Use Gnaw in a sentence

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See also: Gnaw Gnawing Gnawed Gnawer At

1. Gnaw definition is - to bite or chew on with the teeth; especially : to wear away by persistent biting or nibbling


2. Bite, chew, nibble, munch Woodlice attack living plants and Gnaw at the stems


3. Distress, worry, trouble, harry, haunt, plague, nag, fret Doubts were already Gnawing away at the back of his mind


4. Erode, consume, devour, eat away or into, wear away or down This run of bad luck has Gnawed away at his usually optimistic character.


5. Verb (used with object), Gnawed, Gnawed or Gnawn, Gnaw·ing

Gnawed, Gnawn, Gnaw

6. To form or make by so doing: to Gnaw a hole …


7. Gnaw verb [I + prep, T] (BITE) to bite or chew something repeatedly, usually making a hole in it or gradually destroying it: Babies like to Gnaw hard objects when they're teething

Gnaw, Gradually

8. A dog lay under the table, Gnawing


9. Gnaw (38) IMDb 3.4 1 h 16 min 2009 18+ Six young twenty something friends escape to the British countryside for a well-earned weekend break


10. Gnaw A method to in which one shows affection or hunger by 'eating' another person, animals or various inanimate objects


11. Gnaw is a Typeless Melee Move introduced in Loomian Legacy - Veils of Shadow


12. The description for this move in each installment of Loomian Legacy is listed as follows: Gnaw can be taught to the following Loomians by the Move Reminder at the Colosseum …


13. I can't wait to try out Gnaw!(It seems that DS3 is using the DS1 bleeding system) Reply Replies (0) 3 +1


14. The Gnaw, also known as the Eternal Gnaw, is a creature exclusive to the The Gorge event

Gnaw, Gorge

15. The Gnaw demands to be fed by the residents of the Gorge, threatening them with mermification when not given enough food.

Gnaw, Gorge, Given

16. Gnaw (at) (someone's) vitals To greatly or deeply trouble someone; to affect in someone an intense feeling of anguish or despair

Gnaw, Greatly

17. Seeing the suffering of so many people overseas Gnawed at her vitals day and night, so she decided to join the Red Cross so she could finally help in some way


18. See also: Gnaw Gnaw (away) at (someone or something) 1


19. Bite, chew, nibble, munch Woodlice attack living plants and Gnaw at the stems


20. Distress, worry, trouble, harry, haunt, plague, nag, fret Doubts were already Gnawing away at the back of his mind


21. Erode, consume, devour, eat away or into, wear away or down This run of bad luck has Gnawed away at his usually optimistic character.


22. Gnaw - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums


23. Stats Health: 1350 (2376) Movement Speed: 7.76 Attack Type: Melee Role: Harasser Mobility: Balanced Gnaw [edit] Difficulty: Intermediate Development Name: Maw Type of abilities: Damage Over Time, Slow, Lifesteal, Amplify Damage, Weaken Release Date: August 22nd, 2012 Default skin


24. Default skin.(donated by Catti and Bowserslave) Bumble Gnaw


25. Bumble Gnaw.(donated by Catti and Bowserslave) Gnabot

Gnaw, Gnabot

26. Babies like to Gnaw hard objects when they're teething.


27. Find 47 ways to say Gnaw, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.


28. ‘Kellie, 14, bought herself a ring, and she says wearing it keeps her from Gnawing her nails.’ ‘As a rule, newscasts close with a brief on some animal with extraordinary skills - that day's feature was a parrot that Gnaws sugar cane and nibbles at melon seeds.’

Gnawing, Gnaws

29. What comes in a Gnaw Box? Each month Nature Gnaws will surprise your pup with at least 15-20 dog chews

Gnaw, Gnaws

30. Where are your chews sourced from? Nature Gnaws is a natural dog chew company with most of our products containing a single


31. 6 synonyms of Gnaw from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 11 related words, definitions, and antonyms


32. Gnaw: to consume or wear away gradually.

Gnaw, Gradually

33. #showtooltip Gnaw /click PetActionButtonX /click PetActionButtonY X=The number of pet bar button your Gnaw spell is set to


34. What it does: If you use it while your target is a enemy, it will command your Ghoul to Gnaw his/her/it's ribs off.

Ghoul, Gnaw

35. Gnaw /nɔː $ nɒː/ verb [ intransitive, transitive always + adverb/preposition] to keep biting something hard SYN chew Dexter Gnawed his pen thoughtfully.

Gnaw, Gnawed

36. "Gnaw" is a normal enemy in Arknights


37. An intelligent and playful frog/toad-like apparition spawned from one of Dusk's many magical paintings, Gnaws are an analogue to Reunion Soldiers, acting as the bread and butter of enemies faced throughout WR


38. Gnaws are able to take advantage of the Yin/Yang mechanic


39. Gnaw is an experimental drone / noise band from New York City, New York, United States formed in 2006 by Alan Dubin


40. Gnaw is a New York City noise/metal band created by Alan Dubin after the dissolution of Khanate and consisting of guitarist Brian Beatrice, multi-instrumentalist Carter Thornton, drummer Eric Neuser and sound designer Jun Mizumachi.

Gnaw, Guitarist

41. Gnaw comprises two 600-pound cubes – one of chocolate, the other of lard – and a three-paneled, mirrored cosmetic display case


42. To Gnaw through roer or carcomer haciendo un agujero en; to Gnaw at roer guilt Gnaws at me when I'm alone Hunger Gnawed at Frank's stomach these destructive and negative feelings can Gnaw away at you and prevent you from enjoying future relationships It is the irritations of everyday life, repeated over and over, that Gnaw away at our psyches

Gnaw, Guilt, Gnaws, Gnawed

43. Gnaw is a New York City noise band founded in 2006 by Alan Dubin (of OLD, Khanate), Carter Thornton (of Enos Slaughter and others), Jun Mizumachi (a former live member of Ike Yard) and drummer Jamie Sykes (of Burning Witch).Guitarist/sound designer Brian Beatrice and drummer Eric Neuser later joined the group

Gnaw, Guitarist, Group

44. Gnaw (away) at (someone or something) 1


45. The dog is just Gnawing away at his new bone, happy as can be.


46. Gnaw definition: If people or animals Gnaw something or Gnaw at it, they bite it repeatedly


47. What does Gnaw mean? To bite or chew persistently


48. (verb) The dog Gnawed at the bone.


49. The definition of Gnaw can sometimes be


50. The character is the song is basically combatting Gnaw


51. How to say Gnaw in English? Pronunciation of Gnaw with 2 audio pronunciations, 24 synonyms, 14 translations, 4 sentences and more for Gnaw.


52. Gnaw something The dog was Gnawing a bone

Gnaw, Gnawing

53. Gnaw through something Rats had Gnawed through the cable

Gnaw, Gnawed

54. Gnaw at/on something She Gnawed at her fingernails

Gnaw, Gnawed

55. Gnaw away at/on something (figurative) Self-doubt began to Gnaw away at her confidence.


56. So-called open-root teeth are common to animals that Gnaw, such as beavers.: I thought at first the sea might someday Gnaw through the narrow midsection of the island.: It's bad enough having to Gnaw on the inedible beef au jus and starchy carrot sticks.: He'd eat the lox and cream cheese, Gnaw on the bagel innards, and leave the bagel shells on the floor


57. Definition of Gnaw written for English Language Learners from the Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary with audio pronunciations, usage examples, and count/noncount noun labels.


58. Gnaw will describe more about himself when I can figure out a nice, practical summarization.


59. But in my case, the Oreos were likely to grow teeth and Gnaw my fingers off

Grow, Gnaw

60. But the story of Larry Freed 's ordeal with the property, now named the Sullivan Center, is the real-estate equivalent of the fox that had to Gnaw off its leg to escape a trap


61. Gnaw is a New York City noise band founded in 2006 by Alan Dubin, Carter Thornton, Jun Mizumachi and drummer Jamie Sykes


62. View an image of the artwork → Gnaw began life as a pair of large cubes, one of chocolate, one of lard, each weighing in at 600 pounds.In their final form, elevated on marble pedestals, the two blocks are visibly diminished.


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GNAW [nô]

  • › What is gnawing the food
  • › What does gnawing mean
  • › Gnaw definition for kids
  • › Gnaw meaning in germany
  • › Gnaw meaning in english

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the name Gnaw mean?

to bite or chew something repeatedly, usually making a hole in it or gradually destroying it.... Learn more.

What do you mean by Gnaw?

Gnaw(verb) to bite, as something hard or tough, which is not readily separated or crushed; to bite off little by little, with effort; to wear or eat away by scraping or continuous biting with the teeth; to nibble at. Gnaw(verb) to bite in agony or rage.

What is the meaning of Gnaw?

Definition of gnaw. transitive verb. 1a : to bite or chew on with the teeth especially : to wear away by persistent biting or nibbling a dog gnawing a bone.

What does the name gnawed mean?

gnaw. ( nɔː) vb, gnaws, gnawing, gnawed, gnawed or gnawn ( nɔːn) 1. (when: intr, often foll by at or upon) to bite (at) or chew (upon) constantly so as to wear away little by little. 2. ( tr) to form by gnawing: to gnaw a hole. 3. to cause erosion of (something)

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