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1. Handselen horse page with past performances, results, pedigree, photos and videos

Handselen, Horse

2. Handselen horse rating and status

Handselen, Horse

3. Handselen delivery into the hand, and ON

Handselen, Hand

4. ME handsel < OE (rare) Handselen, a giving into hand & ON handsal, sealing of a bargain by a handclasp (transl

Handsel, Handselen, Hand, Handsal, Handclasp

5. Middle English hanselle from Old English Handselen a handing over (hand hand) (selen gift) and from Old Norse handsal legal transfer (hand hand) (sal a giving) From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition Old English Handselen,

Hanselle, Handselen, Handing, Hand, Handsal, Heritage

6. Middle English hanselle came from Old English Handselen "a handing over" from hand + selen "gift"

Hanselle, Handselen, Handing, Hand

7. Middle English (denoting luck): apparently related to late Old English Handselen ‘giving into a person's hands’, and Old Norse handsal ‘giving of the hand to seal a promise’, from hand + an element related to sell; the notion of ‘luck’, however, is not present in these words.

Handselen, Hands, Handsal, Hand, However

8. The word “hansel” originates from a mix of an Old English word “Handselen” which means “to deliver into the hand” and an Old Norse word “handsal” meaning “to seal a promise with a handshake,” and evolved into the Middle English “hansel” which refers to small tips and gifts of money given as a …

Hansel, Handselen, Hand, Handsal, Handshake

9. Middle English hanselle came from Old English Handselen "a handing over" from hand + selen "gift"

Hanselle, Handselen, Handing, Hand

10. In Middle English the word became hanselle derived from Handselen (Old English) -- “hand” giving over + “selen” gift

Hanselle, Handselen, Hand

11. From Middle Irish ainnsile, borrowed from Middle English, from Old English Handselen or Old Norse handsal

Handselen, Handsal

12. Handselen, a giving into the hands of another; or Ice

Handselen, Hands

13. Devil His Due - Handselen, by Gummo C: Patricia Clark, agent B: McKee Stables : $7,500 Sold: FTKFEB2004 Hip: 146 Broodmare / Racing Prospect Donebroke M 1999

His, Handselen, Hip

14. ‘Hansel’ as we said earlier is a gorgeous word which most likely is a mix and evolving of an old English word ‘Handselen’ which essentially means giving into another person's hand and an Old Norse word ‘handsal’ which implies sealing a promise with a handshake

Hansel, Handselen, Hand, Handsal, Handshake

15. Either from Old English Handselen "giving into the hands [of another]" or from Old Norse handsal "an agreement sealed with a handshake", it came to mean "a lucky omen" [c

Handselen, Hands, Handsal, Handshake

16. The word ‘handsel’ apparently has roots in the old English ‘Handselen’, meaning ‘delivery into the hand’ and the custom possibly crossed the Irish Sea with Scottish settlers.

Handsel, Has, Handselen, Hand

17. S., Handselen = to deliver into the hand.] 1587

Handselen, Hand

18. (Anglo-Saxon, Handselen; hand and sellan, to give.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E.

Handselen, Hand

19. The lucky connotations of the word arrive in the language with Middle English, but the word itself comes from the Old English Handselen, apparently borrowed from the Old Norse ‘handsal’, or literally ‘hand-gift’.

Handselen, Handsal, Hand

20. The word “hansel” originates from a mix of an Old English word “Handselen” which means “to deliver into the hand” and an Old Norse word “handsal” meaning “to seal a promise with a handshake,” and evolved into the Middle English “hansel” which refers to small tips and gifts of money given as a …

Hansel, Handselen, Hand, Handsal, Handshake

21. "The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English says the following about the etymology of the name Hansel: New Year's gift; earnest money; first use, first-fruits/From Old English 'Handselen' (delivery into the hand), and Old Norse 'Handsal' (giving of the hand

Hansel, Handselen, Hand, Handsal

22. Englisc: ·sumu bōc, gewrit, ambihtlicu getalu, getalu þinga lahlic gewrit; (1) bōc tōtwǣmunge (2) carte, gewrit sundorrihta; (3) handgewrit þe giefþ āgnunge sumes þinges; (4) Handselen āgnunge· sumu bōc, volumen, bōclic geweorc, trametas; hēafoddǣl sumes geweorces; Crīstes bōc - gōdspel··bōctrēow, fagus silvatica, trēow þe

Handgewrit, Handselen



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