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See also: Grogger Groggled Frogged Progged Grogginess Proffer Groggy Groggily Gorged Goggled Frogger Grognard Googled Grog Grogu Grogan Grogram

1. The Grogged, cowlicked crew rolled out of their bunks; the boat wallowed deep in the trough


2. Provided to YouTube by DistroKidGrogged · Blank GraveAbove & Over Words℗ Drum Circle Death CultReleased on: 2021-03-18Auto-generated by YouTube.

Graveabove, Generated

3. What is another word for Grogged up? Grogged up


4. Petra Grogged Stoneware – ideal for throwing and modelling


5. You can use a Grogged clay which will make the pot stronger in firing but you will have to burnish at leather hard so that the particles of grog are driven into the body of the pot

Grogged, Grog

6. Adhesive, air, avoid, bisque, bisque firing, business, character, clay, covering, customer, cut, deal, developed, dimensions, dry, drying, drywall, even, even drying, firing, floor, frustration, green, Grogged, Grogged clay, handle, handling, hard, hold, hours, important, issue, kiln, knife, leather, leather hard, make, making, making tiles, metal, molded, molds, need, numbers, old, piece, place, plaster, …

Green, Grogged

7. Grogged clay wears down tools faster, but smooth clay warps and cracks more often


8. Items are thrown from a Grogged black clay body, glazed in a matte white

Grogged, Glazed

9. ‘The Grogged-up guys are circling the women like skuas circling a penguin colony.’

Grogged, Guys

10. ‘Just as well he'd been Grogged up, 'cos it ended up being a soft landing.’


11. ‘He's too Grogged up to worry about it, anyway.’


12. ‘He ended up among the permanently Grogged up inmates of the heavier jails.’.


13. Grogged stoneware clay is suitable for raku firing


14. Development of Grogged Ceramic Clay Roofing Tiles for Poultry Housing as an Alternative to Zinc Sheets


15. A great definition of grog, from Tom Butcher Ceramics, is that it's "pre-fired pottery, that has been ground down to varying degrees, with textures ranging from flour to granulated sugar." How does Grogged clay make a piece less likely to crack? Grogged clay has low plasticity.

Great, Grog, Ground, Granulated, Grogged

16. Grogged: Match Page #4 Grogged: Away forfeit 2004 Honda Accord V6 Luxury 177kW: Match Page #5 hungry i eat all day


17. Standard Red Terracotta Grogged 20% Earthenware, by Valentine Clays - suitable for throwing, modelling and hand building


18. Scarva FLAX Paper Clay Flaxpaper Clay Grogged Starter Pack


19. Scarva FLAX Paper Clay ES300 Grogged


20. Grogged clay is also good for firing, as it is better for expanding and contracting without cracking

Grogged, Good

21. The temperature in which you fire your Grogged clay should also be a consideration, as Grogged clay can often fire quite a lot quicker.


22. 158-4120 Grogged White (Molochite) Manufactured from a LT25 white earthenware base with Molochite sand addition giving medium texture and excellent workability for hand building, sculpting or tiles

Grogged, Giving

23. C/2-6 Our most heavily Grogged body, formulated for sculpture


24. Schedule suggestions (based on availability): Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Match Comms duck captain Grogged


25. Grogged clay bodies dry more slowly, they are less likely to crack during drying


26. Grogged clay bodies are suggested for sculptures and projects which vary in thickness


27. We highly recommend that beginners start with a Grogged clay body


28. UnGrogged clay bodies are smoother, and generally less abrasive on potters’ hands and fingernails.


29. Scarva FLAX Paper Clay ES600G Porcelain Grogged


30. Unfired flax fibre clay with Grogged body (hand modelled); red, blue, green, and yellow iron oxides Balaclava (+/–), 2019

Grogged, Green

31. Bowls and platters in Grogged buff stoneware


32. Grogged brown burning sculpture clay


33. Plainsman M340GS SDS Lightly Grogged buff burning stoneware with manganese speckle


34. I used to like the grog for tooth and strength when throwing larger, but have found over the years that most of the finer Grogged or minimally Grogged clays work just as well for me

Grog, Grogged

35. Highly Grogged highly plastic sculpture body.


36. Terracotta Earthenware Grogged Clay


37. A strong Grogged clay body great for hand building and sculpture

Grogged, Great


GROGGED [ɡrɒɡ]

Frequently Asked Questions

What does groggy mean?

groggy - stunned or confused and slow to react (as from blows or drunkenness or exhaustion) foggy, logy, stuporous, dazed. lethargic, unenrgetic - deficient in alertness or activity; "bullfrogs became lethargic with the first cold nights".

What does grog-giness mean?

Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Idioms, Wikipedia . Unsteady and dazed; shaky. [From grog .] grog′gi·ness n. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. 1. unsteady.

Is grogged clay good for firing?

Grogged clay is also good for firing, as it is better for expanding and contracting without cracking. Grog can also add a brilliant texture to your pottery and ceramic pieces. The temperature in which you fire your grogged clay should also be a consideration, as grogged clay can often fire quite a lot quicker.

What does frogged mean?

Top definition. frogged. in knitting, a frog says "rip it rip it" and fogging refers to unraveling rows of knitted work due to an error found. When I realized that I had messed up my ribbing on that sweater, I frogged half of it to make it right.

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