See also: Hace Hacek Hacer Hacendado
1. Hace programs are designed to address the unique cultural values and challenges faced by Latinos and transform high-potential Latino professionals into high-performing and courageous leaders
Hace, High
2. The Housing Authority of the City of Erie (Hace) exists to provide safe, decent, and affordable housing for lower-income families, elderly and persons with disabilities; and to foster among the residents we serve economic self-sufficiency, and a sense of community and pride in the neighborhoods where they reside
Housing, Hace
3. See 24 authoritative translations of Hace in English with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations.
4. High-altitude cerebral edema (Hace) is a medical condition in which the brain swells with fluid because of the physiological effects of traveling to a high altitude.It generally appears in patients who have acute mountain sickness and involves disorientation, lethargy, and nausea among other symptoms
High, Hace, Have
5. Hace’s revitalization efforts have spread throughout its focus community in Eastern North Philadelphia, involving the acquisition and construction of properties for new homeownership and rental housing, commercial development to create jobs, and provision of housing counseling services.
Hace, Have, Homeownership, Housing
6. Hace enhances MRO shop Performance through innovative new concept
7. Hace was founded in 2009 with a mission to help …
Hace, Help
8. The Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement (Hace) is a national non-profit dedicated to the employment, development, and advancement of current and aspiring Latino professionals
Hispanic, Hace
9. Since 1982, Hace has served as a resource for Latinos in the workplace and is an expert matter for corporations seeking to access diverse talent
Hace, Has
10. The word Hace is the present form of Hacer in the third person singular.
Hace, Hacer
11. Este virus se descubrió Hace poco tiempo
12. (This virus was discovered a short time ago.) La tengo desde Hace tres días y estoy muy contento con ella
13. (I have had it since three days ago and am very happy with it.) To show causation: In some cases, Hacer is used similarly to the English "make" to indicate why sometime happened.
Have, Had, Happy, Hacer, Happened
14. Hace exhibition establishes itself as a leading market forum of Hotel Supplies and Catering Equipment, Bakery, Pastry and Ice Cream equipment, Furnishing Hotel equipment, Food and Beverage and Super Market equipment, and there are also competitions which take place in the exhibition like: Egypt Food & Beverage Cup, Bakery Tec
Hace, Hotel
15. Hace promotes personal, economic, and social upward mobility to provide families the opportunity to make the transition from subsidized housing to non-subsidized housing
Hace, Housing
16. 75th Anniversary This fall, the Housing Authority of the City of Elizabeth (Hace) celebrates 75 years of service in the community.
Housing, Hace
17. The Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement (Hace) is a national non-profit dedicated to the employment, development, and advancement of current and aspiring Latino professionals
Hispanic, Hace
18. Since 1982, Hace has served as a resource for Latinos in the workplace and is a subject matter expert for corporations seeking to access diverse talent.
Hace, Has
19. Hace can kill in only a few hours
Hace, Hours
20. A person with Hace will find it difficult to walk heel-to-toe in a straight line – this is a useful test to perform in someone with severe symptoms of acute mountain sickness
Hace, Heel
21. Hace should also be suspected if a companion starts to behave irrationally or bizarrely.
22. Hence, the phrase Hace 10 años means "ten years ago," and Hace cinco minutos means "five minutes ago." The verb Hacer is also used to talk about the weather
Hence, Hace, Hacer
23. For example, Hace frío means "it is cold." You can make the same construction with Hace calor, Hace viento, Hace fresco,
24. Hace Housing Counseling - Main Office
Hace, Housing
25. Hoy Hace mucho calor: today it's very hot: Hace mucho tiempo: A long time ago: Hace poco tiempo adverb: not long ago: Hace un momento: a while ago: Hace un tiempo adverb: some time ago: se Hace tarde adjective: it's getting late, latish: Hace dos años adverb: two years ago, two years back: Hace un rato: a while ago:
Hoy, Hace, Hot
26. A él, por sus aficiones, le llaman el tío Juan del Aguardiente, y a ella la conocen todos por Bocarrachada (Bocarrota), porque dice cada cosaza que asusta; pero no crea usted que se contenta con decir; apenas nota que su marido Hace eses, le mide las costillas con ese mismo horcado de cargar el tojo.
Hace, Horcado
27. Hace is a data start-up, generating cross-sectoral analysis on factors affecting child labour internationally.
28. Hace dos años que ellas estudian inglés
29. To make this type of expression negative, just add the word “no” before the verb, as in the following formula: Hace + time + que + no + present tense form of the verb
30. Hace un año que no estudio español
31. That is where Hace comes in! Let our experts get to work to get the answers you have been looking for, with a Quick Scan
Hace, Have
32. Formal second-person singular present indicative form of Hacer
33. Third-person singular (él, ella, also used with usted?) present indicative form of Hacer
34. Ago, has been (Note: unlike in English, Hace precedes the number.)
Has, Hace
35. Hace can be translated into English as ago.It is the impersonal form of the verb Hacer.It expresses a time period that has already occurred before the moment …
Hace, Hacer, Has
36. Looking for online definition of Hace or what Hace stands for? Hace is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms The Free Dictionary
37. Hace un año, Hace 11 meses, Hace 10 meses - la suya era una voz aislada
38. Hace + time + que + present tense form of the verb
39. Hace un año que estudio español
40. When the verb is in the preterite tense, a different meaning is conveyed: Hace + time + que + preterite tense form of the verb
41. Hace un año que estudié español
42. Hace translation in Spanish - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'Hacer',hache',Hacedor',Hacerse', examples, definition, conjugation
Hace, Hacer, Hache, Hacedor, Hacerse
43. High Altitude Cerebral Edema (Hace) is the severe end of AMS: AMS is believed to be subclinical Hace
High, Hace
44. According to the Lake Louise Consensus , in the context of a recent ascent, patients with Hace will have symptoms of AMS plus either gait ataxia or mental status changes, or will have both gait ataxia and mental status changes regardless of AMS
Hace, Have
45. Hace in spanish pronunciations with meanings, synonyms, antonyms, translations, sentences and more
46. Spanish: ·to do ¿Qué Haces? What are you doing? No sé que hago
Haces, Hago
47. Someone do something or feel a certain way.) No sabe cómo Hacerla feliz
48. (transitive, of the weather) to be Hace frío ― it's cold Hace calor
49. Looking for the definition of Hace? Find out what is the full meaning of Hace on! 'High Altitude Cerebral Edema' is one option -- get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource.
Hace, High
50. Sentence pairs containing Hace translated in English and Spanish
51. Acute mountain sickness (AMS) and high-altitude cerebral edema (Hace) are manifestations of the brain pathophysiology, while high-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) is that of the lung
High, Hace, Hape
52. Hace is a promising self-report instrument for assessing characteristics of an individual's home and community environments
Hace, Home
53. Hace es la tercera persona del singular del presente del indicativo del verbo Hacer
Hace, Hacer
54. The 2021 Calendar of Success is the story of an organization (Hace) and a man, John E
55. Remember to use the format Hace + length of time + que + present tense verb
56. Terms in this set (25) Hace dos meses que juego fútbol americano
57. Hace un año que Marco y Beatriz dibujan
58. Start studying Hace vs. Hacía... que
Hace, Hac
59. High Altitude Cerebral Edema (Hace) is a severe and potentially fatal manifestation of high altitude illness and is often characterized by ataxia, fatigue, and altered mental status
High, Hace
60. Hace is often thought of as an extreme form/end-stage of Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS)
61. Although Hace represents the …
62. En la mayoría de países de habla hispana, es fácil confundir palabras que llevan c, s o z, así como recordar si llevan h o no, tal como en el caso de ase, ace, Hace o hase.
Habla, Hispana, Hace, Hase
63. Solo Hace y ase son palabras correctas
64. 5 Progress Drive, Carrum Downs, VIC 3201, Australia P: + 61 3 9706 6557 W:
HACE stands for Hispanic Association of Contractors and Enterprises (Hispanic Federation, Inc.) Suggest new definition. This definition appears somewhat frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Organizations, NGOs, schools, universities, etc. Business, finance, etc.
Definition. HACE. High Altitude Cerebral Edema. HACE. Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement (Chicago, IL) HACE. Hispanic Association of Contractors and Enterprises (Hispanic Federation, Inc.) HACE. Health and Career Education.
As usual, let’s break this question down. “Hace” means “do you?” “Hace” is the you/he/she conjugation for “hacer” which means “to do” or “make”. “Sus” is the pronoun “your” “his” or “her”. “Propias” means “own”. So, “sus propias” is “your/his/her own” and is followed by a noun, here “comidas” which means “food” or “meals”.
Quick Answer ¿Qué hace? = What is he/she/it doing? or What are you doing? ¿Qué hace? is the way to ask what a third person (he, she, it) or second person (you) does or is doing.