See also: Gradualism Phyletic Gradient Grade Gradually Graduate Grading Gradation Graduation Graduated Grad Gratitude Graded Graduand
1. Gradualism definition is - the policy of approaching a desired end by gradual stages.
Gradualism, Gradual
2. Gradualism a theory maintaining that two seemingly conflicting notions are not radically opposed, but are part of a gradually altering continuity. — gradualist, n., adj
Gradualism, Gradually, Gradualist
3. In biology, Gradualism is a theory that assumes large morphological changes in organisms occur via a number of smaller step over a number of years. The theory can be contrasted to punctuated equilibrium, which suggests that species remain relatively constant over time, until drastic events force quick evolutionary changes.
4. The definition of Gradualism is the slow and gradual changes that happen within an organism or society to make a better environmental fit for animals and humans. An example of Gradualism is the stripes of a tiger developing over time so they are better able to hide in tall grass.
Gradualism, Gradual, Grass
5. Gradualism is an evolutionary model that refers to the tiny variations in an organism or in society that happen over time to make a better fit for animals and humans in their environment. These variations allow them to survive and thrive, resulting in a slow and consistent process of change in the whole population.
6. In modern biology, Gradualism, or “phyletic Gradualism,” refers primarily to a pattern of sustained, directional, and incremental evolutionary change over …
7. A simple statement of Darwin’s theory of Gradualism is that accumulation of quantitative changes leads to qualitative change. Mayr (see Figure 6-18) makes an important distinction between populational Gradualism and phenotypic Gradualism.
8. Why Is Gradualism Harmful? When I think about Gradualism, I do think about civil rights and domestic policy
9. Hidden in that speech was the sentence, “This is no time…to take the tranquilizing drug of Gradualism”, which in the context of his address to the crowds that day meant that we could not afford to be seduced into piecemeal reform in the civil rights movement
10. Gradualism was also inevitable because the slaves suffered from internalized colonialism
11. In the natural sciences, Gradualism is a theory which holds that profound change is the cumulative product of slow but continuous processes, often contrasted with catastrophism. The theory was proposed in 1795 by James Hutton, a Scottish geologist, and was later incorporated into Charles Lyell 's theory of uniformitarianism.
Gradualism, Geologist
12. Gradualism Based on geology and the findings of James Hutton and Charles Lyell, Gradualism states that large changes are actually the culmination very small changes that build up over time. Scientists have found evidence of Gradualism in geologic processes, which the Prince Edward Island Department of education describes as the
Gradualism, Geology, Geologic
13. Gradualism is a school of thought which claims that, throughout Earth history, geological and biological processes have operated at rates observed at present
Gradualism, Geological
14. In geology, Gradualism is commonly deemed to have started with James Hutton (1726–97).
Geology, Gradualism
15. ‘Darwinian Gradualism and a growing emphasis on large populations accounted for the origins of species.’ ‘For Dawkins, Gradualism musts also fit the empirical facts, and the empirical facts on extinctions, speciation and periods of relative stasis are mounting.’
Gradualism, Growing
16. Gradualism and punctuated equilibrium are two ways in which the evolution of a species can occur
17. Gradualism implies one other attribute, more perhaps of mind than of policy
18. Gradualism and catastrophism were schools of thought in the earth sciences that explained the major features of Earth's surface and lifes history by appealing to different sorts of causes.
19. Gradualism is the slow accumulation of subtle changes in a species
20. One of the best places to look for evidence of Gradualism is in fossils
21. In addition, Gradualism does not require additional juridical structures, but simply proclamation, and perhaps some new thinking about how best to embody the sacrament of reconciliation
22. Most importantly, Gradualism is a concept that makes sense within the larger Catholic turn to the universal call to holiness.
23. In geology, Gradualism is a theory developed by James Hutton according to which profound changes to the Earth, such as the Grand Canyon, are due to slow continuous processes and not to catastrophes as proposed by the theory of catastrophism.
Geology, Gradualism, Grand
24. Phyletic Gradualism holds that morphological evolution is gradual and occurs independently of speciation
Gradualism, Gradual
25. King Jr Gradualism 142 Words 1 Page Dr.king was a good man he was born August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr
Gradualism, Good
26. Other articles where Gradualism is discussed: dinosaur: The asteroid theory: …land dwellers, however, suggests a gradual rather than a sudden decline in dinosaurian diversity (and possibly abundance)
Gradualism, Gradual
27. Gradualism is the concept which describes the evolution of species as a long-term process
28. In Gradualism the selection and variation of a species happen in a more gradual manner
Gradualism, Gradual
29. The visible effects of Gradualism occur when many such small changes get together over time.
Gradualism, Get
30. Gradualism was proposed in 1795 by James Hutton to explain geology, and was later was the basis for Charles Lyell's Principles of Geology
Gradualism, Geology
31. Definition of Gradualism noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
32. The theory of Gradualism was supported by the geologic and fossil record
Gradualism, Geologic
33. From youth, apparently, Darwin believed Gradualism is inherently more rational and scientific than saltational accounts of evolution
34. Gradualism is that, by taking small steps, policymakers give themselves the opportunity to assess the effects of their actions and perhaps to refine their views on how large a policy change will ultimately be needed (Sack, 1998)
Gradualism, Give
35. In Catholic moral theology, the law of gradualness, the law of graduality or Gradualism, is the notion that people improve their relationship with God and grow in the virtues gradually, and do not jump to perfection in a single step
Gradualness, Graduality, Gradualism, God, Grow, Gradually
36. Gradualism was proposed in 1795 by James Hutton to explain geology, and was later was the basis for Charles Lyell's Principles of Geology
Gradualism, Geology
37. The Gradualism of the reforms and stagnation of democratization are not helpful.: The way forward for both is defined more by Gradualism than dramatic recompensation for the past.: Whether demonstrators can be counseled to patience and Gradualism remains unseen.: In Part Three, Shapiro directly takes on the Darwinian ideas of Gradualism and natural selection.
38. Islam plays by the rules of Gradualism and taqiyya – lying in the service of Islam
39. In Islamic Revivalist thought, the concept of Gradualism is the belief amongst Muslim revivalists that the method to re-establish Islamic government (Khilafah) lies in a gradual (re-)implementation of Islam in a Muslim country
Gradualism, Government, Gradual
40. The Principle of Gradualism, The Devious Law for Evil to Progress Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira
41. Satan is an apostle of deterioration through Gradualism
42. Gradualism a theory maintaining that two seemingly conflicting notions are not radically opposed, but are part of a gradually altering continuity
Gradualism, Gradually
43. Gradualism is a personal pastoral strategy, not a global strategy
Gradualism, Global
44. Gradualism is a very complicated thing to try to pull off toward a group.
Gradualism, Group
45. In this paper, we attempt to shed some light on the well-known phenomenon of Gradualism in monetary policy
46. As described by Bernanke (2004), Gradualism is the idea that “the Federal Reserve tends to adjust interest rates incrementally, in a series of small or moderate steps in the same direction.”
47. Gradualism definition: the policy of seeking to change something or achieve a goal gradually rather than quickly Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Gradualism, Goal, Gradually
48. Gradualism, also called phyletic Gradualism, is the view that the course of evolution is gradual with small changes accumulating through time
Gradualism, Gradual
49. Gradualism is opposed to punctualism, where evolutionary change is thought to happen in short episodes of rapid evolution followed by long periods of stasis when little or no evolutionary change occurs.
50. It rejects pragmatic Gradualism in favour of grand design: its ideas are described as a Vision of 2005
Gradualism, Grand
51. Gradualism dictates the Chinese approach to most policy measures
GRADUALISM [ˈɡraj(əw)əˌlizəm]
In the natural sciences, gradualism is the theory which holds that profound change is the cumulative product of slow but continuous processes, often contrasted with catastrophism. The theory was proposed in 1795 by James Hutton, a Scottish geologist, and was later incorporated into Charles Lyell 's theory of uniformitarianism.
Gradualism Examples in the Animal World
Punctuated Equilibrium
It is commonly believed that punctuated equilibrium is the opposite of gradualism. However, this is due to a misunderstanding of the definition of gradualism.