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See also: Groundless Groundlessness Ground Groundswell Group Groupie Groupthink Grounded Grouse Grounding Groundwater Grout Groundwork Grouchy Groundbreaking Grouping Grouper

1. Members of Dendrosenecio, the giant Groundsels Members of Packera, a segregate of Senecio Golden groundsel, Packera aurea (Senecio aureus) Golden groundsel, Packera obovata (Senecio obovatus)

Giant, Groundsels, Golden, Groundsel

2. Only on Kilimanjaro: Giant Groundsels As the highest mountain in Africa, Kilimanjaro itself is pretty outstanding.

Giant, Groundsels

3. Golden Groundsels are in the Asteraceae family of plants and demonstrate the pappus structure of seed development

Golden, Groundsels

4. Threadleaf and Riddell's Groundsels (Senecio longilobus and S


5. Dendrosenecio kilimanjari is a giant groundsel found on Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa, below 13,000 feet.It was originally known as Senecio kilimanjari, but a recent botanical reclassification split off some species formerly in Senecio, putting it and various other species in the new genus Dendrosenecio.Both genera are in the family Asteraceae.The giant Groundsels of the genus Dendrosenecio

Giant, Groundsel, Genus, Genera, Groundsels

6. Plant life in mount kenya giant Groundsels against a mountain background - groundsel stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Giant, Groundsels, Groundsel

7. Groundsels meaning Plural form of groundsel.

Groundsels, Groundsel

8. Fen groundsel: [noun] either of two European Groundsels (Senecio paludosus and S

Groundsel, Groundsels

9. Groundsels are woody-stemmed, native, perennial plants that often cause livestock poisoning in winter and early spring


10. Groundsel (plural Groundsels) Any of several widely-distributed plants, of the genus Senecio, having yellow, daisylike flowers

Groundsel, Groundsels, Genus

11. Groundsels (Senecio genus) have large flowers and phyllaries in one row that distinguish them from goldenrod

Groundsels, Genus, Goldenrod

12. Senecio is in the daisy family and includes ragworts and Groundsels


13. The poisonous agents in Groundsels are pyrrolizidine


14. Its members, the giant Groundsels, are native to the higher altitude zones of ten mountain groups in equatorial East Africa, where they form a conspicuous element of the flora.

Giant, Groundsels, Groups

15. Giant Groundsels is a big tree-like plant with brown tree trunk and big branches with green leaves-like flowers.

Giant, Groundsels, Green

16. The fruits of Groundsels usually have a conspicuous white down (pappus), a characteristic shared by Baccharis halmifolia, the groundsel tree, which is a related shrub of the E United States

Groundsels, Groundsel

17. Synonyms for Groundsels in Free Thesaurus


18. What are synonyms for Groundsels?


19. Groundsels prefer moist soil and do well beside water features or in bog gardens

Groundsels, Gardens

20. The fruits of Groundsels usually have a conspicuous white down (pappus), a characteristic shared by Baccharis halmifolia, the groundsel tree, which is a related shrub of the E United States

Groundsels, Groundsel

21. Groundsels Total Number of words made out of Groundsels = 587 Groundsels is an acceptable word in Scrabble with 12 points.Groundsels is an accepted word in Word with Friends having 16 points


22. Groundsels is a 10 letter long Word starting with G and ending with S


23. Threadleaf and Riddell's Groundsels; Water hemlock; Yew; Milkvetch (Astragalus spp.) About half of the Astragalus species contain notrotoxins (NPA, NPOH)


24. GIANT Groundsels Giant Groundsels on Mount Kilimanjaro, with a terminal leaf rosette at the apex of a stout woody stem

Giant, Groundsels

25. Synonyms for common Groundsels in Free Thesaurus


26. What are synonyms for common Groundsels?


27. Associated plants include several species of perennial grasses, Groundsels, yarrow, cinquefoil, lupines, sedges, and asters.

Grasses, Groundsels

28. Elgon's slopes are covered in ancient dense forests and bamboo belts which then give way to a spectacular moon-like moorland zone blanketed by tree heaths, massive Groundsels and lobelias.

Give, Groundsels

29. Groundsels meaning in Urdu: نرم گھاس جو پالتو جانوروں کو کھلائی جاتی ہے - Naram ghaas jo paaltoo janwaron ko khilai jati hai meaning, Definition Synonyms at English to Urdu dictionary gives you the best and accurate urdu translation and meanings of Groundsels and Naram ghaas jo …

Groundsels, Ghaas, Gives

30. DO Groundsels DREAMS OF HERBACEOUS SHEEP is a game where you get to play as a plant! You are one of the cabbage groundels living on top of Mount Kenya, who fold up and dream every night

Groundsels, Game, Get, Groundels

31. Groundsels - find the meaning, anagrams and hook words with Groundsels and much more


32. The word Groundsels uses 10 letters: d, e, g, l, n, o, r, s, s, u


33. Groundsels is playable in: Words With Friends 16



GROUNDSELS [ˈɡroun(d)səl]

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