gender identity, nationality, age (40 or older), physical or mental disability, or genetic information. 4
Harassment Law and Legal Definition. Harassment is governed by state laws, which vary by state, but is generally defined as a course of conduct which annoys, threatens, intimidates, alarms, or puts a person in fear of their safety.