See also: Groundswell Groundskeeper Groundless Groundsman Groundskeeping Grounds Groundlings Groundlessness Group Groupie Ground Groupthink Grounded Grouse Grounding Groundwater Grout Groundwork Grouchy Groundbreaking Grouping Grouper
1. Groundsill (Noun) A timber beam used as the foundation for a building
2. Groundsill (plural Groundsills) (rare) A timber beam used as the foundation for a building
Groundsill, Groundsills
3. Groundsill (Ambang) Rabu Wage, 13 Juli 2016 08:56 WIB 5888 Bangunan ini direncanakan berupa ambang atau lantai dan berfungsi untuk mengendalikan ketinggian dan kemiringan dasar sungai, agar dapat mengurangi atau menghentikan degradasi sungai
4. Groundsill - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums
5. Groundsill, ground beam, ground plate, mudsill, sole plate In a framed structure, the sill which is nearest the ground or on the ground; used to distribute concentrated loads
Groundsill, Ground
6. Groundsill definition: the lowest horizontal timber in the framework of a building Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
7. Peter; 'we'll drink to its memory -- (Hout! the heart's at the mouth o' that ill-faur'd bit stoup already!) -- it brought a rent, reckoning from the crawstep to the Groundsill, that ye might ca 'fourteen punds a year, forby the laigh cellar that was let to Lucky Littleworth.'
8. Groundsill (Efektivitas) Groundsill (Jarak Antar Bangunan) Groundsill (Large River) Groundsill (Pelaksanaan Kontruksi) Groundsill (Pengaturan Bangunan) Groundsill (Progo River CAD) Groundsill (Progo River) Hydrology (Mt
9. Search Groundsill and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso
10. You can complete the definition of Groundsill given by the English Definition dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster
Groundsill, Given
11. How to say Groundsill in Catalan
12. Easily find the right translation for Groundsill from Malay to Catalan submitted and enhanced by our users.
13. Groundsills meaning Plural form of Groundsill.
Groundsills, Groundsill
14. The Groundsill building is a building in the middle of a river
15. The function of the Groundsill building is to resist the swift flow of the river, or reduce the speed of the river flow during the rainy season
16. The Groundsill building is perfect when built on every bend in the river channel
17. Synonyms for Groundsill in Free Thesaurus
18. What are synonyms for Groundsill?
19. The Groundsill is one of the most common structures to protect the underlying riverbed
20. Groundsill menjadi pilihan untuk pelindung dasar sungai yang melindunginya dari degradasi dan merupakan yang efektif digunakan
21. Groundsill merupakan salah satu istilah penting dalam konstruksi
22. Plural of Groundsill Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary
23. Hindi words for Groundsill include चौखट and देहली
24. By using a particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurement system, it measures the turbulent flow fields in an open channel moving through the rough bed below a Groundsill
25. Groundsill Definizione: the lowest horizontal timber in the framework of a building Significato, pronuncia, traduzioni ed esempi
26. Kegiatan Pembangunan Groundsill Batang Arau di Kota Padang, Sumatera Barat
27. Fungsi utama pembangunan Groundsill adalah untuk mengembalikan elevasi dasar suangai ke elevasi awal (akibat degradasi dasar sungai yang tajam yang dosebabka
28. Perencanaan Groundsill pada Sungai Ulu Gadut Kecamatan Pauh - Desa Limau Manis Selatan bertujuan untuk menstabilkan dasar sungai dan mencegah bangunan Bendung PDAM pada hilir Groundsill dari kehancuran
Groundsill, Gadut
29. Groundsill ini direncanakan dengan debit banjir periode ulang 50 tahun.
30. The Groundsill is one of the most common structures to protect the underlying riverbed
31. Also called a ground plate, Groundsill, sole, sole-plate, mudsill.
Ground, Groundsill
32. Mira traducciones acreditadas de Groundsill en español con oraciones de ejemplo y pronunciación de audio.
33. Groundsill: prag: Translations: 1 – 1 / 1
34. Groundsill is one of the hydraulic structures used to stabilize the riverbed and prevent the erosion of riverbank
35. Therefore, Groundsill may have the negative effects on the ecological environment
36. Comparing with a traditional Groundsill, a Cross-Vane concentrates the water flow and create a downstream pool
37. Groundsill berada lebih kurang 160 meter di hilir Jembatan Kretek
38. Posisi Groundsill Kretek berada pada koordinat bujur dan lintang 110°18’51” BT, 7°59’25” LS …
GROUNDSILL [ˈɡrounds(ə)l]