See also: Haole Hailed Hapless Hole Hailee Hailer Hailey Haile Hauled Hauler Hapley Haplessly Haplessness Holep Holed Holey Haul Haploid Holistic Hold Hailstones Hail-fellow-well-met Holy Hollow Holistically Holism Holler Holiday Holiness Haplotype Ahola Ahold Aholic
1. Haole A word used mainly in Hawaii to describe a white person
Haole, Hawaii
2. Fact: me, my flip fren, my jap fren, and my Haole fren went …
3. The word “Haole” literally means “a person without a country or a known beginning”
4. So what does Haole mean today? It is frequently used today to identify a person of Caucasian/white ancestry but this is an incorrect usage
5. Today, “Haole” is basically a word used in Hawai’‘i to describe a white person
Haole, Hawai
6. Many cultures around the world have their own term for Haole. In …
Have, Haole
7. Changing Lives One Ride at a Time - Haole Boy, the surfing dog! This lifestyle brand is a tribute to Haole for his laid-back nature, his ability to create endless smiles, and the impact he's made on lives, all the while battling cancer
Haole, His, He
8. Stay stoked and live your life like Haole!
9. I am a local Haole. Local Haole would seem to be an oxymoron because the word “Haole” is defined in the Pukui and Elbert’s Hawaiian Dictionary as a white person of foreign origin
Haole, Hawaiian
10. Hawaii was a sitting duck! Lots of Haoles died in defense of the Islands and the love of Hawaii demonstrated on these posts are indicative of the treasure it is
Hawaii, Haoles
11. Kamapuaʻa, a prominent demi-god in Hawaiʻi, actually is described as being Haole because of his bright brown eyes and in some accounts, his ʻehu (reddish-brown) complexion and hair
Hawai, Haole, His, Hair
12. Kānaka ʻŌiwi did NOT make the term “Haole” into a …
13. Haole is usually considered to be a neutral descriptive term
14. Haole (241) IMDb 4.5 1 h 7 min 2020 16+ Thirteen-year-old David Kalama dreams of escaping rural Hawaii
Haole, Hawaii
15. Haole definition is - one who is not descended from the aboriginal Polynesian inhabitants of Hawaii; especially : white.
Haole, Hawaii
16. Haole Rot (A Common Fungal Infection) Haole Rot or as they call it in the medical field Tinea Versicolor is a common skin fungal infection
17. Haole is a Hawaiian term for a foreigner or anything that is not native to the Hawaiian Islands, which makes it the perfect name for this hybrid
Haole, Hawaiian, Hybrid
18. The son shouted "f----- Haole" while attacking the soldier
19. But it generated much debate on newspaper websites and blogs about the use of the word Haole and whether whites are the targets of
20. The precise etymology of the word "Haole" has always been confusing and misleading
Haole, Has
21. 好了 ( Haole / hăole ) is composed of these characters: 好 (hao) , 了 (le) The traditional Chinese characters of hăole are identical with the modern (simplified) characters displayed above
Haole, Hao
22. From burgers and fries to bowls and tacos, Haole T’s Beach Grill Food Truck runs the gamut of good old-fashioned eats on the streets.
23. A Haole (not to be confused with ha'ole, meaning "without breath"; ha, breath + 'ole, without) does not mean without breath, but instead means "foreigner"
Haole, Ha
24. Usually, the term "Haole" is taken offensively by white people, as they consider it derogatory, but usually, it is …
25. Haole is marked by relatively small, spherical buds
26. Aloha, my hawaiian Dictonary quotes the term Haole: a white person, American, English, often used disparingly in reference to a white person who thinks himself superior or assuming airs
Hawaiian, Haole, Himself
27. Meanings for Haole It is a Hawaiian term that denotes to the non-Native people of Hawaiian or Polynesian.
Haole, Hawaiian
28. Haole is a retired surf-dog competitor, whose main focus is sharing his love and comfort of surfing with others
Haole, His
29. This lifestyle brand is a tribute to Haole for his laid-back nature, his ability to create endless smiles, and the impact he's made on lives all the while battling cancer.
Haole, His, He
30. ‘I coped by redefining my center as Hawaii - I hung out with the locals, acquired a profound tan, spoke Pidgin English, studied hula; until finally people who met me did not think I was a Mainland Haole.’ ‘As a 22-year-old Haole from Lyndon, Kansas, he moved to Honolulu 38 years ago.’ ‘My Haole …
Hawaii, Hung, Hula, Haole, He, Honolulu
31. Lived here 22 years - big Haole guy from the midwest
Here, Haole
32. Never had even one time where I got the "go home Haole." I go anywhere I want to go and just be cool
Had, Home, Haole
33. Haole to you toohe's so Haole, he doesn't know he's Haole
Haole, He
34. Usage: Haole is usually considered to be a neutral descriptive term
35. Haole definition: a person of European extraction , esp one who is White Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
36. Hapa is a Hawaiian word that was originally part of the full phrase hapa Haole, which was a derogatory term for someone half Hawaiian and half “white foreigner.”
Hapa, Hawaiian, Haole, Half
37. The possible distrust of some of them for the white or Haole people who come there to live equals the racial hatred of some in mainland America for their fellow citizens because of skin color
Haole, Hatred
38. Synonyms (Other Words) for Haole & Antonyms (Opposite Meaning) for Haole.
39. Haole is a hybrid strain that clocks in at about 70% indica, and hails from the islands of Hawaii
Haole, Hybrid, Hails, Hawaii
40. Haole rot is usually more noticeable with sun exposure as all areas of your skin get tan except for where you have the fungus
Haole, Have
41. If you are prone to Haole Rot, avoid excessive heat and sweating and do not moisturize your skin
Haole, Heat
42. An unusually short lifespan might indicate that your Haole ancestors lived in harsh conditions
Haole, Harsh
43. Haole - (in Hawaii) a person who is not a native Hawaiian, especially a white person
Haole, Hawaii, Hawaiian
44. The Haole song! FOLLOW ME INSTAGRAM -
Haole, Https
45. Haole Rot Spray was designed to kill off the fungus known as tinea versicolor, aka pityriasis versicolor also called Haole rot in Hawaii
Haole, Hawaii
46. Check 'Haole' translations into English
47. Look through examples of Haole translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar.
48. How unique is the name Haole? Out of 6,122,890 records in the U.S
How, Haole
49. Social Security Administration public data, the first name Haole was not present
50. Haole & Ono Hawaiian food truck of central Florida offers traditional Hawaiian food as well as some other "mainland" favorites.
Haole, Hawaiian
51. Haole is a Hawaiian term for a foreigner or anything that is not native to the Hawaiian Islands, which makes it the perfect name for this hybrid.Breeder Reserva Privada has taken the renowned sativa Maui Wowie and crossed it with the mainland’s LA Confidential to create Haole, a pleasant, calming strain that is well-suited to relieve stress and relax body pains.
Haole, Hawaiian, Hybrid, Has
52. Koa Haole is a sturdy shrub or small tree that can reach almost 30 feet tall
53. Melissa Haole, Independent Color Street Stylist
HAOLE [ˈhoulē]
Haole (/ˈhaʊliː/; Hawaiian [ˈhɔule]) is a term used in Hawaii to refer to individuals who are not descendants of the ethnic native Hawaiians or other Polynesians .
According to historians, the origin of the word "haole" precedes the arrival of Captain James Cook in the Hawaiian archipelago , in 1778 . Although today it is considered mainly a pejorative word, it has not always been like that. In the past, it had simple descriptive meanings and was even used to identify the children of the European immigrants who arrived in Hawaii in the early 1820s.
Among Hawaiian residents of color (often known as "locals"), the term "Haole" is a slang term used to describe people of European ancestry . Though the term itself may have no pejorative connotations, it is commonly used in the context of a statement that in itself, is derogatory .
Haole (/ˈhaʊliː/; Hawaiian [ˈhɔule]) is a Hawaiian term for individuals who are not Native Hawaiian or Polynesian, usually white people.