See also: Gripe Griped Gripper Gripping Grip Grippe Gripped Griping Grippy Gripsack Get Vice Death Pincer Lose In Key
1. Definition of Gripe (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : grievance, complaint Her main Gripe was his utter lack of ambition
Gripe, Grievance
2. Other Words from Gripe Synonyms More Example Sentences Learn More about Gripe.
3. See synonyms for: Gripe / griping / Griper on verb (used without object), Griped, grip·ing
Gripe, Griping, Griper, Griped, Grip
4. Synonyms & Antonyms of Gripe (Entry 2 of 2) 1 to disturb the peace of mind of (someone) especially by repeated disagreeable acts constant complaints from the customers Griped her to the point where she started snapping back
Gripe, Griped
5. Gripe. A noun is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea (e.g
6. La Gripe, también llamada influenza, es una infección respiratoria causada por virus. Cada año, millones de personas se enferman de Gripe
7. The Crossword Solver found 81 answers to the Gripe crossword clue
8. Gripe water is an over-the-counter liquid supplement of sodium bicarbonate and herbs (like fennel, ginger, chamomile, dill, lemon balm or peppermint, depending on the formula).
Gripe, Ginger
9. GripeVine is a community for safe social customer feedback connecting consumers who'd like to share customer experiences (positive or negative) to companies who want to hear about them in order to create positive outcomes.
10. See synonyms for: Gripe / griping / Griper on verb (used without object), Griped, grip·ing
Gripe, Griping, Griper, Griped, Grip
11. The pincers Gripe, the pliers handle; the one is like the closed hand, the other like the fingers
12. TOILERS OF THE SEA VICTOR HUGO It was safe enough for a high-ranking labman to Gripe about Security—in fact, it was more or less expected
13. El virus de la Gripe (conocido en algunos países como virus de la influenza) pertenece a la familia de los Orthomyxoviridae y tiene una gran capacidad de sufrir variaciones en sus antígenos de
Gripe, Gran, Genos
14. A strong complaint: Her main Gripe is that she's not being trained properly.
15. GripeO is a website that provides a platform for consumers to submit unbiased and honest product reviews and customer service complaints
16. Pero la influenza (la Gripe) puede causar problemas de salud graves y resultar en una hospitalización o la muerte.
Gripe, Graves
17. The Gripe family name was found in the USA, the UK, and Canada between 1840 and 1920
18. The most Gripe families were found in the USA in 1880
19. In 1840 there were 2 Gripe families living in Indiana
20. This was about 67% of all the recorded Gripe's in the USA
21. Indiana had the highest population of Gripe …
22. Gripe (third-person singular simple present Gripes, present participle griping, simple past Griped or (obsolete) grope, past participle Griped or (obsolete) Gripen) (intransitive, informal) To complain; to whine
Gripe, Gripes, Griping, Griped, Grope, Gripen
23. A Gripe is a complaint about something.
24. La Gripe es causada por un virus de la influenza
25. La mayoría de las personas contraen la Gripe cuando inhalan gotitas provenientes de la tos o los estornudos de alguien que tenga Gripe
Gripe, Gotitas
26. Gripe water is a non-prescription product sold in many countries around the world to relieve colic and other gastrointestinal ailments and discomforts of infants.No evidence supports the efficacy of Gripe water and one limited study in India questions whether the consumption of Gripe water is related to vomiting in babies that already showed signs of colic.
Gripe, Gastrointestinal
27. What does Gripe mean? Gripe is defined as to experience sharp intestinal pain, or to complain
28. (verb) An example of Gripe is having pain cause
29. The Ghana Recycling Initiative by Private Enterprises (Gripe) is an industry-led coalition formed under the Association of Ghana Industries (AGI) with a stake in the plastics sector to integrate sustainable waste management solutions, particularly around plastics.
Ghana, Gripe
30. Gripe definition: If you say that someone is griping , you mean they are annoying you because they keep on Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Gripe, Griping
31. Learn synonyms, antonyms, and opposites of Gripe in Spanish with English translations of every word.
32. La vacuna contra la influenza (Gripe) es especialmente importante esta temporada, porque la Gripe y la enfermedad por coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) causan síntomas similares
33. La vacuna contra la Gripe puede reducir los síntomas que quizás se confundan con los causados por la COVID-19
34. Prevenir la Gripe, y reducir su gravedad y las
Gripe, Gravedad
35. Gripes Sharp, spasmodic pains in the bowels
36. • Students' main Gripe is the poor quality of the dorm food
37. • The one minor Gripe I have is that the Pioneer doesn't have mudguards
38. • My only Gripe is that it could have been bigger
39. • I left the house because I wasn't in the mood to listen to Maude's Gripes.
40. The Ghana Recycling Initiative by Private Enterprises (Gripe) is an industry-led coalition formed under the Association of Ghana Industries (AGI) with a stake in the plastics sector to integrate sustainable waste management solutions, particularly around plastics.
Ghana, Gripe
41. La Gripe es una infección vírica que afecta principalmente a la nariz, la garganta, los bronquios y, ocasionalmente, los pulmones
Gripe, Garganta
42. Gripe water is a liquid herbal remedy that is made to soothe your baby’s colic symptoms
43. The Gripe water can include a mixture of different herbs like chamomile, ginger, and fennel
Gripe, Ginger
44. Gripe water can also help ease the pain of teething.
45. 1) Will you quit griping about your test grade? You should have studied! 2) I have a legitimate Gripe …
Griping, Grade, Gripe
46. Gripe: 1 v complain Synonyms: beef , bellyache , bitch , crab , grouse , holler , squawk Type of: complain , kick , kvetch , plain , quetch , sound off express
Gripe, Grouse
47. Woodward Gripe Water contains oil of Dill herb and Sodium Bicarbonate and brings rapid relief of wind and Gripe
48. Feeding your baby one teaspoon of alcohol-free Woodward’s Gripe Water everyday can help prevent
49. Little Remedies® Gripe Water
50. The original Woodward Gripe water was composed of water, dill oil, sodium bicarbonate, sugar and 3.6% alcohol
51. It is believed that Woodward chose the word ‘Gripe’ because back in 19th century Britain, gastroenteritis was referred to as watery Gripes .
Gripe, Gastroenteritis, Gripes
52. ‘But if the only Gripe you can have about watching two discs of soccer highlights is that the music sucks, it's not a bad complaint.’ ‘Really, my biggest Gripe is the lack of extras on this DVD, especially a commentary track.’ ‘At present my biggest Gripe is the lack of facilities.’
53. Influenza (Gripe) English Otros idiomas
54. Gripe about (someone or something) To complain, often continually and in an irritating manner, about someone or something
55. Michael, as long as you have long hair, Grandma is going to Gripe about it—you better get used to it
Grandma, Going, Gripe, Get
56. Algunas personas la llaman “Gripe porcina”
57. Los síntomas son similares a los de otros tipos de Gripe
58. Para un resfriado común o la Gripe, no necesita ver a su médico
59. Los niños tienen mayor riesgo de sufrir complicaciones relacionadas con la Gripe
60. Recibir la vacuna contra la Gripe es la mejor forma de proteger a su hijo y a su familia contra la influenza durante la temporada de “Gripe” (generalmente de noviembre a marzo)
Gripe, Generalmente
61. Recibir la vacuna puede disminuir las enfermedades por Gripe, evitar que usted y su hijo pierdan días de trabajo y escuela y
62. Cada año, millones de estadounidenses contraen la Gripe, una enfermedad respiratoria que causa síntomas parecidos a los del resfriado que pueden variar de leves a muy graves
Gripe, Graves
63. La temporada de Gripe de este año es especialmente única ya que se cruza con la pandemia del coronavirus, que puede causar síntomas similares con un rango de severidad.
GRIPE [ɡrīp]