See also: Hallucinogen Hallucinogenic Hallucinogens Hallowed Hallucination Hall Halloo Hallways Hallmark Hallelujah Halloa Hallon Hallucis Hallan Hallar Halli Hallie Hally Hallock Hallux
1. Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD)—recurrences of certain drug experiences, such as hallucinations or other visual disturbances
Hallucinogen, Hppd, Hallucinations
2. Hallucinogen, substance that produces psychological effects that tend to be associated with phenomena such as dreams or religious exaltation or with mental disorders such as schizophrenia
3. There are various types of Hallucinogens
4. Learn about the history and effects of Hallucinogens.
History, Hallucinogens
5. Hallucinogens are a broad class of drugs that induce visual and auditory hallucinations, or profound distortions in a person's perceptions of reality
Hallucinogens, Hallucinations
6. Hallucinogen definition, a substance that produces hallucinations
Hallucinogen, Hallucinations
7. LSD (d-lysergic acid diethylamide)—also known as acid, blotter, doses, hits, microdots, sugar cubes, trips, tabs, or window panes—is one of the most potent mood- and perception-altering Hallucinogenic drugs.It is a clear or white, odorless, water-soluble material synthesized from lysergic acid, a compound derived from a rye fungus.
Hits, Hallucinogenic
8. Hallucinogen Addiction and Abuse Though Hallucinogens have a history of medicinal and spiritual use, today they are commonly abused for their psychoactive effects
Hallucinogen, Hallucinogens, Have, History
9. Hallucinogen is the stage name of Simon Posford, an English electronic musician, specializing in Psychedelic trance music.His first studio album, Twisted, released in 1995, is considered one of the most influential albums in the genre.
Hallucinogen, His
10. Hallucinogen definition is - a substance that induces hallucinations
Hallucinogen, Hallucinations
11. Recent Examples on the Web The legalization of regulated medical use of psilocybin, a Hallucinogen, is on the ballot in Oregon
12. Being under the influence of a Hallucinogen is commonly called ‘tripping’.Some Hallucinogens are manufactured, like LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), PCP (phencyclidine, or ‘angel dust’) and ketamine
Hallucinogen, Hallucinogens
13. For instance, the peyote cactus produces the Hallucinogen mescaline
14. Hallucinogen intoxication is diagnosed after recent use of one or more Hallucinogens followed by marked anxiety or depression, ideas of reference, fear of losing one's mind, paranoid ideation, impaired judgment, or impaired social or occupational functioning that occurred while using the drug or immediately after using it
Hallucinogen, Hallucinogens
15. MDMA has been classified as a Hallucinogen in the United State of America, and comprises of lysergic acid diethylamide, phencyclidine which is commonly known as angel dust, psilocybin, peyote and mescaline.
Has, Hallucinogen
16. Lysergic acid diethylamide, also known as acid or LSD, is a highly potent synthetic Hallucinogen.LSD was originally used in psychiatric therapy and research
Highly, Hallucinogen
17. People who are high on Hallucinogens should receive a psychological evaluation
High, Hallucinogens
18. The Hallucinogen class of drugs causes people to sense nonexistent things
19. A Hallucinogen detox program can provide 24/7 monitoring and medication-assisted treatment to reduce the severity of Hallucinogen withdrawal symptoms
20. Hallucinogen by Blut Aus Nord, released 20 September 2019 1
21. Cosma Procyiris Hallucinogen begins a new era for BLUT AUS NORD, ending the cycle of clandestine industrialised dissonance that culminated with previous transmission Deus Salutis Meae and moving skyward into freshly melodic …
22. Hallucinogen Meaning: "drug which induces hallucinations," 1954, from stem of hallucination + -gen
Hallucinogen, Hallucinations, Hallucination
23. See definitions of Hallucinogen.
24. As a Hallucinogen, weed doesn’t do this, but it may cause both anxiety and depression, though it can also relieve these symptoms in some people
25. Hallucinogen The Lone Deranger available now: Hallucinogen:
Hallucinogen, Https, Hallucinogenmusic
26. A large majority of Hallucinogen abusers are adolescents, teens, and young adults
27. Hallucinogen abuse can have a tremendous impact on developmental health of younger individuals and lead to long term disparities in their quality of life such as hindering education and career opportunities.
Hallucinogen, Have, Health, Hindering
28. Looking at Marijuana as a Hallucinogen
29. Marijuana is often placed in the Hallucinogen category
30. Hallucinogen, Green Nuns, Darshan Blue Planet Corporation amongst others defined the genre but for me Hallucinogen is in a different league and well
31. Hallucinogen - Synthesizzler 07:113
32. Hallucinogen - Thugs In Tye-Dye 18:285
33. ‘The third measure, polydrug use, is the sum of Hallucinogen, amphetamine, barbiturate, cocaine, and heroin use.’ ‘The drugs involved were marijuana and Hallucinogens like LSD.’ ‘Marijuana, amphetamines (not including crank), and Hallucinogens were the most …
Hallucinogen, Heroin, Hallucinogens
34. Hallucinogen covers a lot of ground here with yet ANOTHER OUTSTANDING record
Hallucinogen, Here
35. I first started listening to Hallucinogen after hearing "Spiritual Antiseptic" late night on Groovesalad net radio
Hallucinogen, Hearing
36. Hallucinogen [hah-loo´sĭ-no-jen″] a chemical agent capable of producing hallucinations
Hallucinogen, Hah, Hallucinations
37. Drugs that have Hallucinogenic properties include lsd, mescaline, and psilocybin
Have, Hallucinogenic
38. Certain mushrooms, seeds, and cactus buttons (such as peyote) are also Hallucinogenic
39. The experiences brought about by the use of Hallucinogens involve
40. Hallucinogen While many drugs speed up or depress the central nervous system, there is a class of drugs that distorts how we feel, hear, see, smell, taste, and think
Hallucinogen, How, Hear
41. Called Hallucinogens because users often hallucinate, or experience nonexistent sensations, these drugs are also known as psychedelic, or mind-bending, drugs.
Hallucinogens, Hallucinate
42. Hallucinogen synonyms, Hallucinogen pronunciation, Hallucinogen translation, English dictionary definition of Hallucinogen
43. Treatment Plan for Hallucinogen Addiction
44. To overcome a Hallucinogen addiction, a treatment plan should be created
45. The treatment plan will consist of four components, which are loved ones, a Hallucinogen treatment program, a counselor, and a support group
46. Hallucinogen addiction can lead to repeated abuse and the onset of multiple effects on all aspects of a person’s health
Hallucinogen, Health
47. Hallucinogen addiction treatment programs work to reverse these damaging effects, helping individuals quit use of the drugs, build skills to foster a sober lifestyle, and stay strong in recovery.
Hallucinogen, Helping
48. Definition of Hallucinogen in the dictionary
49. What does Hallucinogen mean? Information and translations of Hallucinogen in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
50. Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD) is a rare, and therefore, poorly understood condition linked to Hallucinogenic drugs consumption
Hallucinogen, Hppd, Hallucinogenic
51. Hallucinogen use, unspecified with Hallucinogen-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified
52. Clinical Terms for Hallucinogen related disorders (F16) N-Methyl-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (Ectasy)-.An N-substituted amphetamine analog
53. It is a widely abused drug classified as a Hallucinogen and causes marked, long-lasting changes in brain serotonergic systems.
HALLUCINOGEN [həˈlo͞osənəˌjen]
hallucinogen (noun) · hallucinogens (plural noun)
Hallucinogens, or "psychedelics", are drugs that alter users' state of consciousness and produce different kinds of hallucinations. The main types of hallucinogens are d-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), hencyclidine (PCP), hallucinogenic amphetamines, mescaline and psilocybe mushrooms.
Hallucinogens (also known as psychedelics) are a group of drugs that change the way people see and feel reality, causing things like hallucinations. Hallucinations are experiences where people hear or see things that aren’t really there, or where perception is altered.
Hallucinogens are a class of drugs that cause hallucinations—profound distortions in a person’s perceptions of reality. Hallucinogens can be found in some plants and mushrooms (or their extracts) or can be man-made, and they are commonly divided into two broad categories: classic hallucinogens (such as LSD) and dissociative drugs (such as PCP).