See also: Guilelessness Gules Galless Guiles Gullies Gullet Gulls Gulley Gulled Guller Guilelessly Gutless Gullible Gully Gull Gullibility Gullah Gulling
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4. Cherrylyn Gulles is on Facebook
5. Join Facebook to connect with Cherrylyn Gulles and others you may know
6. Jhon Mark Gulles is on Facebook
7. Join Facebook to connect with Jhon Mark Gulles and others you may know
GULLES [ˈɡəlē]
What does Gull mean? G ull as a girls' name is of Scandinavian and Old Norse origin. Pet form of names derived from guth "god" or gull "gold". ENDS WITH-ll. ASSOCIATED WITH scandinavian, norse, gold. Variations CREATIVE FORMS (female)
The common gull ( Larus canus) or sea mew is a medium-sized gull that breeds in the Palearctic, northern Europe, and northwestern North America. The North American subspecies is commonly referred to as the mew gull, although that name is also used by some authorities for the whole species.
pewit - small black-headed European gull Larus ridibundus , laughing gull , pewit gull , blackcap sea gull , seagull , gull - mostly white aquatic bird having long pointed wings and short legs
Answer The plural form of gully is gullies .