See also: Grantee Guarantee Guaranteed Guaranteeing Grantor Or Grant Granular Grandiose Grandeur Granted Granularity Grandstanding Granite Grand Grange Grandiosity Grandiloquent Granuloma Granary Grandfather Grandmother
1. Grantee definition is - one to whom a grant is made
Grantee, Grant
2. Recent Examples on the Web Two new dentists have started practicing in northeast Minnesota thanks to the Martha Mordini Rukavina Loan Forgiveness Program, a Grantee of Iron Range Resources & Rehabilitation
3. 2021 When a Grantee’s research is
4. Grantee synonyms, Grantee pronunciation, Grantee translation, English dictionary definition of Grantee
5. Grantee: An individual to whom a transfer or conveyance of property is made
6. In a case involving the sale of land, the buyer is commonly known as the Grantee.
7. A Grantee is a legal term used real estate transactions that describes the person purchasing a property
8. You can also be a Grantee without receiving a property deed
9. For example, a land contract features both a grantor and a Grantee.
Grantor, Grantee
10. Grantee: The recipient of some type of property
11. In its most literal sense, a Grantee is the recipient of a grant, a sum of money intended to fund a specific undertaking (like a college education
Grantee, Grant
12. The Grantee is the party who receives the transfer of the property after, in the case of sale, a closing occurs
13. In other words, the Grantee is the buyer
14. A lessor/lessee is a type of grantor/Grantee
Grantor, Grantee
15. Use the link below to login to the Grantee Portal
16. Login to the Grantee Portal Note: the portal is not supported by Internet Explorer
17. The Grantee Service Profiles provide Grantee-level information on reported demographics, services, and federal monitoring of Head Start and Early Head Start programs
18. Welcome to Grantee Central! This portion of our website is being constructed with you, the program staff, in mind
19. All Grantee Portal FAQs Department of Human Services (DHS) Centralized Repository Vault (CRV) Users If you have a DHS CRV account or an partner account in the external domain, you can use it to access the Grantee Portal but you must append " " to …
Grantee, Gov
20. Grantee definition, the receiver of a grant
Grantee, Grant
21. The Grantee Portal utilizes the Authentication Portal
Grantee, Gov
22. The Grantee is the person receiving the property
23. With a deed of trust, it's not the lender; rather, the Grantee is the trustee who holds legal title while the borrower performs his duty of
24. Definition, Synonyms, Translations of Grantees by The Free Dictionary
25. The Office of Program and Grantee Support Services (PGSS) oversees the design and delivery of results-driven, differentiated, and research-informed technical assistance opportunities to all States and the U.S
26. The Grantee is the person receiving receiving property ownership interest on a deed
27. A Grantee may receive total ownership of a property from the grantor or just partial interest, depending on what the grantor has the right to give
Grantee, Grantor, Give
28. A Grantee is usually shown on a deed underneath the grantor.
Grantee, Grantor
29. The Grantee receives the exact same interest the grantor had
Grantee, Grantor
30. As a Grantee, you probably already know a bit about the Kellogg Foundation
31. Note Using email addresses to specify a Grantee is only supported in the following AWS Regions:
32. Organization/Grantee Topic Title Year Grant Number Language; Make the Road New York: Hard-to-Reach Workers: Immigrant Worker Safety and Health: 2010: SH-20830-10
Grantee, Grant
33. Grantee Handbook Disclaimer – This handbook is a general resource designed to orient Grantees to the grant process in ETA
Grantee, General, Grantees, Grant
34. Grantee Guide to Project Performance Measurement (Guide) is designed to help projects funded under OSEP’s discretionary grant programs develop high-quality project performance measures
Grantee, Guide, Grant
35. Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) measures Grantees are required to report to OSEP each
Government, Gpra, Grantees
36. Coastal Community Foundation’s Grantee portal is for nonprofits to access applications for competitive grantmaking programs of Coastal Community Foundation, the Jewish Endowment Foundation of Greater Charleston, the Saul Alexander Foundation and Waccamaw Community Foundation.
Grantee, Grantmaking, Greater
37. • Grantee has recurring and significant findings in its Single Audit Reports
38. High-Risk Designation Referrals • Grantee is referred and/or designated as high- risk designation by another Federal agency (outside of DOJ)
39. • Grantee is deemed not financially stable or is the
40. Grantee The Grantee is the buyer, recipient, new owner, or lien holder
41. When "vs." appears on legal documents, the Grantor is on the bottom, the Grantee is on the top
Grantor, Grantee
42. Petitioner is the Grantee; Respondent is the Grantor.
Grantee, Grantor
43. Grantee Website: Visit disclaimer page Contact Name: Janice L
Grantee, Gov
44. A Grantee is an entity receiving title to a piece of real estate
45. For example, a land contract features both a grantor and a Grantee.The grantor is the owner and the Grantee is the buyer who is acquiring an equitable interest, but not bare legal interest, in a property.
Grantor, Grantee
46. Grantee Communications Kit Your grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services is an outstanding achievement that should be shared with your community
Grantee, Grant
47. The Grantee Communications Kit provides guidance for fulfilling your requirements and spreading the word about your grant project.
Grantee, Guidance, Grant
48. Grantee Responsibilities (cont.) – Agreements between Grantee and zone/subzone operators and private land owners
49. • Update each site’s information (activation: status, space, and date) and Grantee contact information in OFIS.
50. The Grantee must also issue any permits authorizing retail sales or other commercial activity involving domestic, duty-paid and duty-free goods within activated zone project
Grantee, Goods
51. Grantee communications from which an external audience may infer that it should contact legislators concerning specific legislation should be considered carefully because they may run afoul of the prohibition, unless the communications fall within certain recognized exceptions to the definition of "lobbying" or "influencing legislation." It is
52. Grantee - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions
53. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: Grantee n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc
54. Included in these nine awards are one new Grantee, Brown University, and eight Grantees that are continuing participants in the program
Grantee, Grantees
55. Again, it is essential to consider who, if a grant is to be presumed, are to be the supposed grantors and Grantees.
Grant, Grantors, Grantees
56. Find 43 ways to say Grantee, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
57. Grantee Information EDA Construction Grant Post Approval Process Tool for Grant Recipients (Version 5.0) The EDA Construction Grant Post Approval Process Tool is an interactive program that assists Recipients through every stage of the post award grant process, from quarterly progress reports, design contract approval, bid documents compliance, bid opening concurrences, financial
Grantee, Grant
58. The grantor is the seller and the Grantee is the buyer
Grantor, Grantee
59. In terms of selling a home, for example, the grantor is either the owner or the company extending the mortgage and the Grantee is the person buying the home
Grantor, Grantee
60. There are differences between the grantor and Grantee, depending on the transaction or situation
Grantor, Grantee
61. Grantee Internal Controls Self-Assessment Instrument Table of Contents ii Table of Contents Introduction 1 Section I
62. Grantee or AGENT AFFIX NOTARY STAMP BELOW AFFIX NOTARY STAMP BELOW CRIMINAL LIABILITY NOTICE Pursuant to Section 55 ILCS 5/3-5020(b)(2), Any person who knowingly submits a false statement concerning the identity of a Grantee shall be guilty of a CLASS C MISDEMEANOR for the FIRST OFFENSE, and of a CLASS A MISDEMEANOR, for subsequent offenses.
Grantee, Guilty
63. A Grantee that is registered in the GATA Grantee Portal and who received an Illinois grant award in their last fiscal year will receive notifications from the GATA Grantee Portal about its audit requirements
Grantee, Gata, Grant
64. Notifications are based on the Fiscal Year End (FYE) that the Grantee listed in its GATA registration.
Grantee, Gata
GRANTEE [ɡranˈtē]
DEFINITION of Grantee. A grantee is the recipient of a grant, scholarship, or some type of property. In real estate, the grantee is the one taking title to a purchased property.
The grantor is the owner, and the grantee is the buyer who is acquiring an equitable interest but not bare legal interest in a property. It's essential that a deed clearly states the grantee, grantor, and a description of the property involved in the transaction.
Yes, a grantor can also be the grantee. For instance, you may quit claim a property as a grantor to some other person (grantee). If the same person quit claims the property back to you, then you will be regarded as the grantee. And, the person becomes the grantor.
Grantees under section 330 of the PHS Act are required under the statute to serve, in whole or in part, areas or populations designated by the Secretary of Health and Human Services as medically underserved. (Note: This is not required for organizations only serving MSFW, homeless, and/or public housing populations).